Showing posts with label Vibrator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vibrator. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2010

HNT / Apres Ski "Switch"

Monday was Mick and Molly’s last ski day on our little “mini-break”. Most of the weekend crowd had headed home, and we made sure to exploit the bright sun and softened snow on wide open slopes.

Early in our day, Mistress taunted her Slave about a particular tall and buff skier dressed in black who had scoped her out in the locker as she slid on her boots.

“There’s a nice one, Slave.” She had that lascivious little grin, and  eyes that sparkled with lust. She likes the rugged “mountain man” types.

I took note of Mistress’s roving eye. She feels enabled by her contractual rights. That seems to get her imagination (and juices) flowing. And I like it too.

As the sun settled lower in the sky, we headed back down the mountain to our little adobe cabin.  This is the time of a ski day that both of us treasure: a little wine, a nap, some activity between the sheets, appreciating yet another big sky sunset. In no particular order.

I stoked our Kiva fireplace. Poured some wine. We read a bit. 

After about an hour of R & R time, I pulled out the red leather cuffs with their little locks.

“Remember my rain check, Mistress.”

She grumbled a bit, but surrendered as agreed. The cuffs were locked on in front of her, clipped together.

I positioned one of our Mexican chairs and a hassock in front of the fire, and placed two pillows on the floor.  Then I yanked the black long underwear Mistress was lounging in down around her muscular calves.

“Kneel, slut.”

Mistress’s eyes sparked in defiance for a moment, but she was in no position to defy me.

She assumed her position, her arms stretched in front of her, head resting on the seat of the chair. The warmth and flickering light from the fire only a few feet away made the flesh of her warm, firm bottom glow.

I kneeled next to her, using my hand to gently stroke that lovely ass. He little undulations against my hand suggested she enjoyed my attention.

“You liked that tall, rugged skier in the locker room today, didn’t you, slut.”

“Ummm, Huh”.

“I bet you would like to be presenting your lovely ass to him just like this, wouldn’t you?”


I kept stroking, then dipped a finger between her legs. Wet. Very.

“It turns you on just to think about him, and what he would do to you, doesn’t it?”

“You’re turning me on, Slave.”

“But his strong , strange hands exploring your body would make you even hotter, wouldn’t they?”


“No doubt.”

I began to spank her, a lighter touch at first, then harder.

She took it for a while like a good little slut, but then began to whimper and complain.

“That hurts.”

“That’s the idea. Do you think your big buff skier would stop spanking you at your first complaint.”

I slapped her reddening bottom again. The hardest yet. She squirmed, her bottom bouncing high off the hassock.


Not in her dark and dirty imagination he wouldn’t.

“he’d spank you even harder if you complained, wouldn’t he, slut?”


She was moaning now, her ass squirming between my strokes. The scent of her arousal mixed with the aroma of burning pinon. (An interesting concept for a musky new perfume, no?)

I let up for a moment, holding her firmly in place with one hand while I reached for the little V shape vibrator I had parked close at hand on the floor.

My fingers discovered just how wet she had become during this little ritual. One end of the vibe slid easily into her, with the other end nestling between her folds, against her thickening clit. The device  was already churning away, and my strong Mistress was turned into a squirming little slut as I resumed her “punishment”.

My left hand administered just a few more spanks, as my right hand pressed the vibrator into her, making sure that her desperate gyrations would not dislodge it.

Mistress buried her head in the cushion of her chair, as her body surrendered to confusing mixture of pleasure and pain.  I had to press my hand down hard as she bucked against me.

She thought she was done. Wrong. After letting her come down a bit, I resumed the spanking, harder still, with that little vibrator still buried in her.

She came again, moaning all the more. Her muscles relaxing as I slowly slide the vibrator from her dripping opening, then switched it off.

I let Mistress catch her breath, then pulled down my own black long johns.

We had talked earlier in the day about the common D/s scenario of a Slave kneeling to suck her Master’s cock. It’s something Mistress had contemplating doing for the lucky Master who might pop up someday with the chops to make her submit. It’s a particularly  compelling fantasy for her.

I suggested she might want to get some practice.

So I pulled Mistress from the chair, and had her kneel in front of me as I stood over her.

Maybe she is too tall (5’6”). Or I am too short (5’11’). But the kneeling / standing position did not align well. Mistress had to slide onto her ass to take me into her warm, luscious mouth. But that worked nicely. Mistress knows how to use her lips and tongue to get what she wants.

I was soon more than ready for the next course.

“He’d make you beg to fuck him, wouldn’t he, Mistress?”


“And you would, wouldn’t you, like a good little slut.”

“Of course.”

I pulled her to her feet, toward our bed.

“Well Let’s practice that next.”

Friday, December 11, 2009

New Toy

Dear Mistress,

Yesterday was a busy one for you: a command performance with a client early in the morning, which aborted our typical morning rituals. I did not even have the time to pleasure you as you read my homework.

