Showing posts with label worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worship. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Come Caged?

Mistress's defiance of the Boss's "No worship on V-Day" edict apparently raised his eyebrow and ire.  Here's the comment he left --tongue in cheek no doubt (?):

Fan boy?
Very funny Cuckold:)
Molly Molly Molly
You're a little strumpet:)
Buttercup can’t go a day without her worship?
You are a horny little slut!:)
That’s your best quality:)
I have taken your infraction under advisement and will inform you of my verdict in due course……
You two smart ass’s do remember that you going to be in the mile hi city on the 20th
Don’t you?
The shaking his head laughing 

Nota bene:
Cuckold bring your spanking implements to Denver…..And come caged!

In Mistress's defense, I think there's a good chance that after all these years of regular morning and afternoon worship every day of the week she probably has an addiction that is extremely hard to shake, particularly without any fair warning from her new Boss.
  Cold turkey is no easy task for someone used to daily multiple cums. No doubt the founders must had had this in mind when they prohibited "cruel and unusual punishment"?

We used to have an "Abstinence Day" ritual here in UCTMW land  -- but that applied only to the Cuckold, not to Mistress.  The thought of my Mistress (the Boss's Slut) having to endure Abstinence on any given day is a little hard to grasp.  But I guess it's not something to dismiss should she and the Boss come to some terms about how to move forward into this new "arrangement".

Speaking of formalized arrangements, I noted with delight that "Sara", a long time cuckolding blogger has reappeared several months after his/her original blog went dark.  Not sure what happened to all that original content.  But it's good to have him/her back with some fiction and an ongoing narrative about his/her "hotwife" and their adventures with her alpha boyfriend. I particularly enjoyed this fiction piece Agreement.  Of course, what got this blog going was the "Mistress-Slave" contract that we entered into.  So the idea of a "wife sharing" contract between  a F/m couple and the wife's alpha male lover is pretty hot. 

Finally, I note the Boss's directive that I bring Mistress's riding crop and "come caged" when we return to the mile high city next week to drop our daughter off at the airport.  Hmmmm......he's kidding right?

Friday, August 11, 2017

Trail Side Service

Mistress and slave were back on the trail again yesterday, tackling a steep but beautiful trail up to a local peek that topped out at 12,100 ft.  Another 10 miles on our legs and feet had us a little tender and stiff by the end of the day.

But because the trail was off the beaten path, it gave us plenty of privacy. On the way down we took a rest on a fallen tree,  and Mistress must have had an itch that needed to be scratched. After all, it had been nearly 7 hours since wake up sex back at our hideaway.

"This would be a good place for some worship, slave....."

Naturally, her wish was my command.  She slid down her hiking shorts and yellow undies. slave fell to his knees on the soft forest moss and detritus. Lips earnestly were applied to clean shaven folds. It took nor more than a minute or two to deliver the desired results.

"Good job, slave....."

Mission accomplished.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Slave Has a "Tell".

One Day Mistress is out on the patio, nakedly sucking up rays. The next morning, there is a foot of new snow on the ground, as reports of spring's arrival are debunked by mother nature. The wet spring snow did not mix well with the local primitive power grid, leaving us in the dark for several hours here in our little hideaway.  Even the local ski valley was shut down because of avalanche risks.

But at least it gave us an excuse for some two-a-day sexual stylings before we headed to the airport to pick up Domme in Training #2.

There was our typical wake-up sex, that featured Mistress riding her slave's eager cock for a cum or two.  And after an early afternoon nap (much needed after I did my "field slave" duty of shoveling all that sodden, heavy snow to clear our driveway), there was an unexpected round two.  It developed this way:

"Worship, Mistress?"

"Certainly, slave...."

As I climbed back onto the bed, I slipped out of my undies. Which raised a Mistress eyebrow.

"Are we having sex again?"

"Hmmmm...... I guess I was considering it", I responded.  "How did you know?"

"When you are just planning to worship, you keep your underwear on....."

Apparently slave has a tell I hadn't been aware of.

In any event, after tonguing Mistress to a satisfying end, slave asked permission to move onto the 2nd course.  Fortunately, Mistress was very indulgent.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cunilingus Cam ?

Mistress and slave were taken aback Monday by the hordes of Texans that had descended on our cozy ski mountain for their "spring break".  Taking a look at some of the kids and their parents that were crowding the trails and restaurants, it seemed to me that the last thing those kids needed was a "break" from whatever rudimentary education the Lone Star state might bother to provide as an excuse to field high school football teams.

But I guess my regional prejudices are showing.

In any event, that was simply a prelude for explaining that we decided to take our own "spring break" from skiing yesterday, enjoying an unseasonably warm summer like day on our "spread" here on the cusp of the Sangre de Christo mountains.

With some company showing up here later in the week, Mistress fully exploited her opportunity to collect some rays au naturale, leading to this appealing photo.

It's been a long winter and She's not yet achieved that overall bronze look. Just give her some time.

Since the weather was so accommodating, we avoided our late afternoon nap in our bed, leaving slave at a loss as to where I should perform my afternoon service of her clean shaven folds.

Which provided another photo op.  Up on the mountain, we sometimes poke fun at the folks who obsessed with making a visual record of their  alpine exploits. There are the folks with the video cameras hooked to their helmets. Are their pals really anxious to see a Facebook video of their latest downhill run from the skier's perspective.

