Showing posts with label La Domaine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Domaine. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Answers Some Fan Mail

 Mistress is off to the Big Apple at a very early hour in the morning, and her Slave will be taxiing her to the airport. I really don't like the thought of her driving in the dark and rain and finding her way to the local airport so early. Nor do I like the idea of ehr having to drive home after a very long day.  (The only thing lacking is appropriate livery garb). 

Luckily, Donna passed on the following post for me to share with you, passing on some advice garnered from her visit to La Domaine:

The La Domaine series I was writing for UCTMW came to a rather abrupt halt with the side trip of Mick and Molly into the Sex Blogger Protection Program, so it never really came to a logical conclusion. Today I received an email with a question from someone who had read the series, looked around at FetLife, looked at the website and is planning a visit to La Domaine. I think the answer I gave to Mr. Texas' question sums up my feelings about La Domaine quite well and brings the series full circle.

Re: Mistress Collette

From: Mr Texas
To: Donna
I love your writings of your visit to La Domaine. My wife and I are planning a trip there for a couples training long weekend. Any insight or thoughts you may have would be appreciated.

To: Mr Texas

I am so pleased for you both! If your experience is anything like mine, it will be an adventure that enriches the vanilla segments of your life as well as the BDSM segments.

From the outside, La Domaine is an attractive, medium sized home located off the beaten path in a beautiful wooded area of Upstate New York. It is the people, the experience and the dungeon facilities that are all far from ordinary and, to my mind, completely over the top.

The people, Master R, Mistress Collette, the Masters and Mistresses in Training, along with the slaves, are serious about BDSM. These are not Johnny Come Lately, game playing people. These are people who know the history of S&M and who have been part of the lifestyle for most of their lives. They easily recognize the psychological situations and inclinations of their guests, and will do everything they possibly can to meet the wants and needs of you and your wife, probably including a few you don't yet know that you have.

The food, the wine, the conversation are beyond compare. Do not be concerned about the large round table in the living area when you first enter La Domaine, you will find that some of the most interesting, open, intense, frank, and informative discussions you would ever hope to have will take place around that table. And when it comes time to dine, Master will prepare the most extraordinary food and serve amazing wines at that same table. Usually the slaves sit on the floor at their Masters' feet, but not having attended a  Couples Retreat, I cannot say with any certainty what the slaves' situation will be on your upcoming trip. If you are insanely fortunate, Master R may provide a bit of music as the evening progresses.

While you can see much of the dungeon on their website, nothing prepares you for the care and attention that has gone into the dungeon. I think that probably anything you might be able to dream up and fantasize about can be beautifully handled in the dungeon. I continue to dream, literally dream, about all the additional things I would like to do there. From roping and suspension, to different postures and equipment of flogging; from the massage area to the slave's cage, there are rooms and alcoves of scene after scene along with the tools and costumes necessary for those scenes or learning experiences. You will find every possible heft and weight of paddle, whip or flogger and then there are dildos, sounds, butt plugs, assorted nipple clamps, the electrical stimulators, and more. And the really cool thing is that there are experienced people right there ready, willing and anxious to help you with your experiences, ready to teach you how to handle any situation that might possibly arise in the most safe and effective manner, according to what you desire.

My advice is to be as honest, direct and open in your questionnaire and phone interviews as you possibly can, to keep an open mind, and then allow Mistress Collette and Master R to lead you to an experience you will cherish.

If I have not answered your question completely, please let me know and I will try again.

Best wishes for an outstanding adventure,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dispatch From our Senior Correspondent: La Domaine Part IV

I need to begin with a correction, if you don’t mind. I have learned since my most recent post that neither slave nor donna should be capitalized when used together. I will endeavor to remember that rule, but no promises. Now, back to La Domaine.

So there I was, bent over a sawhorse. In front of me was slave tom, wrapped in Shibari ropes with his beautiful penis slowly dripping onto my forehead, kind of like Chinese water torture only more viscous.

Directly behind me was Mistress Dame, encouraging me to “pump out more sex” as she very successfully stimulated my nether regions. And Mistress Collette was flogging me from the side and ordering me to really, really beg for permission to lick slave tom’s dick.