As we scrambled to leave for work, I realized I forgot my cage. I thought maybe you would say “never mind”, because you were in a hurry, but you frowned and told me to move quickly. I bounded upstairs to lock myself away for the day. It made me realize you really do like to know I am caged during the work day, which is a source of satisfaction for me.

You were in your Board room attire: dark hair up, black suit, and your new very sexy uniform of black tights and boots. I was allowed to bury a hand between your thighs as I drove you to work. A real perk to add to my drive time NPR routine.

We both worked through our day, with plans to link up at my office around 4 pm for a political event downtown. I was happy to see you when you arrived a little early. And though my cock was locked tightly away, I was anxious to have you open a Christmas present that had arrived early: one of those Hitachi Magic Wand vibrators (it came along with the replacement ring for my cage, to avoid further security breaches.)

The Magic Wand has gotten some nice reviews in sex blog land, and I was determined to find out if it was all “blog-wash”. I can recall a particular post by a Male Dom Writer who talked about using it to “force” multiple orgasms from his little pet. It seemed like a nice tool to have handy for Sunday mornings. I was also intrigued by the punishment Master S proposes at DomsubLove of affixing the vibrator to Desiree for an extended period. It’s something she dreads, and my curiosity about her fear was piqued.

For our test drive with the new toy, I had you lean over the desk, pushing aside some fragile items to give you room to place your hands down in front of you. I hiked up your skirt, exposing your lovely bottom, covered by the black tights. I first applied the wand to your bottom and you moaned a bit with the relaxing vibes. I moved to your inner thighs, and your undulations in response seemed to pick up a bit of a sexual edge as I verbally speculated about your e mails from S and whether you thought he was keeping up with our little adventures on our blog.

By the time the Wand made contact with your by now juicy cunt, your breathing had gone to gasps, and your ass was thrusting against the broad tip of the wand. You muttered something like “its very powerful” before coming against it, your thighs squeezing it between your legs.

But I was not done just yet. I eased back a bit, letting the wand continue to rest gently against you there for a few moments before pressing it to you with a bit more urgency. Suddenly, you came hard again, head resting against the papers strewn on my desk. “Enough” you groaned, so I showed some mercy and turned our new toy off. But the scent of your arousal hung thick in the air.

After you rearranged your cloths, I helped you settle into a conference room for a bit more work time for us both, and interrupted you only a few minutes before 5 pm, when it was time to go to our event.

Our little diversion from routine had left me missing something: the little jolt of pleasure I get from burying my head in your cunt at my office. So I asked if you would allow that privilege to your Slave. The door was closed, You sat down in my chair, and allowed me to kneel there for a while, between your thighs. My face and mouth caressed you through those black tights,as I absorbed the pheromones you ooze so generously these days. Of course, with my cage on the exercise is a bit frustrating, but I knew that my time for release was only a few hours away.

I took a photo of you there, thighs spread, which I am posting with this entry today.

Our gathering was uneventful but obligatory, and we did enjoy walking through the cold winter air, hand in hand, taking the time to admire and photograph our City’s Christmas tree, and laugh at a local media circus.

By the time we got home and finished dining with our surly teens, it was nearly 8 pm, and I was more than anxious to be released from my cage. But the rules do require me to pleasure you first to earn that privilege. While the tradition is for me to assume my position at your feet, I thought it would be fun to try out our toy again.

You had stripped off the power suit and tights, and were now under the covers in some sexy and revealing sleep attire. I was naked, but for my cage. I cuddled up next to you, wand in hand and began to gently rub it along your muscular thighs and tummy, while studiously avoiding ground zero. We kissed and talked a bit about hypothetical sexual exploits, including a story S had recently written for you involving the surrender of your hose in a public place. As the tension built, you began to thrust against the wand a bit, demanding that I make you come. You were very eager and anxious. Very.

Now I am not sure why I did not immediately respond to your order. I think I have been craving a firmer hand, and some punishment. At some point in all this you threatened to crop me hard for my disobedience tonight before our dinner date. (I write that now, as a not so subtle reminder, Mistress). I was a very bad Slave.

Soon I really did have you begging, and I was ultimately merciful, applying the wand where you needed it so desperately, and you came with a gusto that rivaled all those other mega-orgasms of late, tears flowing down your face. I think it was because I really did make you beg, as much as the power of our little magic wand. Just imagine what is in store for you when I first tie you down, then spank you on Sunday morning, Mistress.

Of course all of this got gave my cock a mind of its own, and it strained hard against the hard plastic walls of its prison as you writhed against me and my little wand. Truth be told, I would have let you come anyway, begging or not, just to get out of that damn cage.

Once you came, you showed mercy to your disobedient slave, and unlocked me. But its not so easy getting those plastic pieces to disengage when your cock is in rock hard mode. Ultimately I worked it loose, washed off the day’s goo, and you allowed me to enter you. The result was faster than usual, butvery satisfying, Mistress.

Love, your slave.