Then their are the skiers with the selfie sticks extended in front of them as they take turns down the mountain. Watch our for that pole!

So as I knelt at the end of her chaise and slid betwixt her naked, spread thighs yesterday afternoon, Mistress asked for my camera.  The result was a closeup that is a little hard to make out. That's my hat in reverse (trying to avoid a burn on my balding skull), and you can see Mistress's spread thighs a bit.  Maybe a video next time?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Accommodations For An Aging Slave

It's been a laid back and slightly dull week here in River City.

No early morning lover visits.

No ski break (at least until next week).

Just some work and a few evenings at home binge watching the latest season of "House of Cards", which, sadly, is replete of kinky sex this year.

Of course, Mistress and slave have enjoyed some satisfying wake up sex. And Mistress has been worshipped at the end of the day.

Speaking of worship, slave has noticed a persistent nag from his aging body.

Our typical worship position is Mistress laying on our bed, and slave wiggling down to align my face with her tender, clean shaven bits, my legs and hips off to the side.

What I find after my task is complete is that my right hip is tight and stiff, and a bit painful as I try to straighten it in order to exploit my opportunity to "have my way" with Mistress. Of course, one advantage of this position is that my cock gets to friction against Mistress's firm and shapely leg while I am doing my worship.

But boy, that hip gets ouchy.  I suppose it's time to look at alternative worship positions.  There is the face ride:
 But would that put too much stress on Mistress's back?  Obviously, we don't want to make her do the work.

There is kneeling as Mistress reclines comfortably on the bed or couch:

And maybe a special chair:

And there is always the possibility of some custom made furniture, though this would seem pretty uncomfortable for the recipient of a slave's devoted attention:

I suppose one option would be to recruit a surrogate worshipper. But that would deny me the opportunity to enjoy the personal satisfaction of worshipping Mistress. I would be curious to hear how the rest of you suggest I handle my  tender hip while sufficiently serving Mistress' s needs.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snow Day

Mistress and slave woke to a nice coating of snow here yesterday. Nothing like the 18 inches experienced during our recent SW getaway, but the type of cold slippery stuff that cripples commutes here in River City.

It made slave want to spend a little more time in bed with Mistress before clearing enough of the drive as to allow me to back my car out. After our wake-up sex was consummated, I bundled up and headed to work. Mistress made the wiser choice of cancelling her morning spinning session and a lunch meeting, and hunkered down to work from home for the day.

I safely made it to work, slipping here and there in the slow traffic. And used the snow as an excuse to head home early, finding Mistress safely tucked into our bed, pretty much where I had left her in the morning.

"I actually did a lot of work today, slave!"

I did not doubt her, but when you can work from home, why not use your lap-top in bed rather than trundle about our drafty old house?

Rest assured that one of the rituals that soon unfolded involved a pre-dinner apertivo (not unlike the tableau depicted above) to make sure Mistress did not have to resort to self-help as a reward for a "hard day at the office".

BTW, there's more snow headed here on Friday.  I think I'd better bring home a "snow day bag" from work, in case I am persuaded to join Mistress for another "work from home" day.  Despite the distractions, I am sure we can both be very productive.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Back to Basics

The voters have spoken. Slave's side won. Now it's time for Mistress and slave to get back to "real life". I suppose it was fortunate the electoral adventures of the last few weeks were a proper "Last Hurrah" rather than a "Last Stand", but the part Mistress likes best is the "Last".

"I've noticed you've not been calling me 'Mistress' as much lately, slave...."

Definitely not a good sign.

So slave has committed to doubling down on being a good slave these next few weeks. And while today may be a challenge (I have to leave for an out of town meeting at 6:30 this morning), I hope to do even more worship and devotion to Mistress to show her that she's still my No. 1 priority.

Plus, as it turns out, it's the healthiest thing to do!  Mistress pointed out this article to me yesterday:
Going Down On Women Is Good For Your Health. Turns out that some high fallutin' researchers have "studied" the issue and verified that treating your babe to some orally induced cums helps fight heart disease and cancer.

So, Terri. It's time to work even harder on those oral servicing skills. Maybe we need to share tips on how best to do our jobs in that "area".

I wonder if we can now get our health insurer to pay me a stipend once I retire?

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Mistress and Slave have been pretty busy this week, though we've kept up our regular wake-up sex, with an evening worship chaser for Mistress. Yeah... you've heard it all before. Last night Slave was privileged to taste those sultry and salty clean shaven folds after an after work bike ride in the early summer River City heat.  Yum.

Sadly, we've had to tone things down with the two Co-Eds home from college.

But here's something that caught my eye and is worth sharing. A Washington Post reporter is soliciting comments on whether women find monogamous sex boring. Here's the link Is Monogamous Sex Boring for Women?

There's even a little story about how some female spiders are more interested in sex with a new partner after 90 minutes, than with the "guy" they just did it with.  So, stripping about social conventions and economic dependency, are babes just as interested in multiple partners as "sowing their wild oats" men are supposed to be?

The writer is looking for comments.

I'm wondering if those of you involved in hot cuckoldy relationships will give her some scorching perspective.

Wouldn't you just hate to make the Washington Post blush?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Shelter from the Storm

Here in River City, a long way from the surreal, violent and unnerving developments in greater Boston, a lot of folks were riveted to their radios and TVs yesterday, rooting for the men and women trying to apprehend a young man who's profile seemed increasingly confusing as the day went on. Thankfully, their mission was ultimately accomplished with no more loss of life. It was a rare triumph for hard work and cool heads.  But back to River City....

