This is the time of year when those greeting cards arrive with the one or two page insert from folks you've not talked to all year, or even followed on facebook, getting you to up to date on what has happened in their brood over the last year. Maybe that's what inspired Mistress last night to pick up the laptop and compose the following for all of you as we wander into the final days of 2011:
Readers, writers, lurkers,
friends and others:
Here are some questions to ponder
as we close out 2011
What a year it has been. Mick and
I become empty nesters. I have started a new and very full time gig. And, sadly, we seem to be down (yes down) to sex once most days., rahter than our usual twice (We will clean up
our act soon, rest assured).
Thanks to all of you for your commitment to Under
Contract and for sticking with us when we were on the lam.
Thanks mostly to my beloved Mick
for his devotion to the blog, to me and to our life together. In all
seriousness, we do have a great thing. I am grateful for our life each and
every day.
A few words about some of our
biggest supporters out there:
Donna and Bill:
Thanks for your additions to the
team this year. Meeting you was a highlight and we look to Donna for her great writing
and humor.
The blog would not be the same
without you. Who would we rely upon to tell us stories that involve the things
that one never talks about in polite society? We adore you.
Your blog is tops. S, we know
that you will fully recover. You just must. We read you faithfully.
We think that you HAVE found THE
man of your dreams. Trust us on this one. This is THE guy for you.
You were our first encounter in
blog meets real life. And your voice and personae is more charming than one can
You were fun (wherever you are.)
The homecuming weekend was epic. Thank you.
If I left anyone off, I am sorry
– tired brain tonight!
The questions to ponder as we
enter the new year:
1) Will
DC / R and Mick/Molly find ways to
break bread on a regular basis? Likely. yes, we are neighbors.
2) Will
Molly and WC actually consummate their long-suffering lust? Only time will
3) Will
Molly enlist a new DOM? She is tired at the moment. But leopards don’t really
change their spots.
Anything else you want answered
in the New Year – fire away…but consider this my Happy Holiday greeting.
Molly Collins