Showing posts with label 69. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 69. Show all posts

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back in (Semi) Cilvilization

There may be no garbage pick-up here at our undisclosed location, but the sullen teens are happy again: they are back to their laptops, cell signals and DVD players after out “let’s rough it” venture into Southern Colorado.

And Mick and Molly are happy to have a little more privacy.

Not that we didn’t have fun.

There was our chance to “ooh” and “ah” at the great sand dunes national park, about a three hour drive away. The hike to the top of the highest dune, at about 9500 ft. above River City level, is taxing on aging ankles and lungs. But the view is gorgeous and the swells and curves of the wind blown landscape are downright voluptuous.

Of course, in the spirit of one of those bad Chevy Chase vacation movies, we were just a few minutes late to cop the last camp site in the national park.

That had us (momentarily) all tented up with nowhere to pitch. And of course the teens were quickly on their I-phones in search of the nearest Ritz Carlton.

But Molly was too quick for them. We ended up at the “Dunes Recreation Pool”, campground, in nearby Hooper (Pop. 23), a novel enterprise parked in a sea of sagebrush with a full size pool and assorted soaking tubs filled from a toasty geothermal spring. At a big hydroponic green house next door, they claimed to grow tomatoes, and sure enough there were some fresh ones on sale. But I did wonder what else was on the vines inside those massive structures.

So after the tents were assembled, and burgers were grilled, and the evening cooled, we were able to plop into a 100 degree pool, and watch the local teen cowboys and cowgirls cavort.

Thankfully, there were no prissy lifeguards enforcing prohibitions on PDA’s like at our own neighborhood pool back in River City. In fact, there were no damn lifeguards at all. Not the cowboy way!

What about Sex, you might ask? (Well you wouldn’t be here for pedestrian travel blogging would you?)

Things were a little lean in that department.

By the time we slipped into our sleeping bags on Friday night, both Mistress and Slave were a tad tuckered. And the kids were still chatting in the next tent. I offered my tongue in comfort, but Mistress demurred.

“I’m good, Slave.”

The morning was different though. The teens were still sleeping (though later they protested that they barely got a wink).

So Mistress graciously accepted the ministrations of her Slave’s fingers, and then my cock. Though we accomplished our mission without the usual bells and whistles. The ground was hard and I did not want to hurt Mistress’s back.

After some more pool lolling, we headed up to the Crestone Music Festival, a hippie flash back extravaganza in the shadow of some impressive 14, 000 footers. The festival was long on vegan treats and short on electricity to fuel the bands’ sound systems. The generator looked like a recycled lawn mower engine. The most interesting event was the ladies’ log splitting contest. The winner surely could have kicked this Slave’s ass.

But the event had its benefits.

“There are some nice mountain men types here, Slave.”

Mistress has spent some time in the back country, and several western states over her years. And she does have an unquenchable hankering for the type of men who are short on words and long on rugged.

One from Durango chatted her up a bit, as I stood by. Though his boasting about the peaks he had bagged this summer grew a bit tedious.

By the time we moseyed on back to the Hooper Pool, and had our evening soak, storm clouds were gathering. I had a sense this storm could cramp our style once we climbed into our sack.

Sure enough, as the wind picked up, thunder rumbled and lightening flashed, sullen teen 2 was suddenly climbing into our tent, seeking parental protection. (the other one was safely in the arms of her boyfriend in an adjoining tent, apparently no longer in need of her parents’ solace)

She was lobbying for a quick exit: “The weather channel says its going to storm all night, and tomorrow too.” (Yes, the place had wifi and her I-phone was all over it).

We told her to chill, and she lay there next to us as the wind rattled the tent, and (only) a few drops penetrated to dampen, but not soak us.

By the time the storm had passed, Mistress was sleeping like a baby.

In the morning, I was hoping to at least enjoy a quickie, but the teens were skulking about and the dogs of neighboring campers were yapping, making the privacy issue come to the fore.

But as Mistress read a book, I did slide my fingers into her shorts, making her squirm a bit until she came with a little, gratifying gasp.

So make that 1.5 on the weekend sex scale.

AS we were driving home, Mistress briefly found a signal and texted M with the Weekend update.

His “LOL” response to our paltry activity level was well received.

But by early afternoon we were back to our more comfortable digs here in the shadows of another set of kinder, gentler mountains. Mistress caught up on sleep out on our patio, and added to her lovely tan. We shook the cricks out of our muscles with a late afternoon bike ride. And then it was to bed for our afternoon “nap”..

The teens just happy to be back to what teens do.


But back to our chambers.

The door was open, accommodating a cooling breeze off the mountains.

Mistress had stripped off her charming tie dye two piece bathing suit.

Slave was naked too, as he should be.

“What about switch Day, Slave.”

“I think we’ve missed that Mistress. Plus I may be too desperate for some long drawn out scene. I need you. Now. ASAP.”