After some bracing wake-up sex in the UCTMW executive suite, Slave went to work in his cage, after Mistress took the cues that some of our followers have been leaving for us in the form of "more cage time" comments these last few days.  I'm thinking maybe it's time I created a pay barrier for out comments section! At least then I might profit from the extra discipline you guys have been pining for!

But Mistress decided to "shelter in place" in solidarity with our friends in Boston. And it seems she was busy, despite the WC's entreaties that she spend some time getting reacquainted with her favorite power tool.

I got home at around 5:30, though I'll confess I was distracted through the day not so much by the hard steel containing Mistress's work-a-day cock, but by the drama unfolding on NPR and my computer screen. It was hard to imagine a great American city on lock-down through the day, as the Police, FBI and other responders tightened the noose.  The interviews with the suspects friends and family made the story all the more compelling, and confusing.

And of course, the media coverage was bordering on maniacal, depending on the source. As NBC disclosed that the two suspects had roots in Chechnya, CNN seemed to stick to their story that they were really time travelers from the year 2320. Either that, or that they had actually been arrested two days earlier. No doubt the frenzied coverage was cranking up the panic in lots of homes in the Boston area. We were thinking of our friends at All Mine, and hoping they were safely locked their home and taking full advantage of the day off.

But before Mistress and Slave returned their attention to the news, there was some business to be taken care of....

"How about some worship, Mistress?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Slave.... and if you do a good job, I might even take the cage off...."

You can bet I applied myself in earnest to the task at hand.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Two-fer Tuesday

With kids at home and Mistress's job getting a little out of whack, I think we've let down those of you who see Mick and Molly as role models for profligate sex. No, we may not have the "marathon" sessions here at the UCTMW World HQ that occur over at J's "Love Shack". But in the past we have been none for our training camp two a day regime. Not so much these last few weeks though.

But for those of you concerned that old Mick may be sliding down hill, yesterday was a lovely example that I'm not quite on the far side yet.

Of course, there was the 6:30 am wake up booty call, before we climbed on our bikes for a cool morning ride on our neighborhood hills.

But then we had a little surprise last evening.

We arrived home planning on some quick worship, and then making dinner for our girls.

But SURPRISE: they had actually organized themselves into a trip to the movies with another friend.

Can you see our sad look of disappointment when we learned the little "divas in training" had decided to forsake their parents' company for an evening out?

We tried to hide our glee until they left, then settled into a perfect evening at home in our temporarily evacuated nest:  I worked Mistress's clean shaven folds with my lips and tongue until she came with a moan and shudder of delight. Then she turned her attention to my cock, teasing and taunting it with her skilled mouth until she had me begging for the privilege to fuck her.

Fortunately, she was indulgent.

After that, a short nap, and the dinner we had planned, but just for the two of us, watching some escapist TV: Political Animals . Hardly Pulitizer material. More low brow Aaron Spelling material for political junkies. But plenty of guitly pleasure fun to watch in a post sexual buzz.

It was a nice, "night off" for Mistress and Slave, showing the potential for getting back into a more robust sexual groove once we have the UCTMW World HQ back to ourselves in a few short weeks.

It's also good Slave got his quota in yesterday because tonight Mistress will be spending the evening with her Lover over at his "love shack" while I take on the grim but obligatory task of taking my mother to dinner so she can see her two granddaughters.

"Is it bad that I'm abandoning you guys with only a two weeks to go before they leave Slave."

"No Mistress .... it makes good sense.  You've paid your dues big time. Do you think J would mind if I tagged along...."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

600,000 Page Viewers Can't Be Wrong.

Here in River City, Mistress and Slave had a rather hellacious work week: too much performance art for me; too much up and down the highway and “pitching” for her.

So it was nice to have nothing on the agenda for our Friday evening. We got home at around 5:30 pm, there was a little worship to get Mistress and Slave into the right frame of mind, then a bike ride up to our swim club where Mistress put in some laps for about 30 minutes as Slave rambled through the NY Times.

AS the sun sunk low we headed back to the UCTMW World HQ, had a refreshing “picnic” dinner while perusing the web, drank some wine, then headed to bed. 

The stress had slowly faded into the background, and it was time for some Friday night action.  Mistress instructed her Slave to insert the aneros, as a little reminder of who was in charge… and naturally I complied.

I settled between her thighs for some extended tongue play…. And her hips were soon rising to meet my purposeful lips and tongue. Her moans of convulsions told me I had done a workmanlike job. And by now my cock was telling me it would like to move on to the next round.

“How’s my cock, Slave?”

He questing fingers answered the question for her, and she used her own warm lips to get me into the crazed and begging state quicker than Mitt Romney can reset his etch-a-sketch screen.

Fortunately, Mistress was indulgent.

Our plans today are a little more complicated.  Mistress has an early hair grooming session, after some pre-scheduled wake up sex. I’m going to spend sometime with one of my cute grandsons, and visit my cranky Mother.

“Slave…. while you’re busy I’m going over to pay a call on J….”

“No problem, Mistress….”

“He wanted to know if we should go for a bike ride AND have sex…. but I told him let’s skip the ride today….”

“No point in trying to over-schedule, Mistress.”

