"I've told J that I may be more into the bike riding over here than the sex, Slave...."
"That's a little cruel, Mistress.... I'm sure you enjoy both ....."
But she clearly is feeling increasingly at home at what had been a rather spartan "bachelor pad" just a few weeks ago. And I do think in her devious way, she likes to tease us both with her brazen behavior.
Last night we headed there after work, my bike on board. She had left her bike there earlier in the week, along with a tooth brush and some other essentials.
"An interesting way to mark your territory, Mistress....."
She just gave me that "Moi?" look.
I think it may still make J a little uncomfortable when Mick is around that Mistress is so clearly "at ease" around him. And of course, Mistress seems to take some twisted pleasure in exploiting this discomfort for her own amusement.
So when I stepped out of the bathroom, where I changed into my riding shorts, Mistress was languishing in her black shorts, but bare breasted.
She had somehow persuaded J to launder her riding clothes left behind earlier in the week, but her jersey was still unaccounted for.
Ultimately, J found it on a heap of yet to be cleaned bed linens at the foot of her bed. And I couldn't help turn the knife a little.
"Mistress, could it be that J was using that aromatic remnant of you in bed this week .... sort of as a reminder of the "benefits" you provide here...."
J rolled his eyes, as Mistress joined in. "Sort of like I had you sleep with some of my lingerie when we were commuting, Slave...."
"That's sort of what I had in mind...."
Despite the fact that her jersey seemed a little "soiled" she slipped into it, and soon we were off on what turned into a long and exhilarating ride. About 10 miles into it, we stopped for dinner in a little riverside town, where we enjoyed some beer (Mistress had wine) and a meal.
Clearly, Mistress was enjoying her Friday night "date" with her husband and lover.
"This is pretty nice, having two men wining and dining me.... I feel a little selfish."
Sometime in the evening, we finally got word via a curt text that our cute Co-ed would be spending the night with a friend in the City, which opened up some new options. We didn't want her asking questions if her Dad came home without her Mom on a Friday night. A little "sketchy", as she might put it.
Mistress took me aside, "Slave, J would like me to spend the night .... is that OK?"
Well of course it was not something she needed "permission" for was it? But it was nice of her to ask, and of course she got my blessing.
By the time we finished our long ride back at the "love shack" it was nearly dark. I reloaded my bike, and J decided to take a quick trip to the nearby grocery for some provisions.
"Mick will keep me company while you're gone, J."
So there we were, alone in the her lover's comfortable home.
Could we resist?
Uhhh..... what do you think.
Soon Mistress had eased out of her sweaty riding shorts, and Slave was on his knees, on front of J's couch, giving her a little warm-up for what was surely to come.
After she was (temporarily) satisfied, Slave reminded me that the "no touch" rule remained in effect, and that she would see me in the morning, when I might get the chance I was already anxious for -- to fuck her brains out, so to speak.
I figured it was time for me to go. But Mistress had one more task for me.
She pulled off the jersey she'd been wearing, and was now completely nude.
"Slave, why don't you take these dirty things with you and put them in the wash?"
"Happily, Mistress...."
And that's how things were as I went to the door, just as J was returning.
I think he was a little surprised to see Mistress in the threshold there, kissing me good bye, completely naked, and ready to turn her undivided attention to him.
She is quite a tease, isn't she?