Showing posts with label cuckolding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cuckolding. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: When the Cuck Is Making Dinner

 Back in River City, we would often entertain Mistress's lovers.  Occasionally we might interview a new "prospect", someone we might have found on one of the matchmaking sites. We'd all be sitting in our living room, the middle floor of our home there. Mistress and her potential "date" would sit on the couch together.

If things seemed to be going well, I would typically make myself scarce, head downstairs to our lower level kitchen and make us some dinner or snacks.  Dawdling was in the game plan. 

During these moments I'd imagine what might be happening upstairs.

Was Mistress smitten?  


Would the guy get all dominant and make a move?

How would Mistress respond?

It was a buzz, particularly if Mistress made sure that her work-a-day cock was under her lock and key.

Typically, not much happened on these initial get togethers. More often than not, the candidate fell short of  Mistress's discerning standards.

But a Cuck could only hope.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Cuckolding on TV-- "The Great"

If you are like Molly and mick, you have been watching more TV than normal during the COVID lockdown.  And when one dabbles in cuckolding it's worth sharing with our "vast"  fan base!

That's why wee are recommending this Hulu comedy, based very loosely on the life and times of Catherine the Great,  and so far focused on the arrival of the young Catherine from Germany as a match for a young Emperor.

Prior to his arranged marriage with Catherine, the Emperor is already deep into a cuckold relationship with his best friend's wife.  The couple shamelessly flaunt their affair before the  seemingly reluctant husband, and the three even appear to share a bed from time to time. (it's unclear whether there is any "fluffing" involved). Their relationship also seems to dabble in bondage and discipline.

And when it appears that the young Catherine, played by the lovely Elle Fanning, is not content at Court, the Emperor finds her  a  lover, who skillfully raises Catherine's morale with what is reputably a legendary cock.

So there are really two cuckolding relationships at the heart of the show: The Emperor is cuckolding his best friend; and Catherine is cuckolding the Emperor.   The tale, to the extent credible, shows the historical resonance of the cuckolding lifestyle.

Worth watching for those of you who (like us) suffering from your own cuckolding hiatuses due to the current public health calamity and the need for social distancing.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Making Him Feel Welcome

(Image Courtesy of Sara at Sara Girl's Sissy Confessions)

Before she arranged for her lover to make his first "house call" she made it clear what was expected.
"He wanted to meet you, slave..... The expectation is that you will be welcoming. No sulking.  Act like he's a regular house guest,  not someone here to fuck your wife. Then get lost when he sends that signal."

Sure, he wanted this.  But how awkward could this be?

"I get it, Mistress.  I'll behave."

When the doorbell rang at the appointed hour she was still putting finishing touches on her make up.

"Why don't you let him in, slave....."

Arggh.  It was one thing to step aside and let someone take your wife "off premises".  It was another thing to be the accommodating host.  Would there be small talk, when the elephant in the room would be his cock and where it would be headed before the hour was up?

Their initial handshake was.... awkward. He was as advertised.  Taller than Mick. A bit beefier.  Like  Mistress liked her "side dishes". Mick showed her lover into the living room, and took his drink order.  It seemed that his Mistress was taking her time  to come down to break the ice.  Was this torture intended?  No doubt.

She finally made her entrance, drawing his  appraising eye over lush and barely concealed curves.  Was she really just in a tiny nightie, not even bothering with a dress or jeans?  Mick raised an eyebrow.  She just smiled, strutting her stuff into a welcoming and intimate embrace, his hand lingering on her ass as they shared a deep kiss. Mick backed away,  beating  a hasty retreat to their kitchen. Preparing beverages - vodka and tonic for her.  Scotch poured over some ice for him. Mick poured himself some red wine.

 Mick served them drinks as they sat on the couch together, his hand possessively stroking her thigh, up to the hem of her slinky lingerie.   The only mystery was whether Mistress had bothered with panties.

The three of them made small talk  for about 10 minutes- the weather, the latest Washington scandal, prospects for the local, always dreadful NFL team.

Then he was dismissed.

"It was nice to finally meet you Mick......but your wife and I have catching up to do in private...."

Time to "get lost".....

He was already looking forward to her after action report and the chance to use his tongue to soothe well her sure to be well used folds.  If he was lucky, she might even unlock him before bedtime.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Cuckolding in the Age of Covid-19?

Our here in the high desert we have plenty of opportunities for social distancing.  Long bike rides with only a few cars driving by, and precious few pedestrians.  A hike yesterday along the rim of a stunningly deep gorge, where we encountered only a hand full of fellow hikers, nodding hello from more than 6 feet away, ear buds distracting them.  And this morning, this old slave is going to take advantage of "senior hour" at the local grocery to stock up on provisions.