So Mistress will get plenty of action today….. she may need a nap by afternoon, and I will be happy to join her.

When I woke this AM, I did notice that the little meter on the blog passed a significant milestone: more than 600,000 page views here. (Actually, there’s probably a lot more, since the meter did not go up at the start, and other “metrics” seem inconsistent…. But …. It’s still rather strange, isn’t it?)

I flipped over to the page that shows how many views particular entries have had and came to a stunning realization: our Western Correspondent is the reigning king of ratings here at UCTMW. 

His “Tutorial on Slave Positions” has been viewed 6021 times, and stands at #1.

His “Tutorial on First Time Ass fucking” ranks 2nd, with  2,181 page views.

Donna comes in 3rd with her “Tutorial on Butt Plugs”, with 2879 views.

“The Contract” comes in 4th, with 2193 views.

You can see links to all of them on the right, which I suspect is one reason why these entries have done so well…. success begets success in the world of internet “journalism”.  

And the fetching photos that accompany Mike’s two “chart toppers” can’t hurt. If I substituted a photo of say, Rick Santorum, with the anonymous kneeling Slave shot currently there, I suspect page views might shrink, don’t you think?  (Maybe an experiment is in order).

And Mistress’s lush ass is bound to attract clicks. Right?

But lets give the big guy and his inimitable stylings on spelling,  grammar and punctuation his due!  WC, when you get back from that well earned vacation after all the long stressful hours you’ve put in at Scarlett Ranch there is going to be a 10% bonus in that fat paycheck of yours. As my mother would say, “don’t spend it all in one place!”

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back to the Smut....

OK, I apologize for yesterday's pathetic dissent into introspection.... our readers voted with their feet, so to speak. Only two comments, probably generated out of pity more than anything else. And when I checked out the readership, well, it looked like the "eyes" on our blog went down my about 30% yesterday, no doubt repelled by the notion that the folks at UCTMW had turned to the maudlin side.

And I don't think J was particularly thrilled about our speculation concerning how he is reacting to this rather odd combo.

So, no mas..... back to alluring R rated photos of Mistress's luscious body, and my cheeky reporting on the goings on in our sex lives.

Yesterday was a nice one by the way.  After a night in another Man's arms on Sunday it was with a renewed sense of longing that I had the chance to sleep with Mistress these last two nights.  There was your typically needy wake up sex here on Tuesday morning.

Our plan for Tuesday afternoon was to leave work by 6 pm, go for a bike ride, then follow our hungers - whether for pleasure or sustenance. 

We got home, and rather quickly changed into our riding attire. As I was adding a little pressure to our tires in the garage, I did receive a brief reprimand.

"I note that you did not offer to worship in the bedroom, Slave...."


"Well, you seemed pretty anxious to get out on the bikes, Mistress...."

"Don't make presumptions, Slave.... you know the rules."

I had a feeling that there could be some consequences on the horizon.  But I dodged the bullet last night, making sure that  Mistress's well exercised folds were thoroughly bathed with my tongue and lips. And once she'd had a satisfactory starter cum, she allowed me to slide into bed next to her and demonstrate how desperate her work-a-day cock was for her.  I think Mistress was a little surprised with the explosive fury I experienced when she finally gave me permission to come.

"Wow, what was that about Slave...."

"Not sure, Mistress.... maybe anticipating a night without you tomorrow...."

As it turns out, her senior cock may not get any more action until tomorrow evening.  J has invited her over this evening, and Mistress has informed me that she will be sleeping over.

"I know you don't like me driving home late at night, and J seems very anxious to have me spend the night, Slave."

"Not a problem Mistress..... I'll miss you here, but I do worry about those late night drives.... and your absence will definitely make the cock grow harder, so to speak."

I do have a pass on the cage though today.  I have to pass through some metal detectors for work this afternoon. So Mistress is indulging me. 

"But I want you to be available for my call at any time, Slave....."

"Not a problem, Mistress."

Now, back upstairs for some worship to help get Mistress through the day before her rendezvous with J.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Mad Men Viewing Party

Mistress got back from her booty call yesterday morning by 10:30 am. It was a surprisingly  efficient session by their standards - J had a round of golf, and Mistress was looking forward to our bike ride and some sun.

But we were able to squeeze in some vanilla, but most gratifying, sex between our ride and her prime destination of a lounge chair  on our sun splashed deck.

Sadly, there was no time for a full on switch day to share with you. Believe me, you do not want to get between Mistress and a some spring sunshine, no matter what the contract may say! (Plus I had some concern about putting a little too much stress on Mistress's lovely body, after that morning session with J.)

Sadly, after about an hour, the sun was obscured by clouds, giving us a good excuse to adjourn to our Executive Suite with the New York Times. Mistress was tired, understandably, and there was a full evening in our plans.  Although she generously made that lush body available to me before we nodded off, I took a pass.

"You should probably pace yourself, Mistress.  It isn't even three, and you've already done it twice, with more to come this evening, i suspect."

But after our nap..... well, J called Mistress on his way back from golf. She placed her order for the flavor of ice cream she wanted him to pick up, and then the conversation went to the evening's sleeping arrangements.

"Mick and I have discussed this, J. I'll be sleeping with you this evening..... in (our teens's) bed...."

J clearly was a little concerned about how this would play out, but Mistress did her best to reassure.

"I know you think this is a little strange..... the downstairs would be OK if you really want that.... but I think you'll find her bed much more comfortable for us....."

