Like the guy looking for a dominant woman. We toyed with the idea of a tag team of two slave tending to Mistress's needs. But this guy seemed more focused on his own needs. She indicated a willingness to meet. He was asking for more information about Mistress's "style of dominance". But Mistress resists any sort of explicit chat before meeting someone.
"Slave, I've learned that when you do that, and then meet and discover there is no chemistry, you feel pretty stupid about sharing all that information....."
Makes sense. As her corresponding secretary I explained her reticence, but told the guy he was welcome to share his own preferences if he felt comfortable doing that. In response, the would be sub said he was looking for a "more hard or sadistic Woman to submit fully to. A Woman who enjoys subjecting a male fully to her whims and enjoys S&M and bondage to a fuller degree."
When I described these preferences to Mistress, she sighed. "That sounds like a lot of work, slave...."
In addition, and as I told this dude, Mistress is neither "hard" nor a sadist. And while she could work with someone willing to show his submission and devotion, and wear a cock cage to his heart's content, a guy looking for sadism and "hard" might consider looking elsewhere. The guy agreed when Mistress responded that "if you're looking for sadism, I'm not your cup of tea."
One thing that has become clear is that any successful supplicants for Mistress's attention are probably going to be younger than she is. The guys in their mid to late 50's on OK Cupid around here seem pretty dull and, well.....old.
"They seem a lot older than you do, slave.....even though they might be 10 years younger."
I guess Mistress keeps her slave younger than his actual age!
This brings us to an article in the Times yesterday, titled I want my 2.3 bonus years. It's written by a woman in her 30's bemoaning the fact that guys her age would rather date women in their 20's. It enclosed this chart that supposedly shows the preferences of men and women on OK Cupid, that she says shows that men of older ages are attracted to younger women, while women are attracted to guys their own age.

But I took away another message: once women hit age 40 or so, the curve bends. Once they his 40, women are attracted to younger men. (The chart, sadly, ends at age 50. But presumably women in their 50's also follow the trending of jonesing for younger guys). This COUGAR tendency certainly is consistent with Mistress's experience. I mean she already has an old guy! Why not go for someone down the food change.
Of course, this leaves old slaves like me twisting in the wind. If the curve on this chart was to continue on, my guess is only women in their late 70's would be interested in a guy approaching 67, even if I did just summit Kili. I'm very grateful Mistress hasn't kicked me to the curb just yet!