Showing posts with label public sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public sex. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Not So Discrete Public Sex....Down By the River Edition

After she read yesterday's  blog, and before we plunged into our Saturday morning "wake up" sex, Mistress chuckled.

"Ohhh.... a cliffhanger?"

She was referring to my teaser about her encounters with Kate, many years back.  And in case a dozen or so of you are waiting with baited breath to hear that yarn, you are just going to have to wait one more day.

Because yesterday we brought our out door sex adventures into a new decade.

When we woke Saturday,  temperatures had dropped, the wind had picked up, and sun was breaking through high, fluffy clouds. A little too cold for the bike ride we had planned, but plenty nice for a long hike deep into a nearby canyon.

All bundled up, we headed down the trail to the confluence of the Rio Grande and another, less notorious river.  Other locals were out on the trail, keeping their 6 foot distance, but enjoying the outdoors in a way denied to too many of our friends and family back in the east and midwest. We feel for all of you!

At the end of the trail, the river valleys spread out into a camp ground and a maize of rocky game trails along the banks.  There was also a parking lot, for those who chose not to take the 2 mile hike to enjoy the view. So we were hardly alone.

But we were game.

"How about we find a place for some worship, Mistress?  No reason why our adventures have to be in the past tense."

Mistress was intrigued.

"But what about all these people, slave...."

We really didn't see more than 20 all day.  But there were some parked cars in sight.

"Hopefully we can time it right....there's a rock for you to perch on right there", I pointed.

But just as Mistress was ready to succumb to temptation, another car arrived, a family alighted, and plunged into the weeds and rocks only 10 yards or so from us, in search of the river bank. Our  planned debauchery would no longer be so private after all.

"Hmmm..... how about we head in that direction", I pointed, grabbing my back pack and leading Mistress deeper into the maize, crossing a narrow wash,  in search of some privacy and another perch.

We settled on a moss covered rock not far from the shore of a churning tributary.  Mistress slid down her hiking paints and silky black undies, and perched.

"Better get to it slave....."

Mistress spread her legs as far as pants and undies allowed. I knelt, and got to work with lips and tongue, applying the  oral skills acquired from decades of devotion.  I figured it was cold out, and the not unsubstantial risks of discovery might mean that it could take Mistress several minutes to achieve my orgasmic objective.

Boy, was I wrong.

Within what seemed  no more than 30 seconds, Mistress had grabbed my hair,  pulled me deeper into the her folds, shuddered and softly moaned in a way that signaled her release.

(Mistress has never been a 'screamer', at least not with me).

"Wow.  That was fast Mistress....."

As she caught her breath, and pulled up her pants she softly laughed.

"I guess you had me a little wound up already, with all that talk about 'public sex' and what you planned to do slave...."

"So the pump was primed...."

"So it seems... I was pretty wet down there by the time you got to work....."

Apparently this old pampered house slave can still deliver, whether in public or in private.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

"Discrete" Public Sex? Cruising Down Memory Lane.

Mistress has been corresponding via email with a "gentleman" from back in River City,  some flirtatious back and forth initiated via her Fetlife profile ("LavenderLarue", if you are interested in checking her out).  Yesterday morning we were lounging in bed, sipping coffee.

(In our "shelter in place mode, we've been doing more than our normal share of "bed lounging". )

As she was scanning her email she let out a little giggle.  

"What's so funny, Mistress".

"My new friend wants to share incidents of "discreet public sex", slave....and  he wants me to go first....."

"Hmmmm..... I can think of a few, what about you?"

"The first one I can think of was in the woods down in Tennessee.... do you remember?"

"You mean when I tied you to that tree and teased you ......"

It was back in 1988 or so. When Mistress and slave were still "dating" (i.e., when we were married to other people.) Somehow we had conspired to take a road trip to Atlanta together.  On the way back we stopped at a quaint lodge deep in the Smokey mountains to wring a little more hot sex into our journey before heading home to our respective spouses.  (This was before those annoying cell phones, which can so quickly foil any attempt to fall off the map with an illicit lover for even a few hours of misbehavior).

After checking in,  we elected to take a hike on a forested trail near the lodge. Slave surprised Mistress (in her pre-Mistress days) with a pocketful of rope, which I used to secure her to a tree not far off the trail. It was a simple tie as I recall, her hands bound behind the tree.  More ropes circling her chest and the trunk. Her ankles were bound with her legs slightly parted, looped around the trunk.

I enjoyed watching her languish for a while, kissing her and stroking her body.  But it wasn't long before  I lowered her hiking shorts and panties just enough to provide access to her neatly groomed folds (this was years before she went to the clean shaven look that I so admire).  Mistress was forced to "suffer" through 2 or 3 shuddering orgasms before I opted to free her.  But I rebound her wrists for the short walk back to our lodge.  Somehow we avoided seeing any other hikers on our little adventure.  But the possibility of discovery made the scene all the hotter.  And I recall fully enjoying Mistress's supple body with her still bound when we returned to our room.

"That was pretty hot, Mistress.  And what about worship up on the peak"?

"Right.....we did that a few times, didn't we....."

Near our SW hideaway is a trail head to the Land of Enchantment's highest peak.  It's an all day and sometimes grueling climb, up to a 13,400 foot summit.  Summers bring variable weather there: we've climbed in heat, dodged lightening bolts, and even encountered snow in July up there. And sometimes the long winding trail can get crowded.

But one summer we arrived at the summit at mid-day in moderate, sunny weather.  There was a small group there enjoying the view, but they began the trek down as we settled down to enjoy lunch at the top of New Mexico.  Lunch finished, we were surprised to discover that we were all alone.  A look down the trail revealed that we would be solo at the top for at least another 15 minutes.

"How about some worship at 13,000 feet Mistress? "

"Why not slave....."  (We were by then  in our current Top/bottom role).

She slid her hiking shorts down to her ankles, and perched on a rock, spreading her long, muscled legs.  Slave got into grovel mode, kneeling  before her and plunging in with avid lips and tongue.  Mistress took her time, grabbing me by the hair and directing my efforts until enjoying a satisfying cum with a very big view.

We've done that a few other summers, sometimes on the way down, when we can find a little privacy.

"I bet he'd like to hear about that one.... but I can think of another public sex act that did not involve me Mistress".

"Oh really?  What was that?"

"How about you and Kate?"

"Hmmmm..... Oh yeah......"

Let's save that one for tomorrow.  Though I can add that all that talk about past sexual adventures led to some very robust wake up sex yesterday morning.  Mistress's new friend gets an "assist"!