It was one of those days when Mistress had a ridiculously early Monday morning meeting. No time even for some wake-up worship.
At the end of the day the sun was out and we opted for a nice sweat inducing bike ride before dinner. Slave did apply his lips and tongue to Mistress's clean shaven folds before preparing dinner. But Mistress considered it appropriate to defer any sexual release for her slave until this morning.
As is her right? Right?
We did engage in a little post dinner TV watching before adjourning to the Executive Suite, catching up on the latest episode of Billions, on Showtime. We've mentioned that show here before. It's the first mainstream show I can think of which somehow melds a Femdom marriage into an otherwise conventional plot line. Maggie Siff plays the psychologist wife of Paul Giamatti, an otherwise nasty and overly aggressive federal prosecutor. But when the doors close at home, the tables are clearly turned.
Last night had the couple out to dinner with a saccarine sweet, lovey dovey vanilla couple. At home, Paul whines about how tedious their dinner companions were. Then Maggie lowers the boom:

Obviously, slave was impressed. And disappointed that so much was left to the imagination. Mistress took note.
"Do you think she's hot, slave?"
"Well she is hot, Mistress."
This was not a subjective judgment. Maggie Siff is objectively hot in this role, don't you agree dear readers?
"But she's hot like you Mistress.... always in black.... dark long hair. She's you, without the darker complexion!"
Mistress looked at me very skeptically.
But it's true.