Showing posts with label cock cages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cock cages. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bonobos Figure It Out

Mistress and slave actually took a night off from the local music scene last night. Six nights on the town in a row meant it was time for a low key “staycation” watching the sunset as we dined al fresco on our patio. We were even too lazy for TV, resorting to some reading side by side in bed and an early curtain call.

Rest assured we got our daily sexual rituals in though. Mistress has been refreshing her cock riding skills since we dropped our Domme in Training off at the airport a week ago.  Mistress seems not to have missed a beat.  And of course, slave is happy to be ridden hard and put up wet, like one of the local ornamental horses Mistress admires on our morning bike ride.

But today’s blog picks up on a post several days ago by Terri over at “A Married Sissy” on the prospects of a more female dominant society.  It turns out that the the lady bonobos of the Congo have figured it out, according to this article in the New York Times. In the Bonobo World, Fem#9AA7F5.

The article describes how female bonobos will join forces to put overly aggressive males in their place, assuring that the guys quickly get in line and defer to their ladies’ leadership. While other primates are male dominant, the Bonobos have taken a different path:

In the bonobo world, by contrast, female camaraderie prevails, while the bonds between males are weak. “It’s a matriarchy,” said Amy Parish, a primatologist at the University of Southern California. “Females are running the show.”

The interesting twist is that with the ladies in charge, sex appears to be a very high priority:

Bonobos are famed for their hypersexuality and the way they use sex as an all-purpose problem solver in every possible situation, permutation and combination. When bonobos come upon a great patch of fruit, for example, and tensions rise over feeding priority, the bonobos will decompress with a quick round of genito-genital rubbing and similar acts: males with females, males with males, females with females, juveniles with adults.
Female bonobos in Congo’s LuiKotale forest use specialized gestures and pantomime to convey their desire for a bit of girl-on-girl frottage, according to a report last year by Pamela Douglas and Liza Moscovice of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. The soliciting female will point backward with a foot toward her sexual swelling and then shimmy her hips in imitation of a rub, at which display the second bonobo will embrace her for the real thing.
“It’s status acknowledgment,” said Barbara Fruth, a bonobo researcher at the Royal Zoological Society in Antwerp, Belgium. “The approaching female is saying, ‘I know you’re higher-ranking than I am, I know you’re superior, but I would like to sit near you and maybe share your food.’”
Bonobos tongue-kiss, practice oral sex, have intercourse face-to-face, and make sex toys. Frances White, a biological anthropologist at the University of Oregon, once watched a female bonobo turn a stick into a kind of knobby “French tickler,” with which she then stimulated herself. “They’re not always family friendly,” Dr. White said.
Such erotic antics have earned bonobos a reputation as laid-back “hippie apes,” a label that researchers say belies the primate’s strategic intelligence and capacity for brutality. Dr. Parish, who studies bonobos in captivity, has seen the young offspring of dominant females flaunt their inherited power by marching over to lesser-ranking female adults, prying their jaws open and extracting the food from their mouths.
She also recounted the time that two females attacked a male at the Stuttgart Zoo in Germany and bit his penis in half. Fortunately, she said, “a microsurgeon at the zoo was able to repair the damage, and the male went on to reproduce.”

If bonobos have a penchant for sex toys, you have to wonder how long it will take for them to improvise some sort of “cock cage” to keep their males in line, as Diane does so will with Terri.  Certainly that is a more merciful remedy than having your cock bitten in half. Plus my guess is that it’s hard to come up with a good micro-surgeon in the bush.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Marketing Opportunity?

The other day over at Finding My Submission , Sin posted a helpful blog in response to a reader's question about what type of nipple clamps are on the market and the various advantages (or would that really be disadvantages) the competing options present. She gave us a tour through the various styles of products on the market with handy pointers on the types and quality of pain they can inflict.

(Funny, the only reader questions I ever seem to get are of the "why aren't you in the cage today, Mick?" variety, but I digress).

Of course, Sin does appear to be an expert on the subject since her "Big Bad" Dom seems to require her to submit to various forms of nipple torture in the most unusual of settings - parking lots, lady's rooms, the office, grocery store, etc. He really is a sadistic sombitch it seems, but then an interesting, long running  blog probably requires one or two characters like that to sustain the entertainment value and melodrama.

But Sin's post gave me one of those bright ideas for expanding the UCTMW media empire which I simply had to share.

What about a sex paraphenalia shopping channel on cable, designed for the folks like Sin's questioning reader who want the skinny on what's on the market and have a credit card handy to call the number on the bottom of the screen and make that impulse buy. We'd be spreading joy and collecting cash at the same time!

Sin could be available to display and demonstrate the proper application of nipple clamps, either in the studio, or from some of those remote locations she blogs about. Maybe one where she is shoveling snow, or making breakfast for her kids while "secretly" clamped.... the secret known only to the studio audience (of course you need one of those, with slack jawed ex-urbanites who clap like seals whenever the floor manager gives the signal).

Suzanne and Tammy over at All Mine would certainly be helpful in demonstrating the various products on the market for the proper "pegging" of a submissive.... from strap on starter kits, to the more complex products on the market. I'm sure we'd all like to get a look at "Big Blackie" in action. And they could give pointers from the perspectives of "pegger" and "peggee" on the advantages and disadvantages of the many products available just a phone call away.

Of course, your UCTMW Executive Editor  could offer a line of cock cage products for the discerning Domme concerned about the proper security of her Slave or Sub, ranging from the lighter weight plastic models that can slip through airport or court house security to the sturdier and more compelling steel models. (no live modeling for me of course... we need to keep this classy!)

"Nothing says "your cock belongs to me" like stainless steel, ladies and gentlemen in TV land...."

Our Director of Security, International might peddle a line of floggers, since that seems to be a particularly specialty for him and Donna.

And our Western Correspondent.... well.... Since he buys lubricants by the drum load, maybe he can do a special segment on products available  to avoid abrasions when you masturbate the day away.