Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Mistress has been working harder these last few months than she has for many years. Her new gig is challenging and demanding, but she seems to be enjoying it.  But it has cut into some time we might otherwise have for sexual hijinks.

That doesn't mean of course that we don't take the opportunities that present themselves.

Yesterday morning we didn't need to leave until 8:30, which gave us a little extra time between the sheets. After I worshipped her through her blog read, she taunted my yearning cock a bit before allowing me to take my own pleasure, all while the cats hovered over us, somehow wanting into the action.

On the way to work, Mistress had her boots up on the dash as she surfed through the 30 emails that had accumulated overnight.  "Take a shot of those boots, Mistress.... I think our readers would be amused."

"Of course, Slave...."

They are pretty provocative, aren't they?

She snapped her photo, and soon she was dropping me off at my office, before heading to hers.

It was a busy day for both of us, and we ended up scheduling dinner with some friends who had been out of town for a while.  But I made sure to fall to my knees and worship Mistress as a little appetizer in the brief interval at home before heading to a local restaurant.

At dinner we caught up with our friends. and one of them surprised me with the comment ....

"So are you still on the Lam...."

Oh, shit. Had these folks, vanilla friends, found out about our blog, and it's alternative location?

My eyes widened, and I glanced sideways to Mistress with a big "WTF" in my expression.

But I was relieved when it became clear that she was referring to Mistress's recent citation for jaywalking, not our "On the Lam" blog.

The thought of our vanilla friends studying our contract and Mistress's lush body here is still a little scary.

OK folks, I've not exactly entertained and amused here today, but it's another early curtain call here ath the Worlds HQ. I better get upstairs quickly before my window of opportunity closes.


  1. Never a dull moment for you two. I bet the adrenaline was coarsing through your body after "on the Lam" comment. Glad the coast is still clear. Carry-on M&M.


  2. Great boots! I like the wide laces--they almost look like they are ribbon laces!

  3. Those boots would definitely be a safety hazard here on the I-93 commute into Boston. Left on the dashboard for more than a few seconds would cause severe backups due to "rubbernecking."


  4. Gorgeous boots!!

    And yeah, that "on the lam" comment would have freaked out any of us! Glad it was benign.



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