Showing posts with label RR crossing sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RR crossing sex. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beware Greeks Bearing Chili

First, thanks for all the good wishes on our contractual anniversary. It’s that type of feedback (along with Mistress’s addictive nectar) that keeps me waking up early and writing these little love letters to Mistress  every morning!

And, as you might expect, Mistress indulged Slave yesterday after she read the blog – well I suppose the indulgence began while she was reading the blog.

We had plans that took us in different directions Saturday morning, so Friday night Mistress let it be known that the cage would be worn, and that she wanted me to come to bed with the steel ring already in place.  She likes how hard it makes me, and the fact that it takes a little more effort for me to come with it’s tight grip around my balls and cock.

That sucker does squeeze tight when I am fully engorged for her.

So, by the time she gave me permission to come Saturday morning, Mistress had a good sampling of orgasms to start her day.

Soon Mistress was off  to have her tresses trimmed. I was scrambling some eggs when I realized that in our mutual post sex hubris, we had forgotten to secure my cage over that tight ring.

I suppose I could have blown it off.

But that would have been wrong. 

I slid the cage in place, popped the little lock closed, and snapped a photo of the resulting encaged cock, sending it to her by text message.

“Didn’t forget, Mistress.”

“Very good Slave.”

I take simple pleasures in pleasing her.

And later I was rewarded.

She unlocked the cage before taking my ass with that strap-on of hers.

When we were done  – after more orgasms for her, and one for me - we took a long luxuriant nap, then read in bed, before heading downtown to meet some friends for dinner.

Before I get to an explanation for the  photo posted above, I wanted to share a story from earlier in the week that slipped through the cracks of my Friday morning blog.

Recall that we had spent Thursday evening down at the old ball game. Mistress’s firm had one of those luxury suites reserved for the evening. I was out on the balcony, watching the game and chatting with friends during the latter innings, while Mistress, not much of a baseball fan, was inside, working the crowd of clients and prospects who had been invited for drinks and dinner.

As the game ended, I came inside and found Mistress and one of her female colleagues under the spell of two swarthy young men who seemed equally entranced.

These were the scions of a famous River City Chili Empire – a Greek family that started with a humble neighborhood greasy spoon of a joint,  and now have a chain that stretches through the region.

Mistress had shared with me some stories about her meetings with the family, usually including some comment about how hot and compelling various members of this multi-generational family seemed.

One of these lads had dark, shiny curls, and a sort of Don Johnson “Miami Vice” era closely trimmed beard. The other had closely cropped hair. Both had dark piercing eyes, and all four of them seemed to be taking Mistress in with appreciative, seductive amusement.

And when I say “Young”, I mean young.

Early 20’s. 

Only if Mistress took both of them on at once could she say she was staying within her own age range.

I talked with the four of them for a while, but they kept theur eyes and attention 100% on dear Molly. One shared a long funny story with a slightly naughty theme. And they talked about how they were looking forward to Mistress joining them at an upcoming “Chili Convention” in Nashville.

So on the way home, It was natural for me to tease Mistress about the prospects of both of them sharing her bed on that little junket.  I had in mind a scenario where Mistress sucked the large throbbing  cock of one, while the other fed at her musky fountain.

And Mistress seemed more than game to consider that scenario.

But somehow I forgot to cast these two, compelling Mediterranean characters into the blog Friday. It would have been fun, simply to yank M’s chain a bit – something I am not above doing if only to “stir the drink” a bit.

Well, despite my neglect, Mistress must have discussed them with M on Friday, because this email popped up later in the day from our Western Correspondent:

“Is there any truth to the rumor that your humble WC is in danger of being replaced by two young Greek Chili tycoons and/or and very comely lesbian couple, all of who are certainly younger and better looking than your broken down old WC.

 I would remind you that I have given my life to this organization, and it may well constitute age discrimination to summarily dismiss your aging WC.  

In fact I think these allegations about the WC's alleged lack of productivity coming from your office these last few months, have  been an obvious   pretext for letting the WC go, in favor of younger and less expensive employees.  Any alleged admissions I made have made to the contrary were merely attempts at levity and did not constitute admissions or ratification of the scandalous charges you have made.  

In any case the Greek Chili Tycoon story certainly seems blog worthy to your humble WC.

Take care U2 nuts.”

So it seemed that Mistress had shared her  Cougar imaginings with her Cyber Dom, with the desired effect. 

Clever, Mistress. Very clever.

I responded to M as follows, without an admission or denial of the prospects of replacing our Western Correspondent with a younger, more energetic duo. Mistress could probably engage both of them at no more than half the salary of our more experienced, if under productive stringer form the Mountain time zone. But we might have to cover the costs of an on-line Journalism class.

“funny.... I forgot to mention those guys. I couldn't tell who was chasing whom last night.  The two guys were certainly charmed by Mistress.... but then again she seemed interested in what the chili guys had to offer too.”

M got back to me later Friday evening:

“Lol. I suspected just such a thing.. the little flirt cant help herself... bless her heart..."greek is good"...isn't that a line from a Michael Douglas movie, or something like that... and I hear they are experts at anal sex.... I might get beat to the punch .. but don't underestimate me. I'm a quick counter puncher with a hard right cross.”

I suspect Mistress would love to endure whatever M might have to offer in that category.

Now for that photo….

Last night, in the way home from dinner, we came to a rail crossing not far from our home, on a dark side street. The bars were down and red lights were flashing for a long freight train. It was late, and no other cars were in front of or behind us.

Rather than back up and find an alternative route, I put the car in park.

Mistress had  black, high boots on, for the first cool, damp day of Fall. But her legs were bare. She had not resigned to the inevitable arrival of tights weather just yet.

“Why don’t you pull down your underwear Mistress, to give me better access.

She was game, and even shot this photo before my fingers burrowed into her dampening folds as the red lights flashed and the train slowly rumbled past.

It was our Anniversary after all.

I figured Mistress deserved one more orgasm before bedtime.