Showing posts with label feathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feathers. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fill in the Blanks for Switch Day.

Mistress requires an early wake up call today. She’s driving our surly teen to hear the final sales pitch at one of the colleges on the short list. They need to be out the door by 7:15….

So let’s just offer up a few images, words and phrases and let you fill in the blanks with imagination or comments to describe how switch day went here yesterday morning at the UCTMW world HQ.


The red leather cuffs and those little locks to secure them to Mistress’s wrists.

The braided leather “rope” and with little clips at the end, good for securing Mistress on her tummy or back, arms spread overhead.

A single feather.

The palm of my hand.

Power Tool.

One Work-a-day Cock.


Feather applied to the sole of Mistress’s feet, and along the inside of calf and thigh, to the very apex of her firm and muscular legs.

Palm firmly landing on squirming ass.

Cock sliding from behind between those reddened cheeks.

Hitachi embraced by clenching thigh and ass muscles.



Muffled laughter.

Desperate squirms, ineffective in avoiding a firm but fair spanking.

Frenzied writhing.

Begging for permission, and, later, to stop after that 2nd Hitachi induced orgasm.

Amusing Dialog:

“Be careful there, Slave, you’re headed for the wrong orifice….”

“Oops… M would be upset if I got there before he did, after all, you’ve promised it to him….”

“At this rate, I may end up a virgin back there, Slave.”

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Collins' Re-Boot

Mistress was sleeping in a bit yesterday …. She had the unfortunate duty of taking one of the surly teens to have her wisdom teeth extracted. But at least she could turn it into a day away from her sometimes stressful  office.

I appreciated her willingness to indulge me though: when I cam  up with my laptop after my morning assignment was posted, she would have been entitled to mumble “I’ll read it later, Slave” and send me off to the showers.

But instead I was allowed to lavish her succulent folds with attention from tongue and lips as she read with bleary eyes.  Then she fondled my cock with her wily fingers and lascivious mouth until I was egging to fuck her. 

Yes, She is very  permissive. And I am a very spoiled Slave.

But as things turned out, she was not the only indulgent one at UCTMW, LLC.

I was plugging away at work, getting updates on our daughter’s procedure and recovery via text message, and then things went “dark” for about an hour. I wondered what Mistress was up to….

Around 11:30 am or so my cell phone rang.

“Hello, Slave…..”

She had that husky, sexy tone back in her voice, well fucked version.

“Have you been busy, Mistress…?”

“Well, M asked if he could call, and …. One thing led to another, Slave. The teen was asleep, so I figured….”

“You naughty Mistress…. How many?”

“Only 4, Slave….  We didn’t have that much time….”

“Only 4!”

She giggled a bit. still a bit giddy from all that coming I suspect.

“And did M get to have one of those exuberant comes too, Mistress….”

“Why, yes , Slave he did….”

I imagined Mistress splayed across our bed, coaxing M to fondle his “special occasion cock”, as she used the Hitachi to drive her self to multiple distractions.

“And what sordid tale did he spin for you this time, Mistress….”

“Nothing too complex… I flew out …. He picked me up at the airport …. He made me take my panties off on the drive to his cabin in the mountains…. That sort of thing.”

I was wondering if our Western Correspondent planned to submit a mileage voucher to the home office for this little junket. Some time he can abuse that expense account, like a over the hill journalists manning their paper’s foreign desks are want to do.

But then I thought of the cabin of his company car, filling with the exotic musk of my CEO, as he – or was it she – strummed her naughty bits on the drive up to his mountain hideaway.

That cock twitch inducing thought was quickly shoved to the side. I did have work to focus on, after all.

Mistress and I signed off.

She was planning to join me downtown late that afternoon for a reception we were hosting for a politico we admire, who is locked in a fight to the death with his sleazy opponent.

But in the meantime I had a little quest of my own to make sure I can bring to life ‘Nilla and M’s suggestions for our Sunday morning switch.

A fellow twit had suggested that feathers could be found at a downtown costume store.  The place was loaded up for Halloween. Kids and Moms were perusing for their costumes.

But, sure enough, next to a display of slutty balck fishnets for all those “Christine O’Donnell as Elvira” costumes that surely will be the rage this season, I found a collection of feathers.

Only 49 cents each. 

I picked up a few for Mistress’s entertainment. As I paid with the change from my pocket, I heard a clerk talking to a prospective customer on the phone.

“Exactly what type of antlers are you looking for….?”

Hmmmm …. what sort of kinky sexual ritual could involve antlers?

Later that afternoon, Mistress joined me as we entertained a group of 50 or so contributors, supporters, and hangers-on with our candidate out on our office deck, high over River City’s public square. It was a beautiful, toasty warm fall afternoon. The event was a success.

I am always thrilled to have the most beautiful woman in the room on my arm for such events. And I was particularly lucky she had not made me wear my cage.

It had been a long busy work week for the Collins’. A little extra stress was heaped on by some performance art we were both required to do. So, with word from home that the teen had a friend over to attend to her needs, we decided to stay downtown a while. We enjoyed dinner at a new restaurant opened by a local culinary superstar.

The photo is Mistress in her elegant cocktail dress, a glass of bubbly in hand.  A good way to hit the “reboot” button and start our weekend.

And, by the way, Mistress seemed pleased that I had found those feathers.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Going Shopping Today.

Mistress was a very busy girl again yesterday.

So was headed to a presentation to some female clients out in the hill country where, as my old professor used to say, “Man and Beast Live as One.”

“I hope you don’t mind that I wore pants today, Slave…. I know you like to fondle my legs on the way to work.”

“No problem Mistress….”

“Sometimes I think when you meet with a female client, they don’t like you flaunting your allure too much…”

I can understand that … Mistress is pretty hot. Other women might not welcome that under some circumstances. Might not take her as seriously as she deserves to be taken.

So she dropped me off for a change and headed off to her meeting.

“Watch out for cows, Mistress,” I said, kissing her goodbye.

At work, I was amused to collect some of your comments and suggestions for our Sunday switch opportunity.

Of course, there is no deadline…. Sundays come and go.

But there seems to be some consensus about this coming Sunday.

‘Nilla had an excellent idea about a feather…. I’ve not tickled Mistress in some time…. Definitely have to try that. And it seems that our Western Correspondent concurs, with a rather deviant twist:

“As always Don its your switch day, but my vote is for tying her on her back, spread eagle, and tickling with a feather, and teasing her with hitachi and not letting her cum that morning.”

Of course could be bad retribution for you! Living dangeriously

That seems like a plan, doesn’t it?

But where does one find a feather these days.

I turned to my (vanilla) twitter account.

“Where can I buy a feather? (Don’t want to pluck a bird?”

Sure enough, someone out there was happy to point me to a costume store a few blocks from my office. I’ll have to stop by at lunch time.

And before I head upstairs for some morning worship of my sleepy Mistress, I thought I would share a link to a story I saw yesterday on Salon. Young woman claims she’s “done writing about her sex life”, after years of getting published that way.


Of course, the article wouldn’t have been published but for her summary of all the wanton one night stands she had already written about. Sort of like the Beatles never recording a new song for 40 years, but continuously reissuing the old ones.

But, have no fear, readers. Mick isn’t close to done. But when I start writing about Mick and Molly’s greatest hits, please, pull the plug.
