Jay had disappeared from her life about 8 months ago, without any real explanation. It was annoying and inconsiderate, and a subject of conversation between us for a while. But then Mistress seemed to let it go, moving on to other things, including OK Cupid and JJ.
But then, after our return from Africa, the two talked a bit, and then had lunch last week.
"He apologized for disappearing slave. Said he was in a 'funk', and I was gone so much he just sort of gave up on me."
Jay has the burden of an aging Mom and a disabled son. So a "funk" was a credible explanation.
Now it was a more formal "date", an evening out together. But would there be more? On Thursday, as Mistress primped for him and I prepared some dinner to take over to my cute grandkids, we discussed contingencies.

"I really don't know, slave. Let's just see how it goes."
Jay was stopping by to pick Mistress up shortly after I left for my daughter's house. It occurred to me that there might be some "making out" going on in my living room as I helped set the dinner table and carved the roast chicken I had brought with me. Or maybe this would simply be a chaste visit? Were they shifting into a "just friends" mode?
While I was eating dinner with my grandkids, Mistress gave me a call.
"We're eating at [a restaurant in the neighborhood]. Why don't you stop by and have a drink with us on the way home? Oh.... and Jay's spending the night,,,,,,"
So it seemed Mistress and Jay had patched things up?
At the little neighborhood bistro where they were eating, I joined them over desert. We caught up for lost time, talked about our trip to Africa, and the latest crazy emitting from the White House. Then we headed back to our house.
Jay patiently suffered through my little slide show on our Kili adventure. Then Mistress hinted that it was time to retire to her "executive suite". I think she was looking forward to some "make up" sex, which is always the best, isn't it?
I had made my own contingency plan: before leaving I had made sure my laptop and kindle were already ready for me in our daughter's room. I did not want to interrupt them in flagrante. And as I drifted off to sleep, without Mistress to warm the bed, I could hear some rather loud and enthusiastic moans of sexual release emanating through the door of our bedroom, along with murmurs of animated conversation during the respites that they took from more active sexual engagement.
They clearly were back in a comfortable saddle, and making up for lost time.
Jay had said he was setting his alarm for 6 am, and I was prepared by then downstairs to make him some coffee. But it turned out that the two reunited lovebirds "slept in". It wasn't until 8 am that they emerged, looking a little rumpled, but satisfied. I made Jay that coffee, and soon he was on the way, but not without a lingering goodbye kiss.
Mistress allowed her slave to worship after Jay left, and I had a chance to savor all those intermingled juices that are left behind after a night in bed with your "side dish". But Mistress made clear that her slave would be experiencing an unscheduled "abstinence day".
"I think I've had more than enough sex for today slave....."
"Understood, Mistress."
Fortunately, I suspect Mistress will be more than ready for her slave's attention this morning.