Showing posts with label therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label therapy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Full Disclosure (Not).

Mistress and slave survived our appointment with our tag team therapists yesterday, but in the process almost lost the poker faces that we have been using to filter out some of the juicier aspects of our mutual "story".

In response to gentle questioning from the female therapist, Mistress conceded that she was "doing better" because her husband was doing "some things" that were demonstrating he is more focused on her,  and not on some menacing "third party". But when pressed on how my conduct has changed, Mistress had trouble being specific.....

"That's good to hear....but try to  be more specific about what Mick is doing that you appreciate so he can keep doing them?"

"Hmmm...... well ......".

After some hemming and hawing, Mistress finally came up with something lame, like I let her pick the movie we saw on Friday night.

Of course, there have been other things she could have mentioned.

"He sends me pictures via text message....."

But that would have led to a follow up:

"What sort of pictures, Molly?"

"Ohh.... pictures of his sad little cock locked up in his cage."

Or she might have mentioned the multiple orgasms Mistress enjoyed that morning as slave spent more time than usual at her command,  licking and sucking on those juicy, clean shaven folds.

Or my willing submission to that stingy riding crop she has used most days to remind me of the errors of my past ways.

After we left our session (which may be our last), we had a mutual laugh at their expense.

"Do you think they are a little suspicious about our miraculous progress, Mistress?"

"I'm not sure slave..... but I was afraid you were going to start laughing.... or talking about how sore your pathetic ass is."

I mentioned that it was odd the male therapist asked me if I was unusually "tired today".  Apparently there was something about my body language that he thought was different. I was tempted to tell him that I was slouching on their couch because my cage was pinching my tender cock and I was just trying to get more comfortable.

If we can share a chuckle over our seemingly clueless therapists, I suppose we are making progress.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The WC Takes Charge

Our day started with cage in the hard steel ring that serves as a "seat' for my cock cage. Mistress had the benefit of a particular solid cock for her morning fucking, but only after some persistent oral servicing.

After both Mistress and slave were satisfied, the cage was secured and the key tucked away on Mistress's dresser. It was then time to head to our second session with a tag team of therapists to help us work through our current "troubles".

As we waited in their rather spartan waiting room, I had to tease Mistress a bit.

"Should I mention that more cage time and cropping are part of our recovery therapy, Mistress."

"There's no reason to go there, slave", Mistress scolded.

"How about the whole cuckolding thing?"

"That would only distract them from the real problem here, slave..... which is your deception of me."

"Understood, Mistress. But won't they think it's weird if I squirm too much because of this cage?"

"They'll probably just think your nervous, as you should be!"

Of course, slave had no intention to raise any of those issues. And the session proceeded pretty much as the first one harm done, and hopefully a little progress in my effort to reassure Mistress of my unwavering loyalty.

After that session we were off to work. When I returned home, Mistress gave me a parole from my cage so I could finally get some exercise on my bike after too many days on the road and with nasty weather.

When I returned, there was some more worship before dinner.  But Mistress had a couple of revelations:

1. She had gotten a message from her old college boyfriend (the guy who was into bondage) who is going to be in town today for a while. He wants to meet her for a little reunion. Mistress seems inclined to pencil him into her busy schedule.

"So what's going to happen there, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm..... he's married know how I feel about that....."

"But what if long lost love sparks start flying. Could you resist?"

"I guess we'll find out, slave....."

2. Mistress had been in touch with the WC about how her slave should be punished.

"He sent me a text he said he wants you to share slave.....He says "cropping every day. And only two orgasms / week. And of course, daily in the cage....."

"I can deal with the cropping and the cage Mistress.  But only twice a week?  Won't you miss my cock, at least until you find a suitable replacement? "

"I suppose I would slave..... but I can just tell you not to cum, can't I?"

Gee, thanks, WC.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Caged And Missing Mistress

Slave is safely caged and languishing in a hotel room on our nation's capitol tonight, longing for Mistress's embrace. Sadly,  Mistress is back home, still pissed (and properly so) about my indiscretions.  I am waiting for her good night call, after she spent an evening with an old high school friend, quaffing Margaritas.

We remain on the road to recovery (I hope) though I have a lingering fear that I may find the locks changed when I return to River City on Sunday after a visit with my daughter.

And yet.... before leaving town we had a few more days of very hot reconciliation sex, draining the swamp that represents my dwindling supply of an old guy's "natural juices" reserve.  At least this brief separation will allow a period of rejuvenation.

Part of the "hotness" included furtive mutterings about how she should be on the lookout for a more robust cock, that would allow her to keep me caged on a long term basis, while still fulfilling her own "needs".

One thing we did earlier this week is meet with a a tag team of therapists (one male, one female) who can help us work through Mistress's concerns about her slave's fidelity.  It was our first session, a sort of "getting to know you" discussion about our history together and the problem that cropped up in recent weeks.  But Mistress and I have privately discussed how far our "full disclosure" should go....

"So should I tell them I'm wearing a cock cage, Mistress?"

"Why is that relevant, slave?  Let's not lose focus!"

"What about the whole cuckolding thing?"

"I don't think we need to go there just yet, slave....."

Of course, she's right.  If we "open the kimono" that far, the two therapists will be so focused on selling the movie rights to our tawdry story that they will be no help at all to us!

It's a shame we can't find some therapists with more of a "kink friendly" bent. Any rcommendations, dear readers?

At the very least, I'm counting on our Western Correspondent to prescribe something more practical to help Mistress get her slave back in line. (or at least get her off while I am out of town).

But here's the good news: Mistress has allowed me to remove the cage overnight, as long as I put it back on in the AM.

"But no masturbation, slave....."

That is clearly not a problem.