While we have plenty of friends out here, and typically are thigh deep in social engagements, no one is reaching out even for small group get togethers.  Mistress had a lady friend over to talk about the fate of the lady's small business earlier this week while I ventured into town on a brief expedition.  That's about it.

Frankly, I think most of our friends out here are taking this whole social distancing thing very, very seriously.  Restaurants are shuttered other than for take-out. And social media suggests that most homes are pretty locked down too.  No more party central here in our little town.

But tonight we do have a friend joining us for dinner.  His name is Craig, a tall, handsome writer we met several years back on a ski lift,  who has become part of our social circle.  Craig lives by himself at a dead ski resort with very few neighbors.  Definitely socially isolated. Apparently Craig is not so cowed by Covid-19 that he will turn down a dinner invite in these bleak times.

Over those years we have bantered on the blog and betwixt ourselves about whether Craig is a suitable candidate for acuckolding "Bull". Physically he matches Mistress's preferences: taller and bulkier than her slave (I'm 5'11"", 190 or so).  Mentally agile. But we have concluded he may be a tad too "goofy", and fits more into our "friend zone" than a "cuckolding zone".  Once you propose that part of our friendship could be fucking the wife, well, there's no going back to just hanging out,  joshing, going for a hike, or  sharing some weed!

So Craig will be over tonight. Since he lives about an hour north of here, and we all may over indulge,  Mistress invited him to spend the night rather than drive all the way home. He's done it before.  Or he may take a pass.  Who knows?

I doubt anything kinky will happen.  Probably just some drinks, lots of laughs, appetizers and dinner. We might go "one toke over the line".  But that doesn't mean that, after "lights out", Mistress will sneak out of out bed once lights are out to join Craig in his.  Does it?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Update from River City

Mistress and slave are back in River City, in a transition phase.

We are packing up our things (way too many things!) and getting ready to downsize to a local apartment building. We hope that a year from now we will be full timing it at our SW hideaway.  There's been some groaning from our daughters about this.... they don't like the idea that feeling there is no homestead where they can occasionally return and keep all the stuff they've had no use for in years.  But they can visit us in the West can't they?

These last two weeks, our daughter who's been "studying" in Europe has camped out with us. along with her European boyfriend.  He's a clever guy, and they seem to get along well. But their occupation of the adjoining bedroom has required Mistress and her slave to resort to stealthier sexual practices than we prefer.

That means stifling our sounds of passion, and keeping the buzzing sounds of Mistress's favorite power tool at bay.

And though we've been laying low on this blog site for some weeks now, I was surprised to discover that some of you are still reading us!  The internal tools here show that we still get several thousand page views each week, mostly from the US, but also from "the continent" and Asia as well.  Not sure what has kept people dropping by, but it makes me feel a little guilty that we've done nothing to fuel your sexual fantasies of late.

But after we make our move to our new local digs, we may be able to improve on that.  We recently had an overture from a local gentleman via the Collarspace website interested in a meet up.  We will have to see if Molly is ready to get back in the water and interview this potential cuckolder.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

House Showing

Miss us?

We've been laying low here in the cold, damp River City winter. After about 3 weeks at our SW hideaway for the holidays, work obligations forced us back here for fun times with polar vortexes and, now, endless gloom and rain. Yuck.

Which may explain why our old house here is on the market. Mistress and her slave are hoping to shift our base of operations out west in the year to come, and getting rid of an 120 yr. old home here is the first step.

But why would readers of our blog about male submission and cuckolding care about a home sale?

Let me explain.

We've been on a bit of a cold spell when it comes to finding Mistress a "side dish".  We gave up on OK Cupid a while ago, after a long spell of less then compelling suitors. Mistress did have lunch with her old stand by Jay last week, and it seems he is interested in resuming their "affair".  But Jay has a tendency to disappear on Mistress for no apparent reason, usually because he can't handle the notion of sharing her with her sub-hubby. Mistress is undecided on whether to reopen that door.

So fast forward to Sunday afternoon.  Mistress and slave were lolling in bed with the Times, after a brisk morning bike ride in sub-freezing temps and flurrying snow.

Our front bell rang. Slave still had his pants on, so I was the one who trundled down the stairs to open the door.

Outside, in accumulating snow was a tall,  slender fellow.  He introduced himself as a tenant in the large house next door, who saw our "for sale" sign, and wanted to arrange for a showing.  His name was Carlos and it turns out he teaches Spanish at the nearby University.

After consulting with Mistress, (who remained in bed), we arranged for Carlos to come by at 4 pm on Monday.  Mistress would show him the house.

When I arrived home from work on Monday afternoon, Mistress had some positive news..... and reviews.

"He seems very interested, slave.  Loved the house. Turns out he's recently divorced, and needs a larger place than his current apartment, so his teenaged daughters can sleep over from time to time....."