Now as mentioned above, I was planning on letting Mistress rest her body a bit before the evening, but all this talk about who would be sleeping where, and the thought about what might go on behind those closed doors down the hall,  had Slave getting .... shall we say..... aroused.

Soon my lips and tongue were planted between Mistress's lush thighs, plying her clean shaven folds even before  she finished  her conversation.  Her moan of pleasure was a signal for me to suspend my oral attention and beg for permission to impose my engorged work-a-day cock upon her one more time that afternoon.

Fortunately, she was in a generous mood.

But soon it was time for me to get working on dinner prep, as Mistress "dressed" for the evening. When she came down to the kitchen where I was slicing mushrooms for the risotto, she gave me a preview of her outfit: a skimpy black nightie, that barely covered her undieless tush, with a short black robe clinging to her curves. Oh..... and her breasts were rather conspicuous too.

"Hmmmmm.....nice, Mistress. I have a feeling J will be impressed."

"I figure it's a Sunday evening at home.... isn't this the way I would normally dress, Slave?"

"You've got a point, Mistress."

I won't go into all of the details of the evening, which was relaxed and enjoyable.

Soon J joined us, bearing a bottle of red and Mistress's favorite brand of ice cream. 

As I prepared our meal, that included some grilled ruby trout with a wasabi glaze, Mistress gave J a little tour of our upstairs, presumably to show him where he'd be sleeping.  I could hear the sound of their voices, for a while..... but things got silent for about 15 minutes or so, making my sordid imagination wander a bit down smutty roads. When I announced that dinner was just about ready, a little curious about what was actually going on up there, they joined me in the kitchen, as Mistress  conspicuously rearranged her lovely breasts inside her nightie.

"I was showing him some family photos up in the Blue room Slave, and well ... we were making out a little too."

Poor J had a sheepish look on his face with this gratuitous announcement. That's the sort of thing that seems to get a  little embarrassing for him.

After an enjoyable dinner, we adjourned to the TV room to watch Mad Men.... an episode from the end of last season, and the premier of the new season.  No review from me, though here is a cute clip of Mad Men "seduction" lines that some of you might enjoy.

It is worth reporting that Mistress seemed to be in hog heaven throughout: her head resting against J's shoulder, her legs extended over my lap. He held her hands. I rubbed her lovely feet.  As wild and crazy as those 60's era advertising sexists got, I somehow doubt they imagined this sort of scenario.

And Mistress was eating it up. At some point, as we were both softly stroking her, she announced to no one in particular that "I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but I'm kind of horny again."

I hope I did not let her down when I answered,  "J it's up to you..... I think I've hit my limit today....."

As it turned out, three  hours of pastel interiors, over-bleached hair, three martini lunches, cigarettes and skinny ties was even too much for these Mad Men afficiandos.  About 90 minutes into the 2 hour premier of season 5, J was nodding off, and Mistress announced it was bed time.

I headed off to the executive suite after finishing up the dishes.  Mistress was in our bathroom, brushing her teeth, and ready to "tuck me in". 

She was very sensitive to her Slave's demeanor about this latest twist.

"Are you sure you're OK with this, Slave...."

I gave her assurances, and a loving kiss before she headed off to her little in home assignation.

But she did have some instructions for me.

"Remember Slave.... no touching...."

I suppose I should be grateful that I was spared the cage.

And Slave was pretty sleepy, nodding off soon after lights were out here at the UCTMW World HQ, so following her instructions was not a problem... at least as first.

But Mistress did check on her Slave a couple of times during the night, presumably during trips to the bathroom. She leaned over, kissed me passionately.... then returned to her lover's bed.  That's when the "no touching rule" got a little harder to follow.  Because each little visit made my work-a-day cock twitch into life.

But I played by the rules and made it through the night solo, my seed intact.

I've got instructions to wake her at 7 am.... she's got an early work meeting. And I know J has to leave for work early too.....

It could be a long day for a horny Slave....

Friday, March 23, 2012


Mistress plans were hijacked a bit last night. We had scheduled a bike ride at the end of the day - at around 7 pm - after Mistress met briefly for drinks with a client.

You may remember some references to him a few weeks ago -- the guy who bit on a contract with Mistress's agency after she deployed her considerable domme-ish charms.  So he had suggested they meet for a drink after work last night to discuss how things were going.

I had a sense that this might be more than a casual business drink, based on the stories I had heard about their past encounter, but wished Mistress well.

At a little before seven, I got the first call.

"You better go for your ride yourself Slave.... this is taking longer than I thought. He's brought along his girlfriend (the guy's also married) and it's pretty strange...."

As it turns out Mistress made it home around 8 pm, slightly tipsy from "the expensive champagne this guy was buying".

As Mistress stripped away her wok cloths she was ranting about the crazy.

"So at some point the girlfriend fades away...."

"What was she like?"

"OK... maybe in her 20's."

"And how old is he?"

"Maybe 41.... and kind of short, Slave..... you know that's an issue for me."

"I kept saying I had to go.... he said don't waste the expensive bubbly...."

Was he coming onto you.....

"At this point he was insisting that I drink more and go to dinner with him..... after that, who knows?"

"And he wouldn't take no for an answer?"

"He even said if I didn't go to dinner with him he might pull the contract.... he said the only reason he signed with us was because he was so 'drawn' to me...."

