Friday, March 18, 2016

Mistress Sets a Personal Record

Mistress and slave started the day with some early morning rituals here in the high desert: that started with slave sliding beneath the sheets for some sunrise worship, and culminating with some robust wake-up sex.

Of course, we did have to pretend to be in touch with our clients, sending out emails and conferring by phone.


It's certainly convenient to be able to work remotely. It allows us a lot of time away while keeping our checking accounts above water. I mean how do you pay for an internet connection (two of them) to write a sex blog, or children lolling about Europe for their final semester, without  a little gainful employment. But damn.  When the sun is out here, and the snow abundant, or even thin or non-existent, who wants to deal with clients?

After sluffing off a few "emergencies" to others, slave and Mistress headed up the mountain for a semi-serious day on the slopes. But after about 9 lift rides, with the sun still blazing, Mistress made her real desires known.....

"Why not just have lunch at home out on the patio, slave?"

her preference is a slave's command, right?  So we shed the skis, headed back down the mountain and within about 5 minutes, Mistress was stripped down to some cute pink undies and spread out on her chaise.

It may be a personal record for Mistress's first sun bathing day of the season (other than during our brief sojurn in Florida when it was a  year round exercise).  I mean, there's nothing that says St. Patrick's Day like a good schmear of sunscreen, right?

Mistress read her kindle a bit, but was soon snoozing in the sun, allowing slave to take this surreptitious photo for  Mistress's many fans. I post this risking some punishment, because it shows Mistress's tempting curves without their typical golden tan.

But you have to start somewhere.


  1. Thanks for sharing the photo of her tempting curves. What was her reaction when she saw it. Hope she will allow you to take more. She has a sexy body.


  2. The title led me to believe another of Mistress' sex records had been broken instead of another meteorological milestone associated with global warming.

    sissy terri


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