Friday, August 14, 2015

Slave Exceeds Expectations.

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it was an unusually active Thursday on the sex front.

Of course, there was the traditional wake-up sex rituals in the UCTMW Executive Suite before Slave headed off to work. Worship first as Mistress read the blog, then she indulged me as we tried to suppress our vocalization in order not to disturb our daughter sleeping acriss the haul.

Then there was Mistress's post-lunch dessert at my office. She stopped by after a lunch meeting for some worship.

"I don't have much time, slave.... so be quick about it....."

I happily complied, sliding her "throne" against my door. Laying down an absorbent towel to protect the upholstery from her abundant juices, then applied my tongue to the task at hand.  She seemed content with the outcome.

Don't you like those yellow toes?

Then, at the end of the day, after I rode my bike home, I surprised Mistress with a request that she consider allowing me to fuck her yet again, after emerging from the shower. 

"Really, slave?"

"I''m all fresh and clean, Mistress."

I know a lot of my cuckold-pals on the blog-o-sphere would be shocked at the temerity of an uppity slave who asks his Mistress for sex twice in one day.

But I've learned 0ver the years that if you don't ask, you're unlikely to get!

In this case, Mistress was very indulgent, if a little surprised that her slave had the energy to do it again after a busy work day.

It's nice that after all these years I can still surprise!


  1. Yes, i am shocked. And jealous too. As i've written before i'm the jealous type.

    Be that as it may, that's quite a day for any cuckold.

    sissy terri

  2. Every relationship has it's own unique dynamic. I do love how yours unfolds!
    Please also note that my URL has changed for my blog. Hate to lose you as followers.

    Happy adventures!

    ~ Vista

  3. What a lovely day! Love how She came (literally!) for office fun :),, and how you did it! Nice on riding the bike, staying in shape. Yes, luv those yellow toes!! And, i guess i'll have to ask for sex more... seems like it worked for you... who knew! sara e


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