"Hmmmm.....What's this ...."

She couldn't call me by my proper "Slave" title, because our daughter was hovering nearby, helping with the dinner prep.
"Oh....That's been there for a while, part of the original decorations....Hadn't you noticed it before?"
See that long slender object, just to the left of the mirror . Our new/old digs used to be an old Coach House, renovated for residential use. But the folks who owned it before us displayed some equestrian related objects. You can see some of the items, incuding a more conventional riding crop tucked away to the left.
But what caught Mistress's eye was a rather nasty looking leather whip of some sort (does someone know the proper name?) with leather ridges along its business end, and two separate and very stiff "tails". It looks mighty nasty, doesn't it.
("Fury", see what you're missing by not coming down here and helping us sort through all our detritus).
"Should we try it on you sometime, sweetheart?"
Mistress just winced, not wanting to go into this sort of discussion with our daughter close at hand. But it did give me some ideas for the next switch day.
Unless Mistress calls "first dibs."
But then, I've been such a good slave lately, haven't I?