Mistress and our last remaining Co-Ed, in town for the holiday, have been going to morning spinning classes the last few mornings. And while it's cut into our shared bike rides, slave didn't realize that spinning has it's own kinky allure.
The costume.
Check out the rather fetching black tights Mistress combined with some cowboy boots for her trip to the spinning salon:

I was a little surprised how fetching Mistress looked just to go to a morning exercise class.
"You don't actually spin in cowboy boots, do you Mistress?"
"Of course not, that would be silly, slave....they provide special shoes there."
"Sort of like bowling?"
"NO it's nothing like bowling slave....you actually work up a sweat. Try it some time with me."
No. spinning isn't for me. I actually did it once with Mistress a long time ago. way too exhausting for an old, pampered slave. And my sense is this place is mostly a babe thing. But if the babes where hot tights like this to exercise, maybe I should reconsider. It would burn a lot of calories, and the view might no be too bad either.
Of course, Mistress and slave were able to enjoy their morning wake-up sex, playing a little music to mask our furtive couplings from the two daughters and one boyfriend across the hall from us before that mid-morning spinning session.
Then we were off to run our respective errands. Slave had some household chores to do, a trip to Home Depot, and even did a little Christmas shopping. Mistress and our daughters went to the third consecutive family meal with the Dowager Domme and her sister and brother in law at a local restaurant, which I was able to get a pass on.....
When we got together back home at around 2:30 pm, Mistress explained how she let us dodge another big feed bag family feast.
"My mother was a little miffed when I told her we would not be coming to her house tonight for "leftovers", slave.....you owe me....."
Yes, I definitely owe her. The thought of three nights in a row chowing down with the same in-laws was a little more than a pampered slave could handle. And a night at home with Mistress was a lot more appealing.
Plus there was a bonus....Our Co-Ed was lured to grandma's house at the thought of leftover turkey and pies. And truth be told, she doesn't get as much time to spend with family as we do. With our recent grad working late and her boyfriend out with boyfriends, well that left us with a temporarily empty nest for at least a few hours, starting at 6 pm sharp.
You can bet we fully exploited it!
There was some introductory worship, some very enthusiastic cock riding, and then, after she had enjoyed several cum, Mistress gave her slave permission to cum.
So rather than Black Friday, Mistress and slave celebrated Two-fer Friday.
It was so much better than getting in a brawl at Best Buy over a wide screen TV!