As Mistress went on it became apparent that the interest was mutual.

"He knows [a parent of one of our daughter's best friends], who teaches in the same department at the University.....I loved that accent....about my age, he's originally from the Basque region of Spain....."

"Did you tell him we've been there, Mistress?"

"Of course.  I also showed him where we hide the key in case he wants to come back and look again when we're out....."

Clearly, Mistress is the trusting type. At least for certain types of guys.

Ad she continued gushing.

"He's about my age..... what a shame we didn't meet him sooner.  He's definitely my type, slave.  About my age.  and kind of hot....."

"If only...."

"But I guess we can't do anything about it now, at least until we work out whether he wants to buy our house."

"I suppose so Mistress....I can give you his email, in case you want to arrange for a more intimate follow up  showing......"

"Hmmm...... I'm sure he'll want to come back for another look, slave....."

Apparently Mistress's bucket list includes a Latin Lover. Who knew?

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The WC Takes Charge

Our day started with cage in the hard steel ring that serves as a "seat' for my cock cage. Mistress had the benefit of a particular solid cock for her morning fucking, but only after some persistent oral servicing.

After both Mistress and slave were satisfied, the cage was secured and the key tucked away on Mistress's dresser. It was then time to head to our second session with a tag team of therapists to help us work through our current "troubles".

As we waited in their rather spartan waiting room, I had to tease Mistress a bit.

"Should I mention that more cage time and cropping are part of our recovery therapy, Mistress."

"There's no reason to go there, slave", Mistress scolded.

"How about the whole cuckolding thing?"

"That would only distract them from the real problem here, slave..... which is your deception of me."

"Understood, Mistress. But won't they think it's weird if I squirm too much because of this cage?"

"They'll probably just think your nervous, as you should be!"

Of course, slave had no intention to raise any of those issues. And the session proceeded pretty much as the first one harm done, and hopefully a little progress in my effort to reassure Mistress of my unwavering loyalty.

After that session we were off to work. When I returned home, Mistress gave me a parole from my cage so I could finally get some exercise on my bike after too many days on the road and with nasty weather.

When I returned, there was some more worship before dinner.  But Mistress had a couple of revelations:

1. She had gotten a message from her old college boyfriend (the guy who was into bondage) who is going to be in town today for a while. He wants to meet her for a little reunion. Mistress seems inclined to pencil him into her busy schedule.

"So what's going to happen there, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm..... he's married know how I feel about that....."

"But what if long lost love sparks start flying. Could you resist?"

"I guess we'll find out, slave....."

2. Mistress had been in touch with the WC about how her slave should be punished.

"He sent me a text he said he wants you to share slave.....He says "cropping every day. And only two orgasms / week. And of course, daily in the cage....."

"I can deal with the cropping and the cage Mistress.  But only twice a week?  Won't you miss my cock, at least until you find a suitable replacement? "

"I suppose I would slave..... but I can just tell you not to cum, can't I?"

Gee, thanks, WC.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Mistress Cracks Down

Apologies, dear readers,  for not being more diligent with our postings here.  Mistress and Slave have been on holiday for the last three weeks, and our daily skiing and sex routines made the time go pretty quickly and without incident.....until last Monday.

It was Monday, 6 long days ago,  that Mistress discovered that her husband had been an idiot. I had been  communicating with someone she had asked me to cut off from contract several years back.  No, slave was not "cheating" in any physical sense. But Mistress rightfully concluded that I had been dishonest with her. We've spent the last week putting things back together, with slave humbly making every effort to get back into Mistress's good graces.

We've also had some very hot and frequent "make up sex", which is the best kind, isn't it?

One thing is clear, Mistress will have no patience for back sliding by her slave and has laid into my ass on a daily basis with a belt she gifted me from one of her trips to Africa.  That sort of daily punishment has been therapeutic for both of us.

She's also laid down some more rules that involve much more frequent cage time.

"You're wearing the cage every day when not in my presence, slave....."


As for cuckolding, well that may be handled differently.

"From now on, you're not going to be involved if I decide to have sex with someone else, slave...."

"How do you mean, Mistress?."

"I'm not necessarily going to tell you,  is what I mean.  Maybe there will be nights when I just don't come home....."


She's also been speculating on who to have sex with, with an eye to someone who I would find particularly humiliating.....

"Maybe M, your former law partner slave.....I think he's always fancied me.  Plus he's taller than you. Bigger hands might mean a bigger cock....I might find yours no longer so appealing."

Rest assured much of  this talk has occurred between the sheets, and fueled some rather intense fucking these last few days.

Mistress has also been in consultation with our Western Correspondent, who seems to have played a moderating influence on her wrath.  WC, maybe you should contribute some thoughts on how Mistress should discipline her slave in the months to come?