She stood there, a hand cupping my balls, a finger straying to the underside of my quickly enlarging cock.

“That’s what I like to hear, Slave. Desperation. You may have to get used to it. Remember, Abstinence Day starts up again on Wednesday.”

Ah yes. The firmer hand she had talked about. Something M has been coaching her on during their morning phone calls. My cock lurches up one more notch at the thought of it all.

“Go put in your device, Slave.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mistress Utilizes Japanese Management Techniques

Mick and Molly spent Saturday evening at a dinner party hosted by one of River City’s iconic political dudes and his wife. He’s a former 60’s impresario of rock and roll and publican, who moved onto a broader community portfolio later in life. His career path is similar to the current Mayor of Denver, who’s family came from these parts. His guests last night were an eclectic bunch, including an  car company manager who grew up hereabouts and his younger Japanese wife.

As we explored how this couple met in Japan a few years back, we riffed on the differences between husband and wife relationships in the “Floating Kingdom” and The U S of A. The couple told us that in Japan, men  dominate the work culture, but t at home, the wives are in charge, from controlling the purse to ruling domestic life generally.

I noted, with a little under the table squeeze of Mistress’s black tighted thigh, that we have adopted Japanese management techniques in our household. Mistress confirmed my observation, but noted that it took me about 18 years to come around to finally acknowledging that it was her destiny to rule.

Of course this generated laughs and nods all around. But if only the assembled guests knew that the older gent at the end of the table had agreed by contract to submit to his younger, devastatingly attractive wife.

They should have been flies on the wall the night before…

We were hunkered down at home as snow began to fall. The locals were in full panic at the thought of 5 inches of snow tumbling onto their hilly streets. The Groceries were reported clogged with shoppers stocking up on water and condiments as if nuclear winter was about to descend.

We settled before our big screen computer to gorge via “Crackle” on some early episodes of “Damages”. We had heard good things about the show but missed it the first time around.

Check it out. Glenn Close plays the scariest lawyer I have ever seen (and I have been exposed to more than my fair share, including my first wife.)

Oddly, this character reprises Close’s “bunny boiling” villainy from “Fatal Attraction”, by having her order the assassination of  acute little puppy  in season one. I guess pet killing is metaphor for ball busting?  But we digress…

We  cuddled up, watched a few episodes, drank some wine, ate some day old chili. Cozy fun. But by bed time, Slave was tired. We had quite robust sex twice earlier in the day, once in the morning, and again after work. Quite frankly, I would have been happy to take a pass.

But Mistress has needs.

“You seem tired Slave?”

“Yes, aren’t you?”

“Not too tired…”

“I would be happy to worship, Mistress” (this is Slave code for can I suck your cunt, then go to sleep?)

“I think I want to play with your cock, Slave”.

“Of course you can, it’s yours Mistress”

“Yes, Slave, it is.”

Mistress was wearing one of her seductive little numbers, all lacy and feminine. A texture and look that always helps a Slave focus.  She climbed up off the bed, fumbled for something in her closet, and came back with a vivid leather turquoise colored glove on her right hand.

“On your back, Slave.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The supple leather of her  glove found my soft cock. 

“Not, too impressive, Slave.”

“No Mistress. I am a little  tipsy, tired. Sorry.”

I was concerned that despite her efforts, Mistress would not be able to make things come out the way she likes her cock. This could be …bad.

But resigned to my fate, I lay back, relaxed, prepared to “suffer” the consequences, however embarrassing or pleasurable they might be.

It turned out that surrendering  to my fate at Mistress’s clever fingers was the ticket.
Soon I was hard, moaning, ready. But Mistress was not cutting to the chase.

She positioned me to her requirements, then slid her hips over my face, her tongue gently teasing my now firm tool.

“You know what to do, Slave.”

I set about my task, my face buried in her fragrant opening, that was now pressing  hard against my open mouth. My tongue probed and explored inside, making her squirm and press even harder against me. My lips captured her oh so responsive clit, and I tugged at it, making her undulations against me all the more frantic.

Meanwhile, Mistress had taken me into her mouth, and the combination of her soft tongue and lips and the crafty, gloved fingers toying with my balls took me from “zero to hero” ( or deadbeat to dynamo) in a few delightful minutes.

Mistress ultimately succumbed to the suction that drew her tenderest parts into my greedy mouth. Squirm as she did, I would just not let go. She gave out her little cry of surrender, and collapsed onto my face that by now was showered with her delicious juices.

Then she rolled over, satisfied, a hand still gripping my hungry cock.

“May I fuck you now, Mistress.”

“But I thought you were tired, Slave. Wouldn’t want to wear you out.”

“You seem to have rejuvenated me, Mistress.”

“If you beg, I may be generous, Slave.”

More begging. Groveling. Me pumping against Mistress’s tight grip.  Argh.

But Mistress is kind, and after sufficient begging, I was finally allowed to demonstrate that I had somehow found my second wind.