Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mistress Does the Dark Continent

Here in River City, slave is languishing in an empty bed going on a week now. Mistress is off on another one of her African adventures, and slave is slogging through the end of my "work year", with summer vacation looming in another 10 days or so.  But the days without Mistress are passing VERY slowly.

Mistress has set some rules for me: caged when I go to work or go "out", and daily "self abuse" to make sure I don't get too horny. (I know, very indulgent, but she has method to the madness!)  We've been able to talk most afternoons. And, as requested, I've sent her several photos evidencing compliance with her "rules" -- both cage shots and rampant cock shots.

Yesterday Mistress and slave were able to 'FaceTime" while I was at work, and she was in bed, with the mosquito nets providing a certain exotic back drop.  She even flashed me a view of those cleanly shaven folds, which had slave's work-a-day cock straining in its close, caged confines. I think Mistress enjoyed her ability to impose some mild torture from half a world away.

But you'll be happy to know that Mistress hasn't let her quest for a new lover to cool even when she's on the road and far out of our own time zone.

"I've traded a few messages with Jeff (the former college boyfriend) over the last week, slave.....told him that I am open to 'getting together' in August, once we are back home from (our SW hideaway). "

"Was he surprised, Mistress? You pretty much shut him down when he came to town."

"A woman has the right to change her mind, slave.  And he seems very interested.  Talked about going to a spa.  I told him I'm really not a spa sort of woman.  But I am sure we can come up with something."

So slave is left contemplating how Mistress's new interest in an old beau will play out, which has been fueling my evening "self abuse" sessions. And, apparently,  also fueling Mistress's own evening bed time fingering of those clean shaven folds.

"So what were you contemplating while you took care of yourself last night, Mistress?'

"It involved Jeff fucking me while you watched with your cage on slave....."

Ouch.  That was definitely made slave's cock twitch in my cage.

Of course, that got me thinking along the same lines. But with Mistress in Africa, I also can't help delve into some Tarzan and Jane fantasies too.  Somehow I don't recall these images in the Disney movies I watched with my grandkids!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence is Overrated.

Just in time for the celebration of our nation's independence, Mistress has finally returned from her long, arduous African adventure. And just in time....Slave was getting tired of his independence!

She was a little under the weather.... she must have swallowed some of that nasty, bacteria clogged local water..... but she was all in one piece.  I've been trying to nurse her back to health.

She did come bearing  some tasteful gifts, and a rather kinky flogger made of zebra hair that should be interesting to deploy.  And pictures of all sorts of wildlife and native life.

As for sexual hijinks....

"There was this guide we spent the last week with slave. Named David.  A few years younger than you. Half Anglo. Half Kenyan. He knew all the local history from years as a guide. I could tell he liked me, and there was some flirting going on but, well... with my mother and sister hovering around and always checking on my whereabouts, it was hard to find any opportunities to get in trouble...."

For shame.  That would have certainly added to the adventure, wouldn't it?

As for our own resumption of conjugal rituals, it was a little dicey at first.  Mistress needed to overcome some intestinal distress and exhaustion from all those hours on planes and in airports.

We showered together after returning from the airport on Saturday night, and Mistress confirmed that her clean shaven folds had "gone to seed' a bit in the bush.  She quickly solved that problem.

On that first night home, slave was happy to settle for some worship  to get back into the groove. After more than 14 nights alone, the musky flavors of her natural juices were a very satisfying treat. No need to OD!

Sunday morning, after a long night's sleep following her 36 hour journey home, Mistress was rested and ready. She rode my cock to a couple of cums, before allowing her slave to take his own much deferred pleasure.

All that self-abuse while she was gone was hardly a substitute for the real thing, and I had to aplogize for the hair trigger once I was turned loose.

"That was a little embarrassing Mistress.... cumming so fast for you."

"Oh slave.... it was kind of cute. I could tell you missed me."

That's for sure.