See, Mistress is spewing pheromones all over.... creating chaos wherever she goes.

Hopefully that "threat" was just a reflection of this guy's desperation, rather than a real  promise of reprisal.

It got me thinking, "What would Don Draper Do?" -- Don is the anti-hero of the MadMen series, about 60's guys and gals in a Madison Ave. Ad Agency with their rather archiac mores about sexual harassment and transactional sex.

So if Don (or his female colleague Peggy for that matter) had been pressured for sex to keep a good customer relationship, would they have gone a long for the ride.  Oh wait.... it seems there have been several times when that's exactly what happened on the show. When it does, we all roll our eyes and comment on how antiquated those days were.

And yet here we are in 2012.... and Mistress is getting hit on by a client who would like nothing more than kneel at her feet and discover the intoxicating pleasures of her clean shaven folds.

After Mistress disrobed, she picked up the phone to check-in with J and describe her rather dumbfounding experience. I won't go into all the details of the events that ensued, but it did seem to leave J a little desperate back at his house, and Mistress with a few well deserved cums courtesy of my loving lips and tongue and fingers.

And we have an appointment to all get together here Sunday evening to watch the kick-off for the new season of MadMen. Mick will cook risotto, and Mistress had promised to introduce J to the pleasure of being bound to one of the sullen teen's empty beds as she demonstrates how she uses the power tool to pleasure herself.

Poor J..... I'm not sure he knows what he's gotten himself into.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mistress Takes on a Familiar Role

As Slave languished in his cock cage yesterday, while tending to my normal work-a-day tasks, I traded a few text messages with Mistress.

"J's pretty fired up Slave.... he wants me to tie him up tonight."

Hmmm. So it seems J has been  paying attention to the blog and finds Molly in Mistress mode a little too hard to resist.

We had talked  a little about this last night.

"It seems every time I go out there looking for a Part Time Dom, I end up with another candidate for Slave instead, Slave."

"Maybe it's your natural role after all, Mistress...."

"I'm starting to think so".

As the day progressed, and I sat in an endless meeting, we played with the theme a bit via text.

"Did you suggest he stock up on rope, Mistress...."

"He says he has some old ties around...."

"Very Preppy, Mistress."

And I got a little push-back too.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, you're still the lead Slave....."

"Good to hear that.... but be careful of leaving rope burns, Mistress."

Of course, all this had Slave increasingly uncomfortable in the unfriendly confines of my hard steel containment device. 

After work I headed home, did some chores, finished mowing the lawn, read the Times, listened to the folks at MSNBC rant.  At some point I probably nodded off. I awoke to Mistress coming up the stairs at the time she promised, around 11 pm.

She seemed surprisingly perky, if slightly disheveled.

"So how was your evening, Mistress..."

"Good, Slave..... a little wine.... a little sex .... a little ice cream.... a little more sex."

"Sounds productive....."

I felt a little sorry for Mistress.... she must be tired, and the morning promised another work day.  But when she graciously unlocked my cage .... well let's just say her cock was not exactly dormant."

"Do you think you have the energy for one more round, Mistress?"

"For you, Slave? .... of course I do. But put in your device (the aneros)..... it's a little late and I know that will put you in an even more desperate mood."

Of course, that would not be a problem here, but I dutifully complied, and soon found myself on my knees between her spread legs, savoring the flavors of her evening's pursuits as she recounted some of the smutty details.

"Yes... J certainly liked me tying him up, teasing him, riding his cock, Slave....."

"I'm sure he did, Mistress.....who wouldn't?"

"I told him next time I'm tying down his legs too...."

"That will give him something to think about...."

By the time I had delivered Mistress one more cum to pad her evening's totals with my hungry lips and tongue, my cock was more than primed to take matters to the next step.

Fortunately, Mistress had just enough energy left to accommodate her lead Slave.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bullet Dodged.

Around 11 am yesterday I got the text from Mistress....

"spanking tonight, Slave.... after our bike ride."

Yes I had been a little cross with her via phone and text message. The "controversy" at issue was really irrelevant. Just Slave being a little petulant over one of those administrative duties that come up in navigating a marital household. But my tone was  something that clearly crossed the line, and Mistress is entitled to take it out on my hide when and how she sees fit.

Come to think of it, she doesn't really need an excuse at all, as exemplified by the preemptive cropping I got Saturday evening before I headed out for my St. Patrick's Day soiree and she headed over to J's house for her sleepover.

But, as you might imagine, I was not looking forward to the sting of the crop, so I did my best to (literally) suck up to Mistress when we got home .... I made sure to lavish those clean shaven folds with extra attention as she lay back on our bed, still transitioning from work cloths to biking wear.  After she was satisfied, we did out ride, with Mistress taking a second loop as Slave spent some time mowing the grass (yes.... our lawn needs mowing on the first day of spring..... but some say this whole global warming thing is just political science?)

When Mistress returned, I joined her inside, and she whipped up a lovely smoked salmon salad with fixings she acquired on her weekend outing with J to COSTCO. Then we sat down to watch another episode of Californication.

Mistress was attired in that lovely "tie-dyish" top and thong confection I got for her at Christmas, and nothing more. Another benefit of a warmer than normal March here in River City.  Remember this?

All in all, it was a perfect evening.... at least so far.

When our show was over, Mistress suggested we adjourn to the Executive Suite.

"Happily Mistress". I joined her there after taking care of the dinner dishes.