I begged, but my begging required correction. I begged again, but still there was some issue with the way I was asking for permission. Finally Mistress turned it over to slave tom who had been bouncing just the tiniest bit on his toes, with his very erect penis bobbing up and down in front of me, catching just the bottom edge of my lips and tip of my nose as I begged. I also thought I heard a little hum coming from slave tom, but had no time to consider that as Mistress clearly was NOT pleased with me. She instructed me to try harder and to REALLY, REALLY BEG slave tom for permission to lick that big, beautiful cock!

I looked up at slave tom and REALLY begged him to allow me to lick his penis and balls. It seemed to me that I used the same words and tone that I had with Mistress Collette, but for some reason they worked this time. Perhaps slave tom was in a more receptive mood than Mistress. In any case, he gave permission and I got right to it. I licked up and down and all around his long cock and turned my head to push forward a tad to do a good job of nuzzling and licking his balls, then back to the licking and kissing.

Tom seemed quite appreciative and I thought I was doing quite well, when Mistress Collette stopped me. As I stopped and pulled back to look up at her, I heard that strange little humming noise again, but in a more strangled tone now, and clearly coming from slave tom.

Mistress Collette informed me that it was now time to see whether I had learned anything and could beg well enough to convince slave tom to allow me to suck his cock. Well I guess I did a much better job of begging because slave tom seemed quite pleased, almost relieved, that I begged so nicely. I turned my head to be in a good position to do a good job, gave him an eyebrow waggle and began. I blew across the tip and then slowly sucked him into my mouth, holding my lips just around his head and working the slit a bit. His moaning gave me hope that I was doing a good job, but Mistress soon began to give me some pointers.

Now,  I really can’t do more than one thing at a time, so I pulled back and let the tip fall from my lips so I could turn my head to pay better attention to what Mistress was saying. Again with the humming, but louder and at a higher pitch, and when I looked up, I could swear slave tom was gritting his teeth. In any case, when Mistress stopped smiling she gave me some great suggestions and told me to get back to work, which I promptly did.  Her suggestions seemed to work quite well and I moved my tongue and lips, coordinating the sucking pressure into the rhythm and pattern she had mentioned, or perhaps ordered.
All of a sudden, something came to my mind and I just couldn't let it go. I stopped and pulled back. Mistress stopped flogging to ask whether I was okay. I motioned with my finger that I would like for her to come down to my level. I whispered to her that I was feeling funny about this, that I am at least 15-20 years older than slave tom and maybe he was only doing this because he was ordered to and maybe he doesn’t really want this from me. She looked at me, blinked a couple of times and asked whether I had noticed that his cock was hard. I said that I had, but thought maybe that was due to the rope. She gave me a stern look and said that if he’s hard, he’s okay with it…and added I should get back to it.

I quickly moved back into position and got back to work/pleasure right away. What a nice, smooth cock slave tom had and it was so long that even if I swallowed when it hit the back of my throat, I couldn't get it all in. I reach up with one hand to massage his balls and used the other to give a back and forth motion to the base of his cock that matched timing with my sucking. All was going so well. I could feel an orgasm building for me, and from the intensity of the humming, I assumed it was the same for slave tom.
Then, out of the blue, SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I had a Charlie Horse in my thigh. I must say that slave tom has good reflexes. He jerked that penis from my mouth in record time! I suspect he may have been concerned I might bite down.

Now let me tell you, that Charlie Horse hurt like the dickens! I needed to sit up, and since I was face down over the sawhorse, getting up was a procedure requiring help from both Mistresses and slave tom. It would have been comical under other circumstances. They helped me get into a chair and in looking up to start to speak I saw that slave tom was still in the ready to launch position, if you know what I mean. I apologized to Mistress and to slave tom, but Mistress Collette said not to worry, that slave tom was very familiar with delayed gratification and that there wasn’t any problem at all.  She grabbed a little leather strip from the bench and slapped his cock with that a few times, then grabbed the red rubber ball on a stick for a bit of additional thwacking on his penis as she talked to me about my begging techniques and how I might continue to work on begging and oral skills at home.

Within a few minutes, Mistress Dame placed a glass of water in my hands and told me to drink it slowly and just rest. She also said she was so excited to learn that I was going to be the model for a Shibari instruction class after lunch. Okay, I’m always game.

