Since we would be driving separately, because of a political meeting I planned to attend at the end of the day, Mistress had strict orders before we went to sleep:
"Make sure you remember the cage tomorrow, Slave.... "
The other day, Sin had a post, no doubt inspired by the whole Herman Cain meltdown, on the subject of politicians and their proclivity to get wrapped up in sexual scandal. Well, the propensity for the straying spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend in a political campaign is not just limited to the candidates. There is something about the late hours, high stakes, spartan offices and intense deadlines that gets the hormones flowing in odd and potentially dangerous ways for staffers and volunteers too.
The recent Clooney movie "Ides of March" (which was filmed in these parts) picks up the scent well, capturing the flavor of the spontaneous but Oh so Hot sexual couplings that can spin off when you throw together attractive and ambitious men and women far from home in a Presidential primary campaign.
And of course Mistress knows this potential from first hand experience: she and her Slave first got involved through their interactions during the primaries of 1988.... a story I've told here before.
So, while Mistress has nothing to fear, she certainly can't be blamed for making sure her Slave is suitably "contained" before he heads to any political event as we head into the 2012 election cycle, can she?
Of course there is also a cage dividend for her: once the steel ring is properly seated, holding my cock and balls tight, it can provide her with the extra thrill of a particularly hard and persistent "work-a-day" cock.
And that's exactly what she got yesterday morning, after I warmed up those clean shaven folds with suitable worship as she read the blog.
After we came down from those morning festivities, it was up and into the shower for us. Once dried off, I slid the cover onto the cage, and handed Mistress the lock to make sure I was all secured away for the day.
She gave me that little smile, and closed the hasp nice and tight.
"Feel better, Mistress?"
"Absolutely, Slave...."
One thing she called to my attention as i was suiting up was that she was wearing those special "peek-a-boo tights", a new pair she had picked up over the weekend at Nordstrom's. (I had my camera handy, so had to take the picture above to share, just as Mistress finished up her morning blow dry.)
"Hmmmm.... but you aren't coming over for worship, Mistress..... have other plans?"
"You never can tell what opportunities will arise, Slave."
Unfortunately, they didn't have peek-a-boo tights when I first met Mistress, back during the Dukakis campaign.