Of course, it could be a completely innocent exchange with a sister, Mom, or work colleague. That must be it, you tell yourself.
But then maybe it's HIM. The guy you helped her connect with on-line? Or that tall, macho client she mentioned who invited her out for an after work drink that turned into a hot make out session in a dark corner of the office parking garage.
Are they planning to meet? Scheduling some over the phone or Skype remote sex when you are on some endless Zoom meeting? Or is she just egging him on by mentioning her desire to fondle that big cock, a photo of which she solicited?
She's told you her texts are none of your business. Unless she decides to show you one or two, just as a taunt.
And you know it's not polite to ask, or to crane your neck to get a better look at her phone screen. That could earn you a punishment. Maybe more cage time. Or a denied cum the next time you are having sex. So you suppress your curiosity.
So you can only wonder.....