Showing posts with label spring snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring snow. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Slave Has a "Tell".

One Day Mistress is out on the patio, nakedly sucking up rays. The next morning, there is a foot of new snow on the ground, as reports of spring's arrival are debunked by mother nature. The wet spring snow did not mix well with the local primitive power grid, leaving us in the dark for several hours here in our little hideaway.  Even the local ski valley was shut down because of avalanche risks.

But at least it gave us an excuse for some two-a-day sexual stylings before we headed to the airport to pick up Domme in Training #2.

There was our typical wake-up sex, that featured Mistress riding her slave's eager cock for a cum or two.  And after an early afternoon nap (much needed after I did my "field slave" duty of shoveling all that sodden, heavy snow to clear our driveway), there was an unexpected round two.  It developed this way:

"Worship, Mistress?"

"Certainly, slave...."

As I climbed back onto the bed, I slipped out of my undies. Which raised a Mistress eyebrow.

"Are we having sex again?"

"Hmmmm...... I guess I was considering it", I responded.  "How did you know?"

"When you are just planning to worship, you keep your underwear on....."

Apparently slave has a tell I hadn't been aware of.

In any event, after tonguing Mistress to a satisfying end, slave asked permission to move onto the 2nd course.  Fortunately, Mistress was very indulgent.