With this crack down in effect, I suspect there will be some more "blog-worthy" moments to share with our readers in the weeks to come.

So there's that.....

Sunday, January 28, 2018

When CNN Writes About Cuckolding, Does That Make it "Fake News"?

For those of us bitten by the "cuckolding bug", there is a certain validation when the mainstream media (MSM?) starts writing about it, and even endorsing it as a main stream kink (MSK?). But when CNN - POTUS's 'fake news" boogychannel - is doing that sort of reporting, what are we to think?

Last week CNN posted a story titled Cuckolding Can Be Positive for Some Couples, Study Finds. No doubt some heads exploded, maybe even in the White House.

The article was triggered by a study that focused on cuckolding again gay men, but includes what amounts to a green light for those of us enticed by the fantasy of our spouse in the arms of another.  In fact, the article, suggests that "acting on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound."


·        Here are some highlights from this "breaking news" reporting from the President's least favorite "news" outlet:

(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner. 
But, according to a recent study by David Ley, Justin Lehmiller and the writer Dan Savage, acting on cuckolding fantasies can be a largely positive experience for many couples, and hardly a sign of weakness.
References to cuckolding appear in literature as early as the 13th century, usually in the form of male characters who fear that their child has been sired by another man during an act of infidelity. Today, however, cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some men, who get aroused by the idea of their romantic partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else. Women also share this fantasy, but less so than men. 
"This fantasy has been around as long as marriage and sexuality," said Ley, whose book "Insatiable Wives" addresses cuckolding in heterosexual couples. "But we're hearing more and more about it these days, and more people are rejecting the social stigma against this fantasy."

Indeed, the numbers suggest that cuckolding, or at least thinking about it, is more common than you might imagine. For his forthcoming book, "Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help Improve Your Sex Life," Lehmiller surveyed thousands of Americans and found that 58% of men and about a third of women had fantasized about cuckolding. 

Of course this raises a question: if women are also fantasizing about cuckolding, is the fantasy about their male partner having sex with another woman; or about them having sex with another guy, with the knowledge of their husband?  Now that's an issue for CNN to follow up on.

Top of Form


The article also focuses on the root causes of the cuckold fantasy:

And the emotions surrounding seeing your partner with someone else can add to the turn-on, explained Savage. "It's not cuckolding if there isn't an element of humiliation, degradation or denial," he said. "Our erotic imaginations have the ability to turn shame lemons into delicious kink lemonade."

Of course, the article is not a total green light for married ladies to go in search of a lover to fulfill their husband's (or their own) cuckolding fantasies. It can be positive, but not for the faint of heart - or insecure:

As a sex therapist, one of the more intriguing findings from this study involves the impact of cuckolding on relationships. 
"Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behavior," said Ley. "It doesn't appear to be evidence of disturbance, of an unhealthy relationship, or of disregard for one's partner." But there's an important caveat, added Lehmiller. "We found several personality factors that predict more positive experiences acting on cuckolding fantasies. For those who have a lot of relationship anxiety or abandonment issues, who lack intimacy and communication, and who aren't careful, detail-oriented planners, acting on a consensual non-monogamy fantasy could very well be a negative experience," he said. "In other words, not everyone who has a cuckolding fantasy should think about acting on it."

One has to wonder whether the cuckolding fantasy has taken root in the "residence" at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Could it be that Melania actually gets off on those stories about her husband paying off porn stars?  Or, on the other hand, did Melania pass on that trip to Davos so she had some privacy to cavort with her tennis instructor at Mara Lago? 

Maybe CNN can turn their investigative reporters loose on that story line.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cuckolding Comes to Netflix

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we have been getting ready for the holidays. Two daughters (and a prospective son in law) are headed here by the end of the week. The tree is trimmed, and the presents are wrapped. The only downside is that Mistress and slave will have to go into "stealth mode" when it comes to our daily couplings once our daughters are back in residence.

Mistress was hoping that before our girls arrived there might be one more opportunity for some extramarital fun with her one and off lover, Jay.

"Jay seems to be pulling another disappearing act, slave...."

"Here we go again....."

Unfortunately, Jay seems uncomfortable as a "role player" in our little threesome. He seems to resent "sharing" Mistress, and therefore pulls these occasional sulking routines. I suppose that means we will need to go "christmas shopping" again for another lover for Mistress. Sadly, our conventional avenues seem to have dried up.  The OK Cupid candidates were pretty mediocre this time around. And all the would be "doms" on Collarspace seems to be height challenged, married, or both.

But at least we found a little video inspiration over the weekend. We have been plowing through episodes of "The Crown", the Netflix series documenting the reign of Britain's current Queen.  She and her hubby Phillip are as dry as a cactus in the Mojave desert. It makes you wonder about the viability of virgin births in the royal family.

