As much as we look forward to our adventure, it's going to be hard to leave our little chunk of paradise behind, knowing it may be some months before we get back to our HDH.
Yesterday was a "back to routine" day, as the dust settled from the departure of our guests. There was the traditional "wake up sex", a long hike on a misty and unusually cloudy day up in the nearby mountains, a late afternoon nap, then music last night at a local watering hole.
But before we get back into the normal rhythms of life, let's cover what happened here Wednesday morning before the WC and Lucy headed home.
Perpetually stuck on east coast time, Mistress and slave were up earlier than our two guests. We took full advantage in the absence of another "orgasm embargo" before the WC and Lucy awoke. After the sexual dust settled, slave made some coffee and was reviewing the latest news about wall building and impending government shutdowns when Mistress came to me with a "shocked, shocked" look on her face.
"Mike texted me. He wants me to go into their bedroom naked, slave......"
With a smile, I suggested that maybe she'd better follow his order, pronto.
Mistress was in a very revealing black nightie. He left nipple was perky and poking out. Her lack of panties was also obvious. So losing the nightie would hardly compromise her modesty. But she has "standards".
"I'm not taking this off, slave."
But it was clear she was otherwise going to comply with his "command performance" request. And I suspected Mike would make short work of what remained of her skimpy coverings. But what about Lucy? Would she be staying in bed with the two of them?
Mistress disappeared into our guest room. I could hear some murmuring, and some male and female laughter. But within moments, Lucy appeared beside me in the kitchen, where I was futzing with the coffee cups and additives.
She was still in her nightie, which was not quite as revealing as Mistress's, but was short and skimpy in its own way. Unlike Mistress her nightwear seemed to include undies.
I poured her coffee, and we scrupulously avoided the subject of what our respective spouses were doing in the guest room, from whence, by now, the sounds of hand slapping ass were emanating, accompanied by squeals of pain / delight from Molly.
She was clearly getting her morning's second round of sexual attention, and it was only 9 am.
As for me, I attempted to distract Lucy (and myself) with an oral summary of our President's Phoenix rant, based on overnight newspaper reports. She noticed my computer sitting on the kitchen counter, and suggested it might be fun to watch Stephen Colbert's monologue from the night before. It turns out we both have the same early morning viewing habits.
But apparently Colbert took this week off. Instead we settled onto our couch and turned on the prior night's Daily Show. Sitting side by side, watching Trevor Noah's comic take on the day's news, I returned to her feet, massaging one, then the other as if this had now become routine. I even got as far as her knee, which she reported as tender from some recent exercise.
Lucy seemed pleased with my handiwork, which retained a chaste air throughout as we sat there sharing comments on the topical comedy even as our spouses were focused on their own more sensual fun. ( I might add that I would have been happy to provide more intimate services to Lucy. Maybe I should have volunteered. But Slave is a tad bashful on such matters, and I can't say that I was getting signals that such service would be welcomed. Who knows? Maybe next time?)
Not long after the show ended, Mistress and Mike came up for air, and joined us in the kitchen where slave was brewing another pot o' joe. Mike seemed very pleased with his pre-breakfast treat.
"Now that's room service, Mick."
"It gave new meaning to the term 'sexting'".
We drank more coffee, and soon were walking down to our little village for Breakfast Burritos at a local Cantina. Once breakfast was over, Mike and Lucy were headed back north.
Once they were gone, I had to ask Mistress what happened while Lucy and I were watching Trevor.
"Some spanking. And the butt plug again, slave...."
"More orgasms?"
"At least five, slave..... I lost count."
Poor Mistress. No wonder she needed that mid-day siesta in the sun.