Showing posts with label Abstinence Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abstinence Day. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Come Caged?

Mistress's defiance of the Boss's "No worship on V-Day" edict apparently raised his eyebrow and ire.  Here's the comment he left --tongue in cheek no doubt (?):

Fan boy?
Very funny Cuckold:)
Molly Molly Molly
You're a little strumpet:)
Buttercup can’t go a day without her worship?
You are a horny little slut!:)
That’s your best quality:)
I have taken your infraction under advisement and will inform you of my verdict in due course……
You two smart ass’s do remember that you going to be in the mile hi city on the 20th
Don’t you?
The shaking his head laughing 

Nota bene:
Cuckold bring your spanking implements to Denver…..And come caged!

In Mistress's defense, I think there's a good chance that after all these years of regular morning and afternoon worship every day of the week she probably has an addiction that is extremely hard to shake, particularly without any fair warning from her new Boss.
  Cold turkey is no easy task for someone used to daily multiple cums. No doubt the founders must had had this in mind when they prohibited "cruel and unusual punishment"?

We used to have an "Abstinence Day" ritual here in UCTMW land  -- but that applied only to the Cuckold, not to Mistress.  The thought of my Mistress (the Boss's Slut) having to endure Abstinence on any given day is a little hard to grasp.  But I guess it's not something to dismiss should she and the Boss come to some terms about how to move forward into this new "arrangement".

Speaking of formalized arrangements, I noted with delight that "Sara", a long time cuckolding blogger has reappeared several months after his/her original blog went dark.  Not sure what happened to all that original content.  But it's good to have him/her back with some fiction and an ongoing narrative about his/her "hotwife" and their adventures with her alpha boyfriend. I particularly enjoyed this fiction piece Agreement.  Of course, what got this blog going was the "Mistress-Slave" contract that we entered into.  So the idea of a "wife sharing" contract between  a F/m couple and the wife's alpha male lover is pretty hot. 

Finally, I note the Boss's directive that I bring Mistress's riding crop and "come caged" when we return to the mile high city next week to drop our daughter off at the airport.  Hmmmm......he's kidding right?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sucker's Bet

Here at the UCTMW World HQ slave had an unscheduled abstinence day on Monday. Mistress had one of those way-too-early meetings to attend, meaning that there was only time for some early morning worship.

Slave was able to ride his bike to work with the temps pushing into the 40's here.  When I wandered into the bedroom after my up-hill slog, Mistress was lounging in bed in her black tights and undies, having ended her work day 30 minutes or so earlier.

Fortunately, both of us had the energy for some end of the day worship. Mistress wriggled her silky
black tights down far enough to provide her slave with access, and my eager tongue was quickly on task. And although we opted for a pre-dinner nap rather than full blown fucking, I have a feeling I'm going to "get lucky" this morning.

We did spend some time last night watching caucus returns from Iowa. And although we don't feel we have a "dog in this hunt" the way we did in 2008, it's always amusing to watch the talking heads hyper-ventilate over all those farm folk huddling in school auditoriums and social halls flipping coins and counting scraps of paper.  And you had to laugh at the notion that the Donald is now a certified LOSER. And to a Canadian, no less! The biggest winner though might be Goldman Sachs: they paid the apparent winner on the D side more than $600,000 in speaking fees, and bankrolled Ted Cruz's Senate campaign to the tune of $250,000. Plus Cruz's wife is on leave from GS. They clearly got what they paid for from Iowa!

Yesterday we did get a message from our Western Correspondent, who has proposed a bet with Donna over Sunday's Super Bowl. Check out his proposed terms:

Well Donna has asked me the terms of our bet

I purpose that we bet Mick and Molly.....

After all Donna

When was the last time you were paid by that skin flint Mick!

If you win Donna 

Mick must stay in his cock cage for 3 days

And Molly can cum as many times as she wants

I know I know that would be a record 

For the over pampered house slave

But still it's just a bet

But if I win

Mick must still stay in his cock cage for 3 days

And  Molly

Can't cum for 3 days

But He must tease her all the time

Pinching her nipples 

Rubbing her Clit

Keeping her on edge!

But if the Lovely Molly can set up a date with one of her Cuckolders 

Then she can cum as often as she wants during those 3 days!!!!!

