But before we move on, I suspect some of our readers are wondering.... WTF happened that left Mistress ridden hard and put up wet?
Let's pick up where we left off.....
Tuesday started with some enthusiastic wake up sex in Mistress's executive suite, as Mike and Lucy slept in. Fortunately for me, Mike had not imposed another "orgasm embargo". Then there was coffee, breakfast around our picnic table on the patio, and a trip into our quaint little town for some shopping, a museum, and nachos. By 2 pm we were back home, sitting on our front porch, enjoying a glass of wine.
That's when things got a little kinky.
Mike not so subtly steered the conversation in the direction of corporal punishment. Which led to....
"I promised Molly a good spanking last night. Now seems as good a time as any, doesn't it?
None of the rest of us had a good argument against Mike's proposal. He reached for Molly's hand, helped her up from her seat, and pulled her with him through the porch door into our living room.
"You two can watch if you want", he said as the two love birds disappeared into the shadows of our Hideaway.
Lucy just rolled her eyes at her hubby's hijinks.
"Gee, thanks, Mike. But I think we will just stay here......"
And although I was certainly curious about how Mike might execute his plan to "punish" Mistress, I figured it would be rude to leave his better half to her own devices.
Soon there were the sounds of giggling and the slap of something firm on naked flesh. A hand? A paddle? Distracting, sure. But slave tried to ignore it, offering Lucy a tour of our next door neighbor's lush flower garden. It was a pleasant way to give Mike and Molly a bit of privacy as they fulfilled some pent up demand. Fortunately, Lucy seemed diverted by the neighbor's yard. She has a keen horticultural eye.
Garden tour completed, we returned to our front porch. The sounds of silence were now emanated from our living room. We stuck our heads inside. No one. Lucy was curious about the whereabouts of our spouses, and stepped inside, poking her head into our open bedroom door, She returned to the porch, reporting back.
"They're in your bedroom.... messing around", she reported, without providing any more details. Her tone was "boys (and girls) will be boys (and girls)", a bemused resignation to her husband's kinky proclivities in her voice. Hardly shocked, and not really disapproving.
We settled side by side on a cozy wicker love seat, facing the big sky horizon to the West, sun squinting through gathering clouds that suggested an oncoming late afternoon thunderstorm.
So how should a devoted slave entertain a lovely lady while her husband is "fooling around" with my Mistress?
"Mike says you enjoy a good foot rub....."
She eyed me, raised an eyebrow.
"I do, but he isn't patient enough to do a very good job. Too easily distracted."
"Well maybe I can take a shot....."
She seemed agreeable, extending a leg onto my lap.
I proceeded to rub and massage her feet, first one, then the other, for about 30 minutes. Lucy was very directive about what worked and what didn't and what I was missing. Toes. Heels. That little spot at her ankle that provoked some oohs, ahhhs and little squirms of delight. we chatted about work and kids as I applied my fingers to the assigned task. I been worked my way up to her calf.
It was a productive way to pass the time until Mike and Molly emerged from their "private time".
Well first Mike appeared, looking into the little door to our living room.
"Get out here.....don't be shy......"
Molly soon emerged, very reluctantly, Mike pulling her by the hand.
But for the vivid Turquoise necklace and bracelet, she was completely naked.
Fortunately, there is a fence that (for the most part) shields our porch from passing traffic. And the neighbors were away. So where's the harm in displaying a naked recently paddled lady in such a way?
Lucy seemed unfazed, retaining that inscrutable poker face.
"She is lovely.... so cute......", she complemented.
Mistress stood there on display, giggling, blushing. Mike retained a firm grip on her elbow to prevent her from bolting to shelter, Lucy launched a frank discussion on the merits and demerits of "clean shaven folds". Lucy clearly prefers the more "womanly" carpeted look. (I couldn't tell if she preferred a "shag" or a more tightly woven carpet, but my curiosity certainly was piqued). Lucy expressed well considered views about the male obsession with the "little girl" look, and made some strong points. I countered about the benefits of clean shaven folds for those of us who spend a lot of time with their head betwixt their lover's thighs.... Clearly both sides of the argument have merit.
As our mini-debate unfolded, Mistress continued to stand there. Blushing. Naked. fidgeting. On display for our continued inspection. And Lucy's feet remained on my lap, my fingers continuing to work her arches.
It was all very sexy, if a little sadistic too.
After further discussion, it was decided it was time for a little pre-dinner nap and a showers all around. Mistress and slave retired to the Executive Suite, and our guests returned to the guest room.
Mistress then gave me a brief report on how things had gone.
"Well there was the spanking..... he used this leather strap. It hurt some, but not too much......"
What about sex, Mistress?
"Well he used an aneros, on me slave, like yours.....it was hotter than I thought.... there were some orgasms with that, and more spanking.....
"Did he actually fuck you, Mistress?"
"He did slave.....after all this time....he did....."
Mistress seemed more than well satisfied. But did give me the opportunity for some after-action worship. There were definitely some salty remnants to enjoy as she had her final cum of a long and busy afternoon.
I will end this account now. A report on Wednesday morning's activities will follow tomorrow!