Oh, and in case you are interested to the follow up of my oral training, Bill reports that I learned my lessons well. He is most appreciative for the instruction offered by Mistress Collette and said he was grateful that slave tom was the subject I practiced on rather than him. I wonder what he meant by that?



Friday, September 16, 2011

"LaDomaine Part II, from our Senior Corresponden

In my earlier post this week, I neglected to mention an important lesson I learned about entering a dungeon as a submissive/slave: Questions are always welcomed, asked in the appropriately respectful format, of course. The surprise is that the answers come in a different manner than one might expect.  For example, just after the tour began I noticed on a shelf near the suspension station the item represented in this diagram.

It looked like an odd type of saw to me, so I asked Mistress Collette what it might be. She turned to her Mistresses in Training and, with a smile on her lovely face, announced that slave Donna was wondering about this device and she reached over, picked it up and began to give a demonstration…on me. For those who don’t know this is a cupping device. The cup section is placed over some tender part of the body, in my case my right nipple, and the suction handle is pumped until the nipple is streeetchhhed out. For some, it can be quite painful: for me there was an initial pull but not much after that so Mistress decided I would leave it attached and just allow the suction to continue during our stroll through the dungeon, and she would see how things progressed.

When she realized I wasn’t asking as many questions aloud, Mistress began reading my interest level by paying close attention to my eyebrows and the way I examined things she placed in my hands. I attempted to go into the Mr. Data (from Star Trek) mode, but Mistress Collette seems to be a mind reader as well as a Dominatrix and I had some up close and personal experiences with things that snap and pull and sting and buzz all throughout the tour.

So where did I leave off the other day…oh, I remember now, we were at the end of the warm-up session on the sawhorse with the flogging of the clothespins on my breasts and labia. So, after untying my wrists and ankles and gentle massaging them to ensure proper blood flow, the Mistresses helped me stand and lean forward against Mistress Collette. She nuzzled my neck, so softly and sweetly and I found that I was returning the kisses to her neck and shoulders, rubbing that super soft skin with my tongue and then pressing my lips against her flesh for a few moments of gentle sucking and licking. After a nod from Mistress Collette, Mistress Dame presented me with my crutches and, still bound in the Shibari rope, I was led to a back corner of the dungeon.

In that area there is a very interesting hanging table, a hanging massage table of sorts. It is suspended from the ceiling by chains at each corner.  I was soon lying on my back on the comfortably padded table with my wrists and ankles cuffed and attached to the chains. In effect, I was spread eagle, roped and chained. Interestingly, there is no place for shyness in the dungeon. Those in attendance are so secure with their own nudity as well as that of other people of all ages and body types that there was no feeling of shyness or false modesty. This is a place  where there is  appreciation and stimulation of the human body in all its varied forms of beauty.

As I lay locked in my spread eagle position, Mistress Collette and the two Mistresses in Training soon began stimulating my arms and legs, working toward the trunk of my body and then slowly working together in concentrating on my breasts and genitalia. Goddess Evitaa noticed I was watching careful what was happening and suggested that perhaps being blindfolded would keep me from anticipating what was coming. How right she was! Being blindfolded kicked up the tactile sensation as well as the anticipation. 

I was aware of the increasingly larger vibrating dildos being placed in my vagina, and the alternating of different weights and textures of floggers being used all over my body. A Wartenberg pinwheel ran back and forth across each breast and nipple, down my sides and perhaps over my clit, too. About then, as I was really building to a climax, I heard Mistress Collette say,” Oh my, I can think of another orifice that hasn’t been filled.” And yes, she was referring to the back door.

On my earlier tour of the La Domain dungeon I had noticed some very, VERY large butt plugs and dildos. My hope was that Mistress would at least start with the human rather than bull sized dildos. What Mistress decided on was a rather long vibrating dildo placed waaaay up there where the sun doesn’t shine. Little did I know at that point in time that I would be ordered to leave that dildo in place all night long and that it would be my responsibility to wake during the night to replace the batteries in the control pack that would be tucked into my ropes as I was tucked into bed for the night.

But back to the swinging massage table and the chains and dildos, I soon heard what sounded like the striking of a match and then something very warm was dripping over my nipples, flowing in small streams around my breasts. The sensuous fluid was dripped slowly down the front of my body and onto my pussy. A drop that fell directly on my clit caused me to suck in my breath, but the drops continued and beautiful warmth continued on and on.

