Some say the horror of those years was the product of some perverse accident of history, or a specific nation's proclivity for evil. But what troubles me is that something about the human condition made that coldly efficient form of genocide all too real. Who's to say it could not happen again, even closer to home?
In contrast, my day here in River City was hectic but hardly Mistress's emotional roller coaster. There was more toiling in the fields. Here you can see the product of my labors.
Was that me or Mondrian?
It turns out that laying tiles and grouting can be a lot more satisfying than much of the work I do for a living, but it sure is harder on your knees and back.
Next time, maybe I simply go to Angie’s List.
(The odd part was that while I was doing that, Mistress was sending me photos via text message of barbed wire fences, and the smoke stacks of the crematorium. It made my simple task seem pretty easy in comparison.)
Fortunately for Mistress, after her trying day, she won her daily coin toss with WC. So she could cum “free style” with no cloths pin accessories. Let’s hope it was enjoyable.
And since I have little to titillate you with today, it’s fortunate that our Director of Security, International stepped up to the plate.
As you might imagine, Bill is a man who shoots first, and asks questions later, usually directed at the Coroner. So it’s not surprising that his contribution is short on words, and long on imagery.
There are times in life when we’d all like to have a simple plain message, no subtle intonations or double meanings. Below find a few I like that are simple straight forward with no quibbling on there meaning-
Of course if that is more message than you want try this one-
Then you might get back –
Of course Mick is missing this opportunity with increasing desperation).
I like this message and the one that follows-
Another style that works very well is-