As long as the side dish provides the orgasms.....

I know we are risking a lot Donna:)

But it is for a good cause!

Nice try, Mike. And Donna. But it seems a little unfair to put the burden on poor old Mick or the lovely Molly to suffer if one of your teams fails to prevail on Sunday. Aren't we suffering enough by virtue of the fact that the Pussycats haven't been to the big game since the days of Joe Montana and Jerry Rice?  Your proposed wagering contract fails for lack of consideration.

Let me suggest something else:  Mike, you go without your high end lube for an entire week if the "Sheriff" can't find a way to beat Superman! If you can figure a way to stroke one off with a dry SOC (special occasion cock) then more power to you!

And Donna, if it turns out the Dreaded Donkey Defense (DDD) turn out to be the kryptonite that can quash the TD dance steps of Mr. Newton, then you go without your trusty vibrators for a week!

How are those terms?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pent Up Demand

Mistress is clearly missing the sexual variety that she has come to enjoy with the benefits of our empty nest and the cuckolding privilege provided in our contract.

Yesterday morning she had one of those very early business engagements, which meant there was no wake-up sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite, adding to  both of our frustration.   But when we checked in later in the day, she reported some scheduling developments for next week - once our daughter is back at college. It seems like there is light at the end of this tunnel.

"I was in touch with K today Slave.... he wants to stop by next week for a little mid-day rendezvous...."

(K, as frequent readers know,  is Mistress's back-up lover. They don't get together as often as  she does with Jay. But he does make house calls, which is certainly an advantage to a busy Mistress).

"I suspect there is some pent up demand on his part too, Mistress.... it's been a while since he's had a chance to enjoy you...."

"So it seems Mistress. After we agreed to meet he starting sending me all these sext messages.... I'll tell you more later...."

Well that piqued my interest, as you can imagine.

Later, when we had a little more time to talk, she filled in some details.

"He was spinning out this scenario where he demands that I strip in front of him .... then I have to undress him.... then there is some cock sucking, and a few other things Slave......"

"Sounds like he's been thinking about you Mistress, developing some plans...."

"He seems to have worked up quite a little fantasy, Slave....."

"Sounds like something you'd be more than happy to convert to reality, Mistress...."

"I think I could fill that role.... but he worked you into it too, Slave....."

"Oh, really?"

"After he takes me once, he has you come in and clean me up Slave.... with your tongue of course...."

"Of course....."

"And watching you perform those clean up duties makes him hard again, so there's a 2nd round of fucking....."

"I'd be happy to be of service, Mistress....."

"I told him you would be more than happy to help out, SLave....."

Of course contemplating all this cuckolding had a certain impact on Slave..... and while Mistress had some worship last night when we got home from a dinner with my daughter and cute grand kids, Slave's own pleasure was deferred until this morning.

Since slave experienced an unscheduled abstinence day,  there is a little pent up demand to be met here this morning too.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Abstinence Day Redux

Here in River City, Mistress has had an unfortunate streak of early curtain calls. Which definitely puts a cramp in our more typical wake up sex patterns.

Yesterday was another day when she had to be out of the door at 7:45. As a result Slave would be denied his chance to take his pleasure in the customary spoiled slave way.

What made it harder was seeing Mistress getting primped and ready, all decked out in some sexy cobalt blue undies, and then slithering into some black tights and boots.

Fortunately, there was time for some worship before she got all suited up, leaving the taunting taste of her musky clean shaven folds on my lips to savor and tease as my day unfolded.

But then she had to make it worse.  I'm laying there in bed, reading the paper, freshly showered, in a blue robe, not in too much of a hurry to put on my own work costume.

She's in those black boots, tights and skirt, ready to go out the door. But what does she do?  She leans over and takes her work-a-day cock between those lush lips and gives me the full oral massage for about 40 seconds..... just enough to call out my inner horny guy.....then she blithely drops the matter, kisses me goodbye and la-de-dahs out the door on the way to work.


I must say that it took a good deal of slave discipline to abide by the "no touch" rule, and put horny thoughts aside.

