Of course, the weekend was a forced march through a Friday brunch, rehearsal, rehearsal dinner hosted by Mistress's mother -- the Dowager Domme; then a long Saturday of preparing the room (an old retired Catholic Church) organizing photographs, and, finally a very big long night. It wasn't until past midnight that the two of us finally made it home, exhausted but satisfied that, despite all odds, things had gone off without a hitch.
Excellent planning, Mistress!
But there was still a Sunday of visiting with family before they left town, and a dinner with our two daughters, the new son-in-law and some friends from our Florida days. By Monday morning we were running on fumes.

"I should use the crop on you today, slave.....but I'm too tired." There had been a cropping hiatus with our two daughters in the house since Wednesday, because the sounds might be a tad disturbing to the two Dommes in training.
Fortunately (or not, depending on your perspective) Mistress recovered her energy level by Tuesday, and reminded my bottom of what it had been missing.
The only amusing note from the weekend was the Dowager Domme's choice of a wedding outfit. Of course, one might have expected the grandma of the bride to wear something elegant but unobtrusive so as not to eclipse either the bride or her daughter, the "MOB".
But that would not be in character for the Dowager Domme, would it.
Instead she showed up in a rather severe looking black dress accented with large red flowers. (a bit like the one on the left, but with a shorter hemline and a broader collar).
I decided to address the elephant in the room.
"So J, that's quite a dress. Where did you get that?"
"Thanks, Mick. It's Vietnamese...."

She just smiled to my reference to someone those of us who recall the Vietnam War would remember.
Madame Nhu: the so called "Dragon Lady", who was part of the ruling family of South Vietnam who
LBJ and Nixon propped up at the cost of thousands of young American lives. Didn't she have her own torture chamber, where political dissidents met a cruel fate?

But then what would one expect of a true "Dowager Domme". In fact, maybe we should start referring to her as the "Dragon Lady" from now on. I just don't want to end up in her cross-hairs.