It wasn't until about 8:30 pm, after Slave suffered through a 4th Quarter collapse by his alma mater in an inconsequential bowl game, and Mistress returned from the gym, that she found the time to retrieve the key.
I'm not sure how guys like Tammy, who are caged up for days on end handle it. Fortunately, there was a carnal reward at the end of this particularly discomforting rainbow. But rather than focus on that, let's hear from our Senior Correspondent on how their week has been going:

It isn't even noon yet and it has already been a good one.
I was reading the blogs I enjoy every morning when I came across this picture, and it really turned me on!
I love tribal tattoos, and whether it was that, or the way the woman is being held down (I do so love that, too), I found it quite stirring.
And my sweet Bill was the grateful recipient of my horniness being all stirred up. I went back to our bedroom, flipped back the sheets and gave him a very nice blowjob, if I do say so myself.
The characters In a book I was reading last night were really into BJs. Some of their techniques seemed interesting, so I decided to work them into my BJ repertoire. This morning seemed a good time to give a few of them a try.
Adding some twisting of the hand on the upstroke, vigorous nibbling and humming while switching back and forth between the frenulum and balls, then focusing on head-sucking and swallowing with a distinctive rhythm and then pulling back just enough to stick the tip of my tongue into his slit, and my man was moaning in no time. He really, really seemed to enjoy it!
He enjoyed it so much that he gave me two spankings as we finished up. The first was bare handed, and it left my buns warm and rosy. I thought we were done, but I should know by now not to assume anything with Bill, and as we stood by the dressers talking about our plans for the day, he reached into a drawer and pulled out a crop. My hands were placed so that I was balanced against the wall with my butt sticking out, and a good cropping ensued. So nice.
You may be thinking that I am about to stop, but no!
We drove into a small town over a mountain or two to check out a gym that has recently started up. Lo and behold, this place is neat. It is open 24/7, with camera surveillance, lights and music always on. Each member is given instruction on the equipment, a key to the gym, and you can work out whenever it suits your schedule. Any piece of equipment you might want is there and the price is less that half of what Bill paid for a gym membership to a chain gym twelve years ago. No kidding. This looks perfect for Bill.
And then...the owner has also just opened a martial arts center nearby. I have a green belt in Taekwondo that I earned many years ago in my wheelchair, and I have been looking for something that would help me retain my balance and strength while up on my crutches. The new martial arts center will be offering Tai Chi and the Master is willing to work with the crutches. Woo-hoo!
But wait, there's more! And no, I am not selling Ginsu knives.
We decided to have breakfast at a bagel place we had heard about from a couple of people. We had been told this little place had New York bagels. Right. Anyone who has had real New York bagels knows that they are extraordinary, a culinary mystery and masterpiece. When toasted and plastered with cream cheese...WOW! Sadly, we have never found that same level of texture or flavor outside of NY.
We pulled into the lot of this little hole in the wall bagel place, and had to hunt for a parking spot. As soon as we opened the door, BAM! the aroma was right. Coffee wafted on the air currents and toasted goodness assaulted our noses. The cases were stuffed with all kinds of luscious looking bagels and bialys and the refrigerated glass case had big bowls of different types of cream cheese. Could it be? Could it possibly be? YES!!!
I make quite a bit of noise while enjoying sex and Bill had a hard time not laughing this morning, since I was making some of those same noises while eating my luscious bagel.
So I ate two wonderful things before noon. Not a bad start to the day, guys!