At the end of the work day, we had a quick turn around, because of plans to meet some friends for dinner.  I returned home from work with only about an hour to change and head back out, finding Mistress in bed, stripped to those sweet blue undies and her black bra.....

"Would you like some worship before we go, Mistress?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Slave....."

After a long day contemplating  her sweet, red lips on my tart cock, I could hardly resist the opportunity to bury myself between her thighs, but, sadly, there would be no time for the "full monty". Instead, I simply enjoyed the chance to savor the delights hiding behind those wispy blue panties, pushing the fabric aside with my tongue to find her sweet spot, and linger there until she came with abandon on my face.

"It's a shame we don't have time for more, Slave..... but duty calls."

"Looks like it will be an abstinence day, then, Mistress....."

"Sometimes it's good for you to be desperate, Slave....."

As you might expect, Slave is looking forward to this morning's chance to break this losing streak.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mistress Continues Her Crackdown

Slave made it clear Sunday evening that she was expecting me in my cage Monday, and, sadly, it was one of those Monday's when she had a very early morning meeting. So none of our typical wake - up sex.

Slave (it is alright to capitalize when it starts a sentence, "anonymous"?) was certainly not going to argue, so I made sure to remember to schmush that ring on first thing, before suffering that "tighten up" cold morning phenomenon. I'm still waiting for that slow delivery from Amazon!

So I was off to work, fully caged, no wake up sex.  Dang! Should I call the "abused caged cuckold hotline"?`

Mistress did stop by for some pre-lunch worship. But sadly the key was back at home. After wriggling back into her black tights, my work done, she did not show a whole lot of sympathy.

"Aww.... poor Slave.... are you a little horny now?"

I must say I was more than a  little horny after my sad denial that morning, compounded by  the stimulative impact of Mistress's musky juices smeared across my face.

So by the end of the day, I was more than ready for "release", in both senses of the word.  But Mistress had bad news. She was feeling a little flu-ish. So while she sprung her work-a-day cock loose, she proclaimed there would  be an unscheduled abstinence day.

(I might add that she did not object when I used my fingers to deliver a quick cum while we sat on the couch watching an episode of Homeland last evening.  So maybe she'll be feeling a little better this morning.)

At bed time, she reminded me that she expected the ring on again this morning when I came back to bed, hoping that our regular regime will resume.

"You may be in the cage all week, slave, after last week's issues...."

I hope those new cages come soon....

Friday, January 25, 2013

Abstinence Day Redux?

It's been cold here in River City this week.... not "cups of boiling water freezing in your hand" cold as Sin was touting from the great north... but cold enough for Mistress to forego her black tights for her black satin pants yesterday.  And while Slave is a tights fetishist going back to my elementary school days, I must say I enjoy the texture and feel of those satin pants.

With the sullen teen home, and an early performance for me yesterday morning, Slave and Mistress also had to forego our traditional wake-up sex on Thursday morning.  So it was fortunate that Mistress was able to stop by my office after a lunch meeting. It did not take her long to wriggle out of those black satin pants and assume her proper position on her "throne", once it was pressed against my office door.  Slave was quickly on his knees, serving up a little post-lunch dessert.

Of course, my "reward" was expected later, in the privacy of the executive suite.

At the end of the day our daughter was hungry. And since she has elected to be a vegetarian, and the cupboard was running bare, we elected to walk down to a little neighborhood restaurant for dinner. By the time we were home, and some of the household chores were finished we retired to the our room, a tad later than normal.

Slave offered to perform his husbandly duties, but Mistress demurred. 

"Slave, I'm quite satisfied after today's lunchtime worship....  you'll just have to wait until morning."


Now we used to have a weekly abstinence day here at UCTMW, applicable only to Slave of course.

"It's good for you to exercise a little self control now and then, Slave", was the message.

And I am overly pampered, as some of you have noted regularly.

I'm wondering ... is Mistress is deciding to exercise a little more of her authority over her Slave?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

HNT/ Another Abstinence Day?

Slave adhered to the "no touch" rule last night, letting "Slick Willy" lull me to sleep after an evening solo at the UCTMW World HQ.

When I woke, I texted Mistress who had slept over at her lover J's house, asking for some instructions for the day ahead:

"Morning, Mistress. Hope you are feeling better. Cage today?"