But then the attention passes to Margaret, the younger and darker sister, who clearly had appetites that her more dutiful older sister was spared.

As season two unfolds, she's hooked up with an artsy photographer named Tony, who seduces her with his lenses, motorcycle and snappy uppercrust patter.

But what Margaret doesn't know before their posh wedding at Westminster Abbey is that Tony has more "catholic" tastes, including a hot oriental dancer, and a couple he cavorts when Margaret is tending to her princessly duties. The plot twist is that Tony appears to be the "Bull" in the threeway dynamic, and apparently impregnated the pretty blonde wife on the eve of the big royal wedding. Horrors!

Considering how boring the Queen and her Prince have become as they age in Buckingham Palace, I for one am hoping that the series focuses more of its attention on Margaret, Tony and his assorted lovers in the final episodes this season.

Better yet, maybe they deserve a spin-off series. Sort of like "The Mary Tyler Moore" show begat "Rhoda" and ""Lou Grant", but with more three-ways. If so, that will help Mistress and slave make it through the current cuckolding dry spell.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Cuckold Sleepover (Cont'd)

Sorry for that cuckolding cliffhanger! (Cuckhanger?)

So where were we?

When we left off, slave was in his cock cage. My caged plight  had been  disclosed with a teasing grin by Mistress to JJ, her new lover.  She sat beside him on the couch, barely clothed in that black nightie, sans undies. His  hands were roaming along her firm and muscular thighs, nipping at her clean shaven folds.

Mistress had brazenly accepted JJ's invitation to suck what was the biggest damn cock slave has ever seen as I sat there, agape. But she had turned down JJ's invitation to ride his cock on the couch as I looked on, preferring the more discrete confines of our bedroom.

Slave felt a little relieved. And, yes, a little disappointed not to be allowed to enjoy that "show".

They went upstairs. Slave washed up the plates that had born some fruit, cheese and crackers for our light pre-play dinner. Then my plan was to hunker down in the living room with my laptop, close enough to hear some of the action, but not so close as to distract or annoy.

But there was one problem..... I had moved my laptop to our daughter's room, across the hall from the "Executive Suite" where Mistress already had retired for the evening with her new lover. From the floor below, I could hear the sounds of some robust fucking emerging from the bedroom.  I figured they were too busy to hear me creeping about outside their door. I softly crept up the stairs, planning to discretely grab my laptop and go back downstairs.

But there was one problem with my stealth strategy. On prior occasions when Mistress hosted a lover in our bed, she would discretely close the door. But whether she forgot because of her fixation on that huge cock, or whether JJ had affirmatively restrained her impulse for some privacy, the door to our room was wide open as I topped the stairs and tip-toed into our daughter's room.

Oops.  There, lit by the ambient light from outside our window,  was the larger mass of JJ, mounting Mistress, and thrusting with mucho gusto. His thrusts were  producing those moans of passion coming from my wife.  I was tempted to linger and observe, but my sense of propriety had me grabbing that lap top and hustling back downstairs. I didn't want to come off as  some creepy  peeping Mick.

Back downstairs, I was serenaded for the seconds night in three with the intermittent sounds of aggressive fucking and quiet indiscernible conversation. By around 10:30, slave was getting tired, so I headed back upstairs. The two lovebirds were in a chat cycle, so I said "good night", quickly closing the bedroom door behind me. But JJ generously yelled out, "keep the door open, Mick..... that way you can at least listen in."

Disregarding orders, I closed the door, so that the light I was reading by would not distract the two fuckbirds.  But when I turned out the lights about 30 minutes later, I succumbed to the temptation to open the door, listening as their cycle of fucking and chat continued on until I nodded off, maybe at around mid nite.  I do recall some slapping sounds that sounded like he was spanking Mistress. Later, sometime after midnight,  Mistress came in to check on me, a delighted smile on her face, but no key in her hand to spring my cock free.  It would be the first night in several years that I spent the entire night in my cage.

JJ must have had an early engagement, so slipped out a little after 6 am. At that point Mistress retrieved her slave, and sprung me loose. We cuddled for a bit, her nodding off.  And slave was allowed to taste the remnants of her overnight visit.  But no fucking for me for the 2nd day in a row:

"I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until tomorrow, slave......way too tender right now."

She confirmed that there was some spanking involved, in addition to a variety of positions for more traditional couplings. "I was riding his cock and he was spanking me, slave.  It hurt some, but it was also kind of hot....."