And to my relief, the crop was not on the bed.

Instead, Mistress required me to insert my "device" (the aneros), so that my cock would be of ample and sustained girth to please her.

That mission, I believe was fully accomplished.

As we snuggled later in post-coital bliss, Mistress explained her decision to "spare the rod".

"You've been a very good Slave of late.... so I figured I could let this one slide.... for a while."

I expressed my appreciation. It's nice to be in her good graces, and I do enjoy my status as pampered house slave.  (I felt a little sorry for Tammy when I read ALL Mine this morning and learned about his evening with that wooden spoon..... damn. And with Sherry watching too? )

But Mistress reminded me of my responsibility today....

"I want that cage on all day, Slave.... until I get home..... it should be by around 11pm."

Mistress will be calling on her "sex-toy", as she teasingly calls J after work this evening. I could tell she was pleased that he was out buying some Pistachio ice cream as a little treat for her this evening.

I wonder who will be licking it off of what body part before the night it done.

In any event,  Slave already has the ring to his cage firmly in place, and will let Mistress close the lock before we head off to work in separate cars this AM.  It could be a long day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Pheremone Effect?

Last night it was just Mistress and Slave at home here at the UCTMW World HQ.  I had an after work meeting, and Mistress got home before me and took a "double loop" bike ride on our local hills.  As I stepped out of my work costume, Mistress we stripping away her exercise shorts and seemed a little impatient with me.

"Have you forgotten something, Slave?"

Oops. I had been a little slow on the uptick when it came to offering my services.

"Sorry, Mistress....."

I tossed a pillow on the floor next to our bed, to cushion my bony knees, and went to work on those clean shaven folds, which were especially ripe after her strenuous ride in this 80 degree, end of winter weather here in "tropical" River City.  But of course, for me the taste was absolutely fabulous.  And Mistress was soon shuddering through a couple of post exercise cums.

Mistress commitment to exercise brought to mind an article that somehow popped onto my screen yesterday, and that I shared via emails with Suzanne, over at All Mine, and Donna.  It raises the subject of women who have orgasms while exercising. "Core-gasms" is what some folks call them.  I know the WC will find this inspirational the next time he goes to the gym, and ponders all those women on the stationary bikes, so here is a link, Miguel. Maybe this will get your mind off the sad demotion of Jesus's favorite QB on the Donkeys' depth chart.

Afterwords, as Mistress had a late snack and we prepared to catch up on an episode of "Californication", we shared details of our day.

"I was standing in the driveway, on the phone with someone from work, and that doctor down the street (the one I threatened to  call to help with condom removal on Sunday) actually pulled into the drive behind me to talk ..... he was very flattering in his comments on my appearance, Slave...."

"Who can blame him.... you are muy caliente, Mistress...."

Later, on the phone with  J, Mistress shared this little story with her new lover, and they speculated about whether all this sex has pumped up both of their pheromone output in a way that has other folks taking notice.... sort of like the proverbial cat in heat.

"J says he's noticed the same thing.... women at the gym suddenly coming up to talk to him, or ask him for golf lessons....."

"No doubt they'd like the feel of his hands on their hips, Mistress, guiding them into the proper position .... or the feel of his "club" pressed between the cheeks of their asses...."

"Hmmmm.... do you think that's how he teaches golf, Slave....."

I searched for  a little intelligence  on the subject this morning, and think I found a picture of J using his unique style of golf instruction with one of those curious ladies.

I'm thinking those ladies clubs gathering cob webs in the basement may see the light of day again after all.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HNT / Her Inbox Runneth Over

For those of you who were concerned about poor Mick's long, wrenching, nearly 40 hours of abstinence, that problem resolved itself around 8 pm last night, and quite nicely I might add. Mistress compounded my desperation by instructing me to insert my "device" (the aneros), which took old Mr. work-a-day cock to Dev Con 4 in no time. But I made sure to worship those clean shaven folds first before humbly asking for permission to fuck her.

But today's blog is not about that (or the hot early morning sex we had already today .... still adjusting to Euro-time I suppose), but about the rather impressive results that hot little picture to your right had on Mistress's Ashley Madison in-box yesterday.

AS you my recall, Mistress had listed herself on AM several weeks ago in her ongoing attempt to recruit that perfect part-time Dom / Cuckold collaborator that has so far eluded us here at UCTMW. (See the original posting to the right among our "most popular" blogs.) Maybe we just have "All Mine" envy, but the search has been a little frustrating.

Anyway, back to AM.

Mistress's original post was sans photo. And although a few emails and "admirers" popped up over the last few weeks - including one or two worth investigating further, the pickings had been relatively slim.

"Too many short guys, Slave....and guys who can't spell....."

I had suggested posting a discrete but alluring photo as a little extra "honey", and while Mistress was away she gave me to go ahead.

So I posted the photo above and .... Cowabunga....

Mistress first noticed the "hot legs" effect yesterday afternoon, as a colleague drove her car back from our flat state capitol, and texted me.

"It's stunning, Slave.... they just keep coming."

I flipped open my lap top to confirm.

"No, you're stunning, Mistress... you need a full time social secretary to vet these for you."

"That's your job, Slave...."

So... last night, after the hot reunion sex, as Mistress lay by my side, I helped her cull the maddened herd.  By then there were about 350 messages in her in-box. Some were these lame "You have an admirer", solicitations for a response. Some offered "keys" to their private photo array. Lots of naked, muscular torsos to be seen. Rock solid Abs must be popular with the AM crowd.

