It's been a lovely (almost) two weeks of sun, relaxation, music, and two-a-day sexcapading, with only a bearable amount of work and "field chores" thrown in. I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned the fact that I had a cord of wood to stack here, because that apparently triggered our erstwhile Western Correspondent, after much build up, the cancel his plans to visit us yesterday. Maybe he thought he'd be humping Mistress, rather than humping wood? Either that or he was afraid we would use the opportunity to retrieve his UCTMW AmEx card.
In any event, Mistress and Slave somehow made up for his absence with an afternoon in bed, followed by dinner at her favorite local pizza joint and some music and tequila at a classic local Inn. How many pizza joints have a view like this:

moments she had any clothes on at all here on this trip. It was an image that had to be shared with our readers.
"Mistress, why not just go with that outfit tonight. I'm sure our guests won't mind."
"No need to shock, Slave....., plus it might get a little chilly out on the patio."
It was a festive evening, with plenty of libations and silliness. Something that would be impossible to replicate on a "school night" with our rather dour River City friends. And there was one odd occurrence, which was an odd reprise of an event that occurred this summer at a dinner party I attended when Mistress was on her exotic trip with our daughters and her Mom. You may recall that I handed my I-phone to a woman (she was here Thursday night too) to show a picture of Mistress and the cute Co-Eds on their trip, but she started thumbing through the photos and I had to quickly retrieve it for fear she'd see something more explicit Mistress had sent me.
Well on Thursday at the dinner table, our friend the Potter, a guy in his 30's, started showing Mistress and me some photos on his camera of his recent work then - oops - suddenly there is a picture of a woman's ass, lying on her bed, the wisps of a thong barely visible between her firm cheeks.
I think Mistress and I simultaneously guffawed.
"Wow. Who's that?"
He seemed completely unembarrassed in explaining that it was just "some chick" who's been trying to get his attention. These kids today! Maybe I should have asked me to forward the photo so I could post it on our sex blog.
Maybe I shouldn't have been so fearful of our dinner companions seeing Mistress's naughty bits after all?