Monday, April 8, 2013

In Memoriam

Thatcher: Tramp that Dirt Down

Click on the link above for the song and slide show!


  1. Is this an actual picture or a photoshopped one?

  2. Very cool Mick,

    And all this time I thought she was just a nice old lady...............

  3. Tramp the dirt down is at best childish and in poor taste. This is the sort of thing that gives those of us on the left a reputation as just mean spirited and petty.

    She taxed North Sea Oil at 90% rate to fund many things and stopped the exodus of the rich who were leaving Britain in droves-thats why you Yanks got many so many Brit rock stars living in your country.
    While I can't say I agree with her policies the fact is that she improved employment by increasing employment over 10 years 30%- and did a lot for what we Brits called comprehensive education. So for those of us living in Britain at the time she was might not have been our favourite but I have to admit she did a lot of good for the common man. A shame a strong women is attacked by men this way.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. at best childish and in poor taste. Your wife should put you in chastity for a year and possibly in diapers for celebrating the death of a great leader.

  6. She was a polarizing figure, like Dubya and Dick Cheney in this country. While she never won close to a majority of the vote in any of her elections, she certainly acted as if she had a mandate, without the "balance of powers" we have in Washington. The Costello song was evocative of the responses that she provoked during her "reign".

    But one thing you can say for her: she seemed to relish the fact that so many people despised her, and she never blamed it on them being sexist.

  7. Thatcher: "The feminists hate me, don’t they? And I don’t blame them. For I hate feminism. It is poison."

    1. thanks for reminding us. Puts "Feminist's" comment in context.



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