Others were more personal messages, some with a little substance... other's with the rather uninviting "want to chat".  They came from as far as London (England, not Ky.) and Park City, Utah. But most were in our neck of the woods .... give or take an hour or two.

Mistress applied some crude screens.... no one under 5'10'' ... no one with cock shots in their "private portfolio". No Tea Partiers.  And please, no photos with your wife or significant other.

But even then, the task was rather overwhelming. She updated the profile to make it clear what her selection criteria were .... the minimum height.... well educated and read... she's not here to be your therapist. And please, no Tea Partiers.

We wonder if that will slow the flow.

The most interesting thing to watch was how Mistress screened folks based on photos. It was hard for me to tell what she considered to be "attractive" or "ugh".  But a lot of folks did not make her "cut" based on physical appearance.

"Am I too superficial, Slave?"

"No... you know what works, and what doesn't. But I do have a concern.... if my face popped up.... the oldish guy with no hair on top... would on end up in the dust bin at AM?"

"Of course not Slave.... you're still very handsome...."

She gave me a little kiss, to confirm her ongoing affection. 

More on all this later, dear readers.  I have some deleting to do over in Mistress's overflowing in-box.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Back at It....

It was good planning that Mistress and Slave left themselves a full day to adjust to the time shift before heading back to work here in River City.  We spent the day yesterday doing very little of consequence - a morning trip to the gym, a walk in the chilly sunshine, time catching up with the news, and visiting with our respective mothers.

But there was some residual pent up sexual demand to deal with.  Yes, there had been that very early morning encounter when we both woke up at about 9 am Paris time ( 3 am here). But after Mistress read the blog, accompanied by some worshipful oral devotions, her work-a-day cock was more than ready for a second round of morning sex.  We took it slow, and made sure that all the kinks were worked out before Slave requested permission to come. 

Fortunately, she was in an indulgent mood.

We also had some time to reflect on our trip. While dealing with the sullen teen had been trying at times - she clearly was not in the mood for us to treat her as "our little girl" - it was a once in a life time chance to spend a full week in one of the World's greatest cities.  Maybe next time (if there is one) we can ditch the kids and spend a little more time exploring the sensual side of Paris.... though there were a few hints we were able to capture in pixils.  I mean, where else can you find naked cock fighting?

Or perfume ads with a bondage theme?
Or even memorial stones with a kink for the twisted among us?  No, the next time we will definitely need to search more of this out.   Now, I think it's time for me to head back up to the Executive Suite to make sure Mistress has a little extra time to kick off our return to the offices in fitting UCTMW style.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meanwhile.... back at the UCTMW World HQ

Mistress and Slave made it back from their Parisian adventure to visit their long lost sullen teen.  One fear I had about arranging this journey, about 4 months before her year abroad ends, was that she would have a meltdown on the last day and beg to go home with us.

As it turned out, that was not the problem. Instead, it seemed after about 4 days we had overstayed our welcome. By yesterday morning when we dropped her off at the Gare du Nord (she reminded me more than a few times that you don't pronounce either the "r" or the "d"), she seemed more than happy to have us skedaddle back to the banal world we come from, and to take our shoddy table manners and unsophisticated habits with us.

Nevertheless, Mistress and Slave did have a wonderful time, with more time to ourselves over the last two days. There was great eating, strolling, sight seeing and appreciating the more elegant and sensual lifestyle of this great city, with its soft pathways, winding alleys, and charming Bistros.

Of course, back here in River City we had some adjusting to do after the nine hour flight home. It was colder, we were back behind the wheel rather than strolling or riding the Metro, and that six hour time shift was a bit of a bear.

But fortunately we had what amounted to a whole weekend left to ourselves, in the empty nest, to adjust. 

Who can complain about that?

After the mail was opened and the cats were reassured that their human companions had returned, Mistress elected to go get some deferred maintenance done on her fingertips and feet. It was Slave's job to re-stock the larder.

But I was reminded via text, somewhere in the produce department, that on my return home there would be a cropping in my future. a list of pecadillos had been run up during that week away, where the lack of privacy had prevented swift justice. 


But as it turned out, by the time Mistress returned, and I had stored away the groceries, she was too tired for corporal punishment. Instead there was some plain old raucous sex in the executive suite, preceded by some much deferred worship.  It was nice to be able to go full throttle after a week, without the need to stifle or listen for the key in the lock of our little apartment in the Marais.

And while out own little "Temple of Love"  may not have high ceilings or stained glass like St. Chappel, it's great to be able to keep the door open and not worry about volume.

After a nap that seemed like it could have gone on much longer, Slave assembled our dinner: a roast chicken and sauteed spinach. And by then we were a little too tired even to turn on the TV.  Instead we retired to our cozy bed, caught up on the papers, and read until it was what passed for a suitable eastern time zone bed time.

Of course, we woke at a crazy hour this AM. Was it 2 am, or 3 here ? But 9 am Paris time? The cats missed us, apparently. One was licking my hand while the other was parked on my ass.   

It seemed there was only one prescription for nocturnal readjustment (after the cats were shown the door).

"Would Mistress like her Slave to fuck her?"

"My cock is always welcome, Slave...."

Yes, we'll always have Paris.  But wherever we have an empty nest, I'm happy to call home.