Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Ultimate Pegging

Slave was sexually out of commission from Monday afternoon through Tuesday because I finally succumbed to the nagging of my MD and got that dreaded colonoscopy he'd said was my due ever since I hit 50.

As someone who has bent over and taken Mistress's strap-on  over the years, I suppose it should not have been something I shunned for so long. Mistress has had hers over the years.  Maybe it was watching her do the dreaded prep -- 36 hours of fasting and drinking a foul beverage to facilitate the total evacuation of the area to be plumbed.

Rest assured that while I was going through my little ordeal I tried my best to keep up with my slave duties: Mistress got some worship Monday evening and yesterday morning before she accompanied me to the MD's office.  Although, sadly,  she was denied the services of her work-a-day cock while my "prep" was underway.

Mistress accompanied me to my appointment, which was at a "surgery center" in a sleazy strip mall in a declining part of town.  Not real confidence building.

I had been told to bring a photo ID along with my insurance card.  Which brought one thought to mind: Do people send "ringers' to take their colonoscopies for them?  Like a student who gets some braniac to take the SAT for him?  And Why hadn't I thought of that.

As it turns out, the prep was much worse than the procedure. The last thing I remember was the nurse anesthesiologist chatting me up by testing me  with clever Latin phrases he learned at a Jesuit High School in Philadelphia. I never did see the actual device that found it's way up my back channel:

Then I woke up - I guess 30 minutes later - with the pleasant nurse offering me a coke, and, for some unknown reason, "I Left my Heart in San Francisco" running through my head.

If the Doctor asked himself that dreaded question _ "Hmmmm..... has something else been up here lately?", he didn't mention it to me.

Mistress was waiting for me in the reception area, told me I had "passed" the test, according to the MD, and drove me home.

So for all of you putting this off as I did, my advice after this experience: man up. It's not so bad.

Now, back to our regular programming.

BTW, Mistress has a meet up with her back-up lover K for a drink this evening.

"If you ride your bike to work slave, and it rains, you'll have to find your own way home."

Understood, Mistress.


  1. Mick,

    Good work on the prep Mick. The last thing you want is to have to go through it again because it was "too messy" down there. It happens you know!

    Can't believe you waited this long...about time you manned up!

    sissy terri

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience.
    Could you tell me which on line store the strap-on in your photo comes from.?It looks the right size and quality that I would like to experiment with. Michael

    1. Michael, that photo just came from google images. Not sure where you can buy it, but it does look nice, doesn't it?


    2. Michael, right click on the image and select "search with Google"or something to that effect (My windows is in a different language) and it will give you a list of sites that have the image. You can surf trough them.

      If you have a smart phone, pull up the amazon app, and point it at the image. amazon will look at their inventory to see if they have it.

      There's probably better ways, but those usually work for me.


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