I didn't hear back until just before I was heading to work.

"Slept late, Slave. No cage required."

Ahhh. A respite from its unfriendly confines, that will make some of you mutter about my "pampered" status.  But I was more interested in when (or if) I might have a shot at some "action" with Mistress.

On the way to work, she did give me a call, reporting that she had gotten a good night's sleep, and that despite her aches and pains, she had indulged J with some action of his own.

And she was acutely aware of her Slave's own plight.

"Poor, Slave. Are you horny? At least I'm giving you some good blog material."

There was only a hint of sarcasm.

And I might still have a wait in store.  She's invited J to sleep over at our house tonight. I'll be fixing dinner. Then we will all get to watch the proceedings from Charlotte together.

But since J will be "in the house", Mistress, always the generous hostess, will likely be sharing his bed. And then we have to get up very early Friday morning for our flight to the Southwest. 

"Poor Slave.... you may actually have to wait until Friday afternoon before I allow you to get off the Abstinence train....."


But there is a little light in that long dark tunnel of denial.

J is coming over at 6:30 pm.

"If we can both get home by 6 pm, you might get a little treat, Slave."

I think I can arrange that.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Abstinence is Overrated

Slave has been catching a little abuse in the comments section lately whenever I mutter a little about the denial.... really "deferral" is a better word.... of orgasm privileges.

It does happen every now and then... most recently, Mistress had her date with J on Tuesday evening. It was not clear whether she'd be home that night or spend the night. Issues of wardrobe and accessories for the next business day come into play for decisions like that, and also whether they can get a "good night's sleep".

Regardless, my instructions were clear: I could take off the cock cage to go for a bike ride, but the "no touch" rule would be in effect. 

Not a problem.  I mean, even the WC could cool his jets for 24 hours or so , right? (Well maybe that's a bad example).

As it turned out, Mistress decided to come home, and arrived at around 11 pm, a little tired, but certainly still standing.

Now Slave could have begged and wheedled for sex privileges, and my guess is she would have relented.  But I knew it would be best to wait until morning, despite some herky jerky cock action when she described some of the sexual limits she had placed on J that evening.

I was rewarded yesterday morning with some lovely wake-up sex, that put me in a nice compliant mood for the rest of the day.

Last night, I made sure to worship Mistress when we got home from work. Then we were off on a bike ride to our local pool where she swam laps for about 30 minutes as Slave read the Times. Back at home there was dinner to prepare, and by the time I cleaned up it was after 9 pm. 

WE were both tired, and though Mistress got some good night tongue action, it was clear that Slave would be waiting until morning for his "reward".  And by now.... well let's just say I am anxious to put this edition to bed, and looking at the clock for the appointed time .... 7 am today.... when I am allowed to wake Mistress for morning sex.

Of course, sometimes I get "two a days".  But once a day seems a fair and reasonable "diet" doesn't it.

Now I know some of you out there .... Harry, tammy come to mind.... have to wait much longer. And I suspect you enjoy the tease and denail part of your servitude. We used to have an "abstinence day" here at UCTMW, but Mistress, in her wisdom, seems to have let that pass by the wayside.

It may be her philosophy that her Slave is best kept obedient and docile by regular discharge of those natural juices, as George C. Scott's character in Dr. Strangelove called them.

But other then when I've had the flu, I can't recall being required to go more than 2 or 3 days without a nice cum.

Does that make Slave spoiled?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mistress' s Bad Dream

Well, as promised, Mistress did impose abstinence day on her Slave yesterday.

Because she had to be out the door early, there was only time for some worship before we hit the shower. So the extra hard cock that would have been available to her as a result of that hard steel ring went to waste.  After the shower, I slid the top over the ring, and let Mistress lock things down for the day.

Before she headed to her early meeting, she mentioned a bad dream she had.

"I hate this Slave.... I dreamed that I found you in bed here with that #@!*#! (insert expletive) and it was obvious you wanted me gone...."

"Well you know that's not true, Mistress.... not gonna happen...."

"I believe you Slave, but its obviously still something lurking back there in my mind...."

She was out the door soon thereafter, all foxy in a short dark brown knit dress, brown tights and suede boots.

Muy caliente.

