We spent a good chunk of the afternoon down there, enjoying the sea breeze, the sounds of the surf and watching seals pop in and out of the water, hunting for the fish that were trying to swim up river.
But before we abandoned our abandoned chunk of heaven, there was some business to be taken care of.
"How about some worship, Mistress?"
"I thought you'd never ask, Slave....."
We did have to dodge the gaze of all those tourists on the cliffs above, taking the photo op but not daring the steep trail down. So Mistress huddled under a make-shift drift wood lean-to, slithering out of her undies, and parking her firm ass on a beach towel.
"It's a little sandy down there, Slave....."
Ah yes. the ubiquitious beach sand had insinuated itself into those clean shaven folds. Slave did his best to brush her clean, and soldiered through his duties. What's a little grit when it comes to savoring and serving?
Mistress soon came with s shudder and moan, and complimented her slave on my devotion. Then it was time to abandon our little patch of heaven and head back to our B&B.
Rest assured that slave was rewarded for his service.