Soon I was deep into my day, picking up grandkids, and also doing some client work.  But Mistress confirmed later in the afternoon that she had been texting with JJ, handing me her phone. The gist of it was his confirmation that he enjoyed the prospect of more opportunities for fucking his "cum slut  and cuckolding  Mick....." She reminded him when she'd be back in town ( about three weeks hence for a couple of days) and a request that he keep his calendar open.

Mistress was certainly tired after a late and very active night. By late afternoon we met up at our swim club and soon she was snoozing in the sun.  Her tanned, lush body was too tempting, so I snapped the photo above and texted it to JJ.

"It's Mick. Enjoyed having you over last night. As you can see, you wore Mistress Molly out."

"Mmmmm. Love it. Did you enjoy hearing your wife take my cock so deeply?

"Yes. It was muy caliente."

Today Mistress and slave are heading west. And while the cuckolding action will be on hold for the next few weeks, at least slave will be getting more than his fair share of fucking, heated for both of us by the memory of Mistress's new lover and the prospects of further adventures to come.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Slave Finds Mistress A Potential Suitor On the Mountain

Recently Mike, our on again, off again Western Correspondent (should we call him a "stringer" now?) suggested that we might be better off looking for a local "Ski Bum" to satisfy Mistress's need for a little extra sexual attention on our long trips west.

Surely there are guys up on the mountain who wouldn't mind cuckolding old Mick and taking advantage of Mistress's lush, demanding body?

Well, for the most part, the ski bums here in our little corner of the Rockies are an unkempt lot. Think a guy with an untrimmed beard and ponytail, duct tape holding together his ski gloves, who hasn't showered for a week because he sleeps in a van in the ski mountain parking lot to make sure he doesn't miss any of that that early AM powder.

This is not Vail or Aspen, where the "ski bums" are the sons of hedge fund managers or Silicon Valley Barons, with slope side condos to retreat to  after their ski valet stores their skis and boots until morning.

But once in a while you do run into a potential candidate on the mountain. About two weeks ago we shared a lift with a novelist  (let's call him Dirk) who lives an hour north of here, high on an abandoned ski resort.  He seemed interesting, and we shared information, and actually found him on Amazon. We talked about getting together again on the mountain, and although we traded a few texts (I cleverly gave him Mistress's cell number to contact us), we did not "hook up" until yesterday.

It was a blustery snow day on the mountain. Mistress took a few runs and retreated to a fire side lounge at the base, while slave added to his run count.  As I boarded a lift after a run through the trees,  who pops up on the chair next to me next to me but Dirk.  We chatted on the ride up, took 2 more runs together, and I then declared my plan to go meet Molly at the base and take her home for lunch.

"I'll go down with you and say hello."

Mistress was a little surprised that I had Dirk in tow when I found her warming at fireside in her foxy, form fitting black  ski wear. We chatted a bit, then I left the two of them alone with the pretext that I had to change out of my ski boots before heading home.

When I returned, Mistress and Dirk were sitting side by side on a little couch in front of the fire, looking very cozy.  We all talked twenty minutes more, then I took my "matchmaking" thing a little farther.

"If you want, stop by our house for some coffee on your way down the mountain."

He was interested, and we made sure he had our address. He even said he noticed our black Subaru pulling out of our drive on the way up the canyon, so knew exactly where we were located.

Dirk did stop by. I lit a fire, made some coffee. Mistress was stretched out on our couch when he arrived, reading her kindle.  He stayed for more than two hours, and we traded opinions and stories on politics, books, and movies. (He has been an extra in several movies filmed in these parts and had amusing tales about famous and not so famous actors and directors).  He had some interesting (if far out) theories on the Kennedy Assassination and UFO's. But then this is crazy country!

Finally, he took his leave, but not before commenting "I like you guys! You're interesting."

He's divorced, and shared some interesting opinions on how most of the local ladies are a little too . . . . how shall we say it . . . flannel shirty ..... for his taste. He clearly is looking.  And he prefers a woman who shaves her legs and wears a little make-up to a lady lumber jack.

Mistress clearly falls into the former camp. (In fact, as is well known to our readers, she shaves more than just her legs!)

So what happens next?

"He's interesting slave.  But how do you broach the subject that I am "available". Won't he think that's a little weird?"

Well that is the problem, isn't it?

SO dear readers.... you help us make the call.  How does one introduce the concept of consensual cuckoldry to a guy like Dirk?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Making America Safe For Cuckolding Again

Mistress was getting ready for her first real "date" with her prospective side-dish when I got home from work last night.  I took particular pride in the fact that she chose some saucy turquoise undies I got her for Christmas last year.  The potential unveiling of her assets that John had proposed via text in Wednesday night were clearly on her mind.

And while I was tempted to offer to worship before she left for their rendezvous at his apartment, the downside would have been tempering the sexual edge that no likely had been building over the prospects of a first encounter with a new lover.

