Of course, we did have to pretend to be in touch with our clients, sending out emails and conferring by phone.
It's certainly convenient to be able to work remotely. It allows us a lot of time away while keeping our checking accounts above water. I mean how do you pay for an internet connection (two of them) to write a sex blog, or children lolling about Europe for their final semester, without a little gainful employment. But damn. When the sun is out here, and the snow abundant, or even thin or non-existent, who wants to deal with clients?
After sluffing off a few "emergencies" to others, slave and Mistress headed up the mountain for a semi-serious day on the slopes. But after about 9 lift rides, with the sun still blazing, Mistress made her real desires known.....
"Why not just have lunch at home out on the patio, slave?"
her preference is a slave's command, right? So we shed the skis, headed back down the mountain and within about 5 minutes, Mistress was stripped down to some cute pink undies and spread out on her chaise.
It may be a personal record for Mistress's first sun bathing day of the season (other than during our brief sojurn in Florida when it was a year round exercise). I mean, there's nothing that says St. Patrick's Day like a good schmear of sunscreen, right?
Mistress read her kindle a bit, but was soon snoozing in the sun, allowing slave to take this surreptitious photo for Mistress's many fans. I post this risking some punishment, because it shows Mistress's tempting curves without their typical golden tan.
But you have to start somewhere.