UCTMW went "off line" for a few hours yesterday, which I will explain shortly. But first a little update on our busy Sunday.
After wake-up sex and a bike ride, we actually spent a day to ourselves, without family or work duties to pull us away. We spent a few hours sorting through the detritus off loaded from our storage unit last Sunday. Lots of lovely family photos we have no room to display. Plus a trove of Mistress's adolescent poetry. Maybe we should post them here as bog-fodder? I also found my grandfather's WW I helmet, and a flat autographed football from an ND fullback long past his prime. I mean, are there fullbacks any more?
Our evening was spent at an outdoor concert by a favorite local band with a bit of a national reputation. Here's a
video. Slave must confess he thinks the lead singer is hot. There was an eclectic Portlandia style crowd, on a steamy summer evening, and a picnic dinner for Mistress and Slave to share on our blanket up close to the music.
I needed to pick something up from my office, so after the concert, sun setting, we stopped by my perch looking over the City. I think I surprised Mistress when I offered to worship, but she's not one to say "no" when it comes to intimate attention to those clean shaven folds. She pulled up her short sun dress, wriggled out of her black panties, and allowed Slave to savor the mingled sweet and salty essence of Mistress's arousal after a long evening in the sun..... yum.
I think Mistress enjoyed my attention almost as much as I did serving her. Plus she didn't even have to take her sandals off.
Yesterday's blog security issue arose when one of Mistress's AM suitors used some rather persistent investigative skills to suss out both this blog, and then Mistress's "secret identity". This is a fellow who came knocking on her AM inbox last week while Slave was on the left coast. His interest in playing the Dom role got me to exercise my prerogative as Mistress's corresponding secretary to get some details, and then provide Mistress's email address for direct communications. But this clever fellow - we will call him D - was resourceful enough to discover the blog, and piece together the mystery of Molly's "real life" name. And he insisted on protecting his own identity until they met. This was outside Mistress's typical AM protocol, but the fellow seemed interesting and amusing enough to make her take the risk.
Mistress agreed to meet him in public at a nearby coffee joint, but she did have some trepidation, particularly when he let it drop that he knew her real name . Was this guy someone we knew? Maybe someone she had interviewed and rejected under a different name? Would he be the type who would blow our cover? Or was he just as paranoid as us?
His shabby spelling, despite his claim to be a health care professional, had us wondering if the WC was pulling Mistress's leg.
I suppose we could have taken the sort of precautions that Michael Corleone used in the Godfather, strapping a pistol in the toilet tank before the big "meet", just in case Mistress needed to resort to extraordinary measures.
"Wait a minute while I powder my nose, D."
Then - ka-boom. Mistress drops the pistol on the floor, strolls out the door, and hides out in Italy for a couple of years before things "cool off" in River City.
But that's not really the way we roll here at UCTMW.
It's only a sex blog, right?
But as it turned out, D and Mistress seemed to hit it off pretty well. She texted me that things were OK, and that the cavalry did not need to be called. D had done his homework and turned out to be a big blog fan, with lots of questions about Mistress's past adventures.
"He really laughed at the guy from your alma mater who had the same cock that you do, Slave...I had forgotten about that one...."
Now that is an obscure piece of UCTMW trivia.
D is about 10 years younger than Mistress. And tall.
"Sounds like the cougar thing may be back, Slave...."
He even brought Mistress a gift, showing an eye for a color she prefers. What do you think?
And they were trading text messages last night before bedtime, allowing us to shut down the AM profile which had been their only means of communications.
All in all, D seemed to make a nice first impression.
"He wants to meet you too Mick."
I look forward to it.
Plans are for a dinner here at the UCTMW World HQ when we get back from our trip later this week to our SW hideaway.