But the daily need to stifle?
Not so much fun.
Fortunately, the next week should be the last of this "hellish nightmare" of self-restraint , too much laundry and constant whining about the larder not being sufficiently stocked, at least for a while. We drive cute Co-Ed #2 to her flight to Europe for the semester on Wednesday. Then the other one goes to her closer to home campus a week from tomorrow.
So there is light at the end of the tunnel. And it's even possible we will miss them after a few weeks of solitude!
As a result, Slave must resort to other amusements to keep the blog stocked with soft core kink. There has been the UCTMW Tumbr site to update, requiring me to cruise various femdom tumblers. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it! So check out the Tumblr blog, linked in our blog roll from time to time. It allows me to recycle some old photos of Mistress you may recall from these pages. Like this one:
Love the color co-ordination, don't you?
I often get up earlier than Mistress, giving me an excuse to keep up with the latest video offerings. Yesterday "Fury" posted about the new "Outlander" TV series, touted at a "Feminist 50 Shades of Grey", which piqued my curiosity and my constant search for blog fodder. So I watched the first episode, posted on the Starz Web site. There actually were a few hot scenes, that perked up the rather lengthy and tedious narrative set up for this time travel / action adventure / bodice ripper involving a WWII nurse who leaves her hot marital bed to pop into the Scottish / British Civil War of the 18th Century. Above is one scene that precedes her disappearance from the 1940's.

I may have to re-watch this show with Mistress once the kids leave, and they stop hogging all the bandwidth on our overtaxed internet service. If so, I am sure I will annoy her with my running commentary as she drools over the Scott lad who becomes the Nurse's sexual boy toy in the late 1700's. Apparently this is not just a problem here at the UCTMW World HQ, but national phenomenon, as shown by this blog about annoying things husbands saying while the wife is trying to watch Outlander: Things My Husband Says During Outlander.
Let's hope that Slave will soon have something more to blog about than Chick-lit converted to soapy soft core TV series!