There was one snafu.  The plan was to meet at his place at around 6 pm, but there was an unanticipated delay. John was tied up in traffic on his way home. A certain pussy grabbing white supremacist was in town to soak in the adulation from the throngs, and his motorcade had locked up traffic throughout our typically sedate burg.  He was Making America Stuck in Traffic Again, and also getting in the way of some hot cuckolding sex!

Has he no shame?

Of course, we know the answer to that question.

But while the passion of the two recently acquainted love birds was delayed by our new Leader, it was not to be  denied.

Mistress left about 30 minutes after she had originally planned, and reported to me via text about 30 minutes later that she had arrived safely, despite horrific traffic. Of course, I had the coordinates of her encounter in case she "disappeared". Making dinner and catching up on Westworld and the news took up my evening. And at around 10 pm or so I texted her to make sure all was OK.  She responded a bit later that she was on her way home.

I did not get a fill debrief as we settled into bed.  Mistress was clearly tired.

"You can have a taste slave....but I don't need another orgasm. I think my body has had enough for tonight.."

You can be assured that I took her up on her offer, sampling the sweet, creamy mixture of juices that were the remnants of her date night.  I'm hoping that her body will have recovered in time for Friday morning wake-up sex.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cuckolding Cums to PBS?!?

Mistress and slave have slowly re-entered the ugly brew of post-election recriminating here in the states. It's a pretty toxic mix when combined with jet lag and the sagging fortunes of one's local NFL team.  It means you spend a lot of time in bed, and avoiding the hard news sections of the papers or CNN all together.

The upside is that there's more time for sex. On Sunday we actually had a two-fer: with some robust use of Mistress's favorite power tool and some cock riding in the morning, followed by some more conventional worship and fucking in the late afternoon.

Sadly, the election has had some unexpected fallout for Mistress's side-dish hanky panky.

"I tried to get Jay interested in a little birthday action this week, slave....but he says he's not talking to his mother because of the election and now he has no one to watch his kid!"

(Jay voted for Clinton. Apparently his Mom voted for Trump, reversing the gender stereotype that the polls had predicted).

This sounds like a bad episode of "All in the Family", doesn't it?

With Mistress left to only her slave's work-a-day cock for solace, we found some amusement by catching up on some episodes of "Indian Summers" on Masterpiece theatre, which has two separate cross- racial cuckolding themes going this season ---- clearly it's not your grandmother's PBS anymore.

On the one hand we have your aspiring young Indian bureaucrat - dabbling with both the independence movement and the wife of some creepy and sadistic English dude who has a skinny moustache and plays the ukulele.

The husband does not actually know much about his wife's idealistic and earnest side-dish until the two lovebirds try to go on the lam to Australia.

Here is a picture of cuckolded husband # 1.  Any guy who wears an ascot all the time deserves to be cuckolded. right?

In the meantime, another more intriguing cuckold situation broke out involving the ambitious, aspiring English Viceroy wannabe, and his oddly foxy American wife.

The husband needs the political support of some Indian "royal" for his scheme to give the Indian people some sort of "democracy light". But the Majarajah, who controls some small corner of the country, doesn't like the idea of giving up any of his power, But he proposes a deal:

"Give me your wife for the night, and I can find my way to support your plan....."  On the left is the English twit and his wife before the deal goes down.

The Majarajah, an older and supercilious fellow,  has several wives. And one of them - an Australian - is there and apparently all in on the transaction proposed.

The aspiring Viceroy acts "shocked, shocked" about such an "outrageous" proposition, but finds his way to explaining it to his wife. The wife though .... seems intrigued. As the evening develops, she makes it clear to both the Majarahah and his wife that she is "available" as consideration for this political bargain, particularly after the old Indian royal throws in some flashy jewels he wraps around her neck like a collar over dinner.

Of course, this is "Masterpiece",  so there is no actual footage of the Majarajah collecting his prize... just the sounds of the wife's moans of passion heard through the bedroom door by the cuckolded husband.

Allister Cook must be rolling over in his posh, mahogany  grave somewhere.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Getaway Boat Available

Mistress and Slave made it back to River City Friday evening. It was a long travel day, made even longer by the dread of returning from our idyllic holiday to a land where our next President is an ancient, bigoted blowhard who brags about groping the ladies and not paying taxes.

So we are still trying to focus on the other things that can make life entertaining. There was some bracing wake up sex in Mistress’s executive suite Saturday morning, a robust bike ride before noon, and then some catching up with family and work before an evening at home, catching up on “Indian Summer” while Mistress allowed me to fondle her to another end – of – day cum.

