I sent the club a wire stating, "PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I
- Telegram to the Friar's Club of Beverly Hills to which he belonged, as recounted in Groucho and Me (1959), p. 321

Of all the supplicants these last two week, he made the cut for further exploration. And at first blush he seemed like a suitable candidate. Handsome, smart, articulate, ardent, and Mistress got a little thrill when he fondled her thigh under the dinner table, her Slave unaware of this stealth advance.
Sure, part of the whole cuckold/AM thing is to provide Mistress with the thrill of the pursuit... i.e., someone pursuing her. But in Steven's case, the pursuit may have turned more into fawning.
"It's this constant barage of texts and emails, Slave.... and if I let one sit in my onbox for more than an hour, then it's "didn't you get my text?"
"Sounds more like a girl, Mistress. "
Of course, Mistress has a life, and a very busy one these days. Work. Packing up the UCTMW WOrld HQ for our "downsizing" move to our urban hipster hideout closer to the center of things. Plus our daughters are back in the mix, expecting (and deserving) their share of attention. Mistress likes the fact that this guy finds her overwhelmingly desirable, but doesn't he have a life too?
After our 3 way dinner last week, they did meet up one on one for a drink on Tuesday. Mistress made sure her Slave was in the cage while she tested the waters solo with her prospect. Afterwords, she reported that things went well enough.
"He clearly wants me, Slave".
And there was a brief make out session in the parking lot before they went their separate ways.
"He's a pretty good kisser....."
But still. Maybe a little too obsessive. Is this comparable to Groucho rejecting that invitation from a club who's standards he questioned?
Last night we discussed how to handle it.
"Should I send him a mano-to-mano email passing on some feed back, Mistress.... or maybe you send him a frank email reporting on where you are with all of this right now, and suggesting he cut back on the seige via email and text until our move is complete and there is a better feel for whether there really is any chemistry between you?"
At deadline for this post, she was still undecided. And the text messages were still coming.
Any thought, dear readers?
Now Slave's getting back to packing 20 boxes of herbal tea. You can never have enough variety!