Then I heard Mistress Dame comment that she had never seen a cunt completely closed over with wax before.  Um…what?

More later,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent's Investigative Report (Part I)

After a little R & R, Our Senior Correspondent Donna has produced this excellent first installment on her experience at La Domaine last week. And it's just in time, since our readers are probably tired of hearing about Molly and Mick being on what is probably sounding like an endless vacation.  Enjoy. As you will see, Donna came back with a very good story.
As most of you know, I spent four days last week under the tutelage of Mistress Collette and Master R at La Domaine Esemar. I do not exaggerate in saying it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. 

All, and I do mean ALL of my senses were heightened and tested and bolstered and challenged. I could go on and on about the gourmet meals, the extraordinary wines, the dinner conversations that covered topics on history, science, politics and the arts, but I know what you want, friends, you want to know about my sexual adventures. So I begin with a glimpse into the beginning of just one adventure at La Domaine.

Having had a tour through the unbelievable La Domaine Dungeon during which Mistress Collette and Mistresses in Training, Goddess Evita and Mistress Dame, all watched carefully for my reactions to every scene room, every whip, tool, cage and chain, I was instructed to remove all my clothing. While I stood naked in front of Mistress Collette, I was versed on keeping my chin up, showing that I was proud to be Mistress’ slave, my eyes downward, showing  humility and respect. My arms would be bent slightly at the elbow, hands over and open, waiting patiently, ready to receive and serve. And my legs would be apart, always open and available to Mistress in an inviting but not vulgar manner. Those words are not exact, but the spirit is correct.
As the two MITs (Mistresses in Training) stood on each side to support and help hold me up, Mistress Collette wrapped me, Shibari style, in rope. These pictures are not of me, mine aren’t back from the Dungeon yet, but these can give you a general idea, although mine were much more elaborate and absolutely beautiful!

And my breasts were bound somewhat like this picture, although my breasts are a couple of cup sizes bigger, and according to Mistress my nipples are large, lovely and luscious.

After the tying, all three women began to rub their hands over my body, around my breasts and over my nipples. Mistress Collette moved lower and ran her small, soft hands up and down my sides and between my legs while Master R rubbed the top of my ear and blew across my ear and my dampened nipples.
As I sank further and further into my submissive mindset, I was led to a sawhorse like this:

I was seated on a knee support and positioned to be leaning back against the center of the sawhorse. Each of my legs was attached to an outer leg of the sawhorse and my arms were tied behind the beam. Again, the two MITs helped me keep upright as they  also continued to nibble on my throat and ears, licking the back of my neck and sucking on my shoulders, all while stimulating and clamping down on my nipples.

I went higher and higher as Mistress Collette knelt between my legs, speaking soft encouraging words, running her hands up and down my thighs, squeezing and pinching my clit and pushing her fingers up into my wet and dripping center. Then a new texture was introduced as a flogger was slowly dragged over my body; and then flicked lightly against my skin; and then popped and snapped against my flesh.  Clothespins appeared and were attached to each nipple and one by one to my cunt, creating a circle of clothespins between my legs.  And very soon the flogger dragged, flicked and then popped and snapped over my flesh again, and over the clothespins, too. The small spot of flesh in the center of my clothespin circle seemed to provide a perfect target for Mistress Collette’s floggers and the pain and pleasure melded into bliss.

I was offered the opportunity to orgasm. Mistress told me the words to use to beg her properly, but I was floating so well and so far that I couldn’t recall the words. She eased back; she teased me; she gave me the words, again, and brought me to the edge, again.  But to no avail, I simply could not remember the words, and my own words weren’t complete, they were selfish…I wanted, rather than offered.

One of my lessons on this trip would be about the proper attitude of begging and offering, and I was not off to an auspicious start…and so there would be no coming right then. The clothespins were removed slowly, one by one, as I offered sincere thanks to Mistress Collette as each one was removed and blood rushed back in. I received words of praise from my Mistress and felt so safe, so secure and so complete.

Still floating, somewhere in the back of my mind I heard the Mistresses laugh and I was aware that someone said, “Shall we move on to the next stage?” And that’s when I knew that what I had thought to be the main course was simply the appetizer.

More to come.
