Showing posts with label jazz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jazz. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mistress's Fashion Rules

With the sullen teens off to the Windy city, Mistress and Slave made sure they took the opportunity for some open door sex yesterday, along with some socializing last night.

When I woke her (and after worship of course) Mistress once again enjoyed the extra heft and desperation that comes when my cock and balls have that hard steel ring of my cage in place.

And then, after our playtime was done, and I had slid the cage over her cock, she closed the lock and sent me on my way to work.

At the end of the workday, before we headed off to a birthday party for one of her close friends, there was more time to simply rest in bed, catch up on the blogs, and worship. It was then she remembered that she would have to unlock me if she wanted another dose of her work-a-day cock.

Fortunately for me, she did.

The birthday party was for a woman prominent in the local GLBT community. Her partner was a woman I once described as “ravishing”, earning me a rather severe punishment here at the World HQ.. But you can’t argue with the truth. She’s just ravishing in a different way than Mistress.

The event was out on a veranda of a local botanical garden. It was hot and very humid, but the sweet Prosecco being served let us wet our respective whistles.

Not surprisingly, we were among the few hetero sexual couples there. But the crowd was about equal men and women.

One thing I note when with a group of gay men is that…. Well… Mick can sure lose a few pounds. Not meaning to stereotype, but these guys were almost all in slim trim shape. On the other hand, this Slave is a little too thick in the middle. If there’s an explanation in science, please advise me. (not why I’m paunchy ---it’s because of my Irish penchant for potatoes, you never know when the next famine might start – I want to know why those guys are all so svelte).

The other thing I noticed, and pointed out to Mistress, was that almost every guy in the room other than old Mick had their toes showing. You know, sandals …. The expensive leather kinds, not flip flops.

Slave used to wear sandals back in the 60’s. They went well with Jefferson Airplane and the Dead. And I suppose I do still have a pair of Tevas, for when we go done to the Rio Grande and slip into that rocky river to cool off.

But Mistress has very strict rules about men and sandals at social events.

“Men’s feet just are not attractive, Slave….”

I can’t disagree with her, and it would never be my place to try.

We did get talking to a cute female couple. Mistress knew one of them – a red headed Colleen – from years ago. But we had not met her other half. And the story of how they got together resonated. Like us, one of them was married (to a guy) when they met on a local campus.

But here’s the strange karma part…. While they clearly had the dark, yet to be acknowledged attraction … nothing happened until they found themselves in the funky, mystical community where Mistress and Slave have their mountain hideaway.

They told us about camping at a local hot springs we’ve described on this page and ….. zap.

“It was that Arsenic tub…. We went back to the tent and…. “

Blushes abound.

That was years ago, and we described how the hot springs have now been fancified a bit. We described our own adventures there a year or so ago, when we reserved an intimate private pool with its own tub and keva fireplace….

Remember this picture, of Mistress taking the waters….
I told them how Georgia O’Keefe found her own karma in that little town all those years ago, and recited a line from a local songwriter…. “Where the four winds dance on the mesa, and the spirits come out to play.”

Clearly, those spirits played their part in breaking down those walls of inhibition for this charming couple, despite their old school, catholic backgrounds.

It’s those spirits that keep drawing us back there, year after year.

After the party, Mistress and Slave headed to a downtown jazz club. It was a little late by now, and maybe hot Friday nights in the summer don’t bring out the jazz aficionados. But it turned out we got a private concert from River City’s finest jazz singers (and another one of our close friends) and her small combo of piano and clarinet.

I persuaded Mistress to dance with me to “Moonlight in Vermont”, before we closed the place down.

Muy romantico.

But I did take a photo of the clarinet player for you…. As it turns out he and the piano player both were making a fashion faux pas under Mistress’s rules.

Was I the only guy in River City last night not showing off my toes?