Showing posts with label tentacle sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tentacle sex. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Shoddy Sex Research

Mistress and her devoted Slave only have a day left on this little junket to our Mountain Hideaway. We're glad we got through the business of almost firing, then reinstating our Western Correspondent on Day 1, giving us time for a little Skiing, sex, napping, sex, bike riding, fine dining, sex and holiday shopping. And taking pictures of the beautiful sunsets from our front yard, a habit we can't ever seem to break.

Up on the ski mountain, Molly decided to open a small side business while out here, but I'm a little concerned she might eat all the profits.

I did spend a little spare time yesterday poring over that Indiana University National Survey of Sexual Health, finding some interesting data points on this amusing graph. As an example, 24% of men ages 30-39 "inserted penis into ass" in the year before the survey was taken. But that % fell to only 11% for those above 50, and just 6% once you passed 60. Now this is something I've not done in the last 20 years, I will confess. It seemed I was missing something. Then I realized that a good chunk of these self reporters were likely guys doing guys. And could the diminishing % as the years go by say something about one's penis rigidity as they age? If so, Miguel better get cracking if he still aspires to take Molly in that fashion.

I might add that there is also a significant drop off in "received penis in ass" stats for women as they age. So maybe this is a "been there, done that" phenomenon?

In fact the only thing that seems to go up as the sample got older was a doubling of the percentage of women engaged in oral sex with other women as they move from their 50's to their 70's. Is that just because the guy supply is dropping like flies by then? Or do lesbians live longer?

But what really stood out about the graph was its shallowness. I mean, think of all the categories of sexual conduct that those of us in  sex blog land engage in regularly (or at least write about) that don't show up on this chart.  That caused me to come up with a top ten list of questions to submit to the busy bodies at IU the next time they do their "what were you up to in the last year" sexual survey:

10. Cyber or phone sex masturbation with another person?
9. Cyber or phone sex masturbation with Hitachi or other power tool?
8. Cyber or phone sex masturbation with nipple or clit clamps? (Here' thinking of you Sin).
7. Riding crop, flogging or spanking ?
6. Bondage before or while engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse?
5. Cuckolding..... i.e., wife makes love to another man while husband watches, listens, serves coffee or dinner , and/or "cleans up" afterwards?
4. Group sex.... more than two people engaged in any of the activities on the chart?
3. Enforced chastity... cock cages, chastity belts, orgasm denial?
2. Sex involving pets or live stock? (Thinking of our friends who follow or play for SEC teams).
1. And, Number 1,  in tribute to 'Nila, sex involving the tentacles of Marine creatures or alien life forms.

Am I missing something?

Coming Tomorrow: a Rare but highly  anticipated post from our reinstated Western Correspondent.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shelter From the Storm

Well it really wasn't a storm.

On our last morning at the beach that misty coastal fog had dropped down over the coastline, as it is wont to do through the year. But we wanted to get one last walk along the beach in before Heading into the City for a presentation Mistress will make later today at a trade association conference.

So after some invigorating wake-up sex in our little B & B room, we headed north along the beach, which ends in a warren of boulders and cliffs.

It had been several years  since we had been to this particular beach, but Mistress has an amazing memory, and recalled a summer visit years ago when the wind was blowing and we found a sheltered space between rocks to "hang out".

Maybe it was that re-awoken memory, or the talk about how one of her suitors is touting his oral sex talents, but it seemed that this deserted beach and the private spaces it made available should not be put to waste.

"Would you like a little surf-side worship, Mistress?"

She didn't put up much of an argument.

Soon her athletic shorts were dipping to her ankles.

And Slave was on his knees, pressing my lips to those delightful clean shaven folds. It was not long before Mistress was thrusting her hips at me, her fingers twisting into my fading gray locks, moaning with a little early morning delight to the background sounds of surf and a distant fog horn.

It was a good way for us to wind up that phase of our little holiday.

We spent the rest of the day back in the City, under a wonderful blue sky and warm temperatures. 

Oddly, along the beach and in the City yesterday we did see some things that reminded me of 'Nilla and her penchant for tentacle sex tales.

I mean look at this beach detritus, 'Nilla?

 But even more shocking is that the notion of questing tentacles with an oddly sexual twist has clearly gone mainstream, as this window off Union Square shows:

Mistress was a little surprised when I took this photo, so I explained the 'Nilla tentacle sex genre to her.

"You know, probing phallii filling every potential orifice at once, while binding your legs and arms at the same time as the "victim" of this cruel assault writhes in ecstasy?"

She looked at the window display again.

"Yeah... I could see the appeal of that."