"It's too quiet."

After skiing I even got in a little worship after our late afternoon nap, assuring Mistress with some double pleasure for the day. Then there three of us were off to a local road house out on the Mesa where it was "two stepping night". But for our daughter the key was designer Tacos and locally brewed ales that were the main attraction.
It was a surprisingly large crowd of 40-50 somethings dancing to the tunes of a band from down the highway in Santa Fe that did the whole "Western Swing" thing. Mistress and slave even danced to one waltz, no doubt embarrassing our Domme in training.
As we sipped our second drinks of the night, the fun began. First, a tall 50-ish gentlemen with sandy gray hair, in a flannel shirt and jeans ambled over from the bar and asked Mistress to take a twirl on the dance floor. Our daughter's eyes bugged out a tad, and slave smiled slyly. Poor Mistress. This fellow was clearly an appealing guy, just looking for a chance at taking the hottest babe in the room in his arms for 5 minutes or so. And if our daughter wasn't there, well, Mistress likely would have taken up his offer, if only to give her cuckolded hubby a little thrill and provide some blog fodder.
But with our daughter there?
"Sorry", she said, blushing a bit. "We're just hanging out here tonight....."
He took the news like a gentleman, and ambled back over to the bar, to re-join his "wingman", a guy in a cowboy hat supping a beer and following developments with interest. The two mumbled to each other after handsome guy was shot down by Mistress.
As the clock approached nine, the crowd began to thin. And our daughter, who had now been fed and gone through a couple of snifters of the house Ale, was getting fidgety. As in "can we go now?"
I was enjoying the fiddle player, and a scrawny lead guitarist in a cowboy hat and tie dyed electric blue pants that somehow matched his plaid blue shirt. But I wasn't going to hold up the show.

Sadly, after he enquired about Mistress's availability to join him on the dance floor, she shot him down too, making a similar excuse.
So while it's nice to have our daughter drop by for her extended stay, it's clearly cramping Mistress's style.
Only 4 more days!