I knew that heads would be turning through her day.

It was a busy day for both of us .... with a little angst thrown in when we heard from our overseas daughter about some horrific act of random violence in a town where she had been with friends only a few weeks ago. Fortunately, she seemed to take it with more perspective than her parents. One more sign that she is maturing through this year away from the nest.

Mistress and Slave met up again after work, at an old and regal business club here in River City for a reception for some newly elected public officials. It's always fun to share this type of an event with Mistress, who is well known and liked by all of our town's poobahs. Slave enjoys reflecting in her glory.

And it was nice to see some old friends, with one generation passing the proverbial torch to another. It's funny how quickly we move from the "Young activist' to "savvy insider" to "old curmudgeon" phase of our lives. Let's hope my next phase is not "annoying crank". As one of our friends said last night, a former Mayor, we're all just "trying to stay relevant".

We were among the last to leave, and Slave even briefly scouted out some of the quieter rooms at the club where I might engage in a little surreptitious worship ---- a high risk but certainly blog-able  activity at this bastion of River City's establishment. But, alas, I could not find a sufficiently secure location for a "quickie".

And anyway, that blasted cage was still on.  It had been pinchy and tight all day!

When we got home at around 8 pm, I immediately offered to worship.

"In a rush are we Slave?  I bet you just want to get the cage off...."

She was teasing me.

But soon she had shed her cloths, stripped away the brown tights. She laid back on the beg, spread her legs, and let Slave take it from there. Knowing that whether the cage came off would depend on the quality of the services provided, I made sure I did my work with gusto.

Fortunately, Mistress seemed pleased, and I was released from the cage for the evening.

It was determined, however, that Slave's own satisfaction would have to wait until morning. I settled into bed next to her, my cock tingling a bit, semi-hard, satisfaction to be deferred.

Before we went to sleep, Mistress brought up the subject of her dream again.

"It was very annoying Slave....."

"If it helps, maybe you should get out the riding crop to purge those bad feelings."

"Well my bad dream isn't really your fault, is it Slave?"

"Maybe not.... but the roots are in my misbehavior...."

Was I really suggesting that she, literally, take it out on my hide?

In my view, better to let it out than allow it to fester, even if it was just a dream.

And maybe a few thwacks on my ass would distract me from that tingling cock.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Let me get to the heart of the matter. And I realize that this may strike a terrible blow to the credibility of Molly and Mick as the couple with (allegedly) the most active sex life in the blog-o-sphere. (Not including masturbation .... that title clearly belongs to the WC).


You see, Mistress had a day trip to the Big Apple with some colleagues. It was a dreary cold and rainy day. Like a good Slave, I offered to drive her  to the airport and pick her up. We had to rise at 5 am, and well.... that's just too danged early for our typical wake up sex. And Mistress was so focused on putting on all the armour for an important new business pitch that she did not even have time to read the blog and enjoy the attention of Mick's well trained lips and tongue.

She did snap this photo of her "Day in the City" boots, as we drove in the rain and dark yesterday morning, leaving at around 5:30 am. She mentioned she had worn those special peek-a-boo tights, a little tantalizing hint of what might be in store when she returned. (Or for anyone happening to be in the right vantage point during the day should she uncross those very fit legs with her skirt hiked up just a bit).

Her plane returned to River City a little past schedule, at around 7:30 pm. Amazingly, it was still dark and the rain had gotten even worse. By the time we got home, Slave was hungry, and made a turkey sandwich from our TG Day leftovers. We relaxed, settled into the couch and caught up on our day, watched a bit of the Woody Allen documentary we had DVR'ed from last week. But not long after the part about the filming of Manhattan (Slave's favorite movie of all time!), I noticed that Mistress was drifting off.

My window of opportunity had shut. And though she was still in those peek-a-boo tights, by the time I got her up to bed, she was actually too exhausted for worship, let alone allowing me to fuck her.

The poor girl had a long and stressful day. And was certainly entitled to take a pass.

But I don't think the winter here will be quite as cold and lonely as the kind these poor suckers had:
Mistress was merciful enough that she slept in those special tights, and Slave will be heading upstairs soon to the Executive suite, to take full advantage. See, I am a pampered Slave after all.