On the cuckolding front, I have continued to maintain Mistress’s AM account while over seas, being fairly brutal with eliminating pretenders from a tiny portion of actual contenders.  For every one potential candidate, there are about 20 guys like the “gentleman” below, who clearly had trouble passing his 6th grade grammar and spelling test:

 hello im divorced 4 years . im a granpaw of 3 , lLove boating , racing and playing in my hot rods . im well endowed , love sex , had vasectomy and can go for hours , if u like it quick and easy , dont contact me ! i need a woman with stamina that can rock my boat ,my kids are grown , I rent my houses to my kids and live on my huge houseboat docked in Cincinnati , love the Marina life , when I want go fast I jump in my speed boat parked outside my patio door in Marina

While this “boating enthusiast”  may not be at the top of Mistress’s dance care, at least we know who to contact if we need a quick get-a-way boat should President Trump’s new deportation force comes knocking.  It may take a village to survive the next four years.

And if he have to go into hiding for a while until this passes, maybe he can lend us a spare compartment in that "house boat" of his at the marina.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cuckolding In the News

Mistress and slave have had a rather low key weekend so far here in River City. Friday involved dinner at home and an evening at a local jazz club, where my lovely Mistress caught more than a few eyes. In an odd coincidence she ran into a woman who was an underclassman at her small liberal arts college. I wasn’t flattering when I whispered that Mistress looked much younger than her supposedly younger friend.

Saturday I spent the morning with a cute grandson, and returned around 1 pm for an afternoon in bed….both of us needed the R&R. And we were thrilled to dodge a dreaded bullet. The couple who insisted we join them for dinner and a night at the symphony cancelled!!

(Happy dance from Mick, who is not much of a classical music buff!)

That left our evening open for a movie and a stop at Mistress’s favorite ice cream parlor, just a short walk up the street. Much more relaxing!

But today’s blog is not about Mick avoiding Segovia and dinner at a dreary country club. It’s about one of our little fascinations here at UCTMW – the science behind cuckolding!  And an article in yesterday’s NY Times shed some historical light on the phenomenon under the headline: “(Fathered by the Mailman?#55FFFE)  Fathered By the Mailman? Mostly an Urban Legend.”

It turns out some crackerjack scientists have done some intensive DNA and genealogical studies and discovered that the likelihood that someone else fathered a guy’s child are actually pretty low:

“In a commentary in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Dr. Larmuseau and his colleagues argue that it’s long past time to toss out frequent cuckoldry as a myth. Studies relying on different methods in different cultures all point to cuckoldry rates of less than 1%.”

Apparently that’s not only true in the more “civilized” world, but also in less “developed” societies. (the difference is apparently based on the frequency in  neighborhoods with fast food restaurants and obese people). The tell is us pathetic human males have rather lazy sperm --

Beverly I. Strassmann, a University of Michigan anthropologist who gathered the data on paternity rates in Mali, agreed that widespread cuckoldry “was an urban legend. It seemed to have a life of its own.”
The evidence of low rates of cuckoldry comes not just from gene studies, she noted. In species where females mate with many males, the males tend to evolve sperm that are good at competing for fertilization. The males may produce large amounts of sperm, for example, and a high percentage swim well.
Humans, however, don’t rate in the sperm department.
“It’s of amazingly low quality,” Dr. Strassmann said. “Half the sperm can be duds; they can have two heads; they can be defective in all sorts of ways.”
The only way for men to have evolved comparatively ineffectual sperm, she added, was for them to have experienced high rates of paternity over time.

I’m having trouble getting my head around what my lazy, ineffectual, two headed sperm have to do with the likelihood that someone else is having fun with my wife.  Maybe one of our commenters can explain that to me. 

But I digress.  The more interesting factoid is that some human communities are more inclined to  cuckolding than others:

It’s not that widespread cuckoldry doesn’t exist in some cultures, Dr. Larmuseau said. Some South American tribes with high rates share a belief that more than one man can contribute to the formation of a fetus.

But Dr. Larmuseau suspects that these populations are the exception, not the rule. Humans have evolved to avoid cuckoldry, he said, because of our peculiar biology.
Human infants are born quite helpless, compared with the newborns of other animals, and they need a lot of food over a long period to fuel the growth of their calorie-hungry brains. Mothers needed fathers to help find the food.
“Babies really need good investment from the fathers,” Dr. Larmuseau said, “and the paternity has to be very sure in order for them to make those investments.”ckoldry rates of about 1 percent.

Of course, all of this is based on history, not the evolution of community values in the 21st Century. And it relates to reproduction, not recreational sex!  While the rate of cuckoldry may have been historically low for women in their child bearing years, it says little about women of a certain age who, like Mistress, have the occasional  itch for a little sexual variety that just needs to be scratched. Or husbands who get a strange thrill when their wives grab for a little extra gusto via a sidedish.

We may need some more social science research to get to the bottom of this phenomenon.