That's how Mark got to know Molly, and they caught one another's eye.
"You seemed to be flirting with Mark tonight, Mistress?"
"Really....we were just talking. He seemed a little lonely. Where was his girlfriend?"
Mark had divorced a few years back. Had been "playing the field" ever since. In no rush to settle back down.
"Who knows, Mistress.... But he seemed more than entertained with you?"
"You think? He is kind of cute. Tall too. A good body."
"So you'd 'do' him?"
"Sure... why not?.... but he'd probably never come on to me. And I don't want him to think I'm a slut. That could be embarrassing for you at work."
That was a few years back. Before I changed jobs. Every now and then after that we ran into Mark at social events. But no further developments between the two. Until out of the blue..... while we were out at our summer home in the SW.
"Remember Mark, Mistress? He just emailed.....he's coming through town on a road trip, and wanted to get together. Should I tell him he can stay with us for the weekend?"
She raised an eyebrow, curious and intrigued.
"Sure, slave......haven't seen him in a while...."
Drinks and dinner on our patio went well. Mistress and Mark seemed to pick off their flirtation where they had left off all those years ago. Mark was still unmarried. She cross examined him about his "love life". It was hard to miss Mark eyeing her long shapely legs, or the way she touched his arm while they talked, side by side on our couch, as I did the dishes.
We were all a little buzzed as the evening came to an end. Mistress made a fuss over showing Mark our guest room, getting him settled in. Then she was back in our room, changing into some particularly revealing nightwear.
"You were flirting again tonight, Mistress?"
"Maybe. But he was flirting back, wasn't he?"
She was looking for confirmation. And who was I to deny it.....
"Seemed that way......"
I was stripped down, getting ready to slide into bed. And there was the matter of my cock cage. She'd locked it on before Mark arrived.
"Just to add to the fun, slave...." she'd said. Who was I to object?
"How about unlocking me now, Mistress....."
She eyed my cage, reached out for a quick fondle.
"Not so fast, slave.....the evening is still young....."
She reached for the bedroom door handle....
"What would you think if I went over to the guest room like this and offered to fuck him?"