I suppose it was possible that they had just gotten into a long scene involving the "excruciating" sufferance by Donna of multiple orgasms under Bill's calm but stern hand. But I wanted to check to make sure they had not succumbed to a mud slide, or a Cherokee uprising.
As it turned out, it was worse than I imagined: the good folks at AT&T had somehow fucked up their internet connection. As Donna recounted (i.e., ranted) to me, they had been persuaded to switch out from that old fashioned (but reliable) DSL service to some sort of new fangled service that was supposed to be oh-so-much better. That involved disconnecting the DSL service, and hooking them up to the new service in what allegedly would be a single seamless service call.

By the time I talked to Donna again on Monday afternoon she was in a full blown internet withdrawal rage. It was the equivalent of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson going cold turkey (as opposed to Wild Turkey).
And the effects were very interesting. Donna is typically the consummate submissive, always ready to fall to her knees and open her mouth at the drop of a domly command. But now she's imagining all sorts of exquisite horrors she might impose upon the AT&T guys should they fail to perform as promised on Wednesday.
There was something about stringing one of them from the rafters of their cabin, with intermittent applications of a flogger and a hitachi until he went insane.
Then there was a threat to suspend a whole crowd of them from the trees nearby, completely nude, and smeared with honey, so that the insects and wildlife might feast on them.

Let's hope those guys can perform adequately soon, or Bill himself could find himself spreadeagled on the bed, with nothing to do but suffer the clothes pins Donna is maniacally applying to his tenderest parts.
God speed AT&T guys!