Saturday, April 20, 2013

Shelter from the Storm

Here in River City, a long way from the surreal, violent and unnerving developments in greater Boston, a lot of folks were riveted to their radios and TVs yesterday, rooting for the men and women trying to apprehend a young man who's profile seemed increasingly confusing as the day went on. Thankfully, their mission was ultimately accomplished with no more loss of life. It was a rare triumph for hard work and cool heads.  But back to River City....

After some bracing wake-up sex in the UCTMW executive suite, Slave went to work in his cage, after Mistress took the cues that some of our followers have been leaving for us in the form of "more cage time" comments these last few days.  I'm thinking maybe it's time I created a pay barrier for out comments section! At least then I might profit from the extra discipline you guys have been pining for!

But Mistress decided to "shelter in place" in solidarity with our friends in Boston. And it seems she was busy, despite the WC's entreaties that she spend some time getting reacquainted with her favorite power tool.

I got home at around 5:30, though I'll confess I was distracted through the day not so much by the hard steel containing Mistress's work-a-day cock, but by the drama unfolding on NPR and my computer screen. It was hard to imagine a great American city on lock-down through the day, as the Police, FBI and other responders tightened the noose.  The interviews with the suspects friends and family made the story all the more compelling, and confusing.

And of course, the media coverage was bordering on maniacal, depending on the source. As NBC disclosed that the two suspects had roots in Chechnya, CNN seemed to stick to their story that they were really time travelers from the year 2320. Either that, or that they had actually been arrested two days earlier. No doubt the frenzied coverage was cranking up the panic in lots of homes in the Boston area. We were thinking of our friends at All Mine, and hoping they were safely locked their home and taking full advantage of the day off.

But before Mistress and Slave returned their attention to the news, there was some business to be taken care of....

"How about some worship, Mistress?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Slave.... and if you do a good job, I might even take the cage off...."

You can bet I applied myself in earnest to the task at hand.


  1. I don't know Mick, you protest gently about the cage time, but I think really you love it. Wouldn't you like things stricter?


  2. Mick,

    Thanks for thinking of us here at All Mine. Even though this ordeal will continue for many people, especially the families who are grieving the loss of loved ones, and those with serious injuries, yesterday's drama helped wrap up what was a very difficult week for Bostonians.

    Switching gears, I think sin has a point. Increased cage time helps you appreciate your slave status to your beautiful Mistress. It's a "self-actualization" sort of thing. See...worshiping while in a cage wasn't that bad now was it? I'll bet Mistress enjoyed it too.

    A pay barrier? I was actually thinking of charging for this advice. But for now, it will remain free. Consider it pro bono.

  3. Yep Molly says she is going green on us

    No more need for climate changing power tools when Mick does so good while locked up

    Sue you have done your part to save the environment!

  4. Hey Molly

    I just found a link for you

    I know you just bought a Chevy Volt

    And put solar panels up on all you houses

    And zero scaped your yard

    But while perusing the net I found just the product for your new quest

    The add says it will set up beautifully in your bedroom

    And your mate can peddle away as you enjoy hours of blissful pleasure and relaxation

    Best part is Mick already has bike shorts

    And the whole deal only costs $199.99

    Plus shipping and handling

    Of only $400.00

    Its the perfect deal for you

    Check it out!!!!

    The shopper,




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