Thursday, August 13, 2015

When Does Fantasy Sharing Cross a Line?

You'll be happy to know that poor slave's long dry spell ended yesterday morning --

"You seemed to be horny, slave" was Mistress's comment once the dust settled in the UCTMW Executive Suite.


Hopefully we can get back to a more rational sexual schedule now that my older daughter is heading back to the East Coast.

But today's edition is not an opportunity for me to whine about 2 consecutive days without sex, but about a text dialog Mistress was having with her "relief pitcher", K who is back in town and trying to get back onto Mistress's schedule.

We were sitting at our swim club at the end of the day, and Mistress was checking her texts and emails after taking laps for about 30 minutes.

"I thin K is annoyed with me Slave....."

"Why's that Mistress? Because you've not invited him over for a nooner?"

"No.... he's been sending me texts describing all these sexual fantasies he has about women at his office.... what he wants to do to the lady in the tight pants, and so on.  I told him the only sexual fantasies I want to hear about should relate to me....."

"That makes sense, Mistress..... maybe he has sexual fantasies, but can't he at least  tailor them to you?"

"That's what I think.... but he says I'm the only one he can share this stuff with.... I suppose that's true."

Of course, K could get his own sex blog if he feels a need to share.  But I am old school.....keep your fantasies about other partners to yourself. And if sharing fantasies are part of your seduction routine,  at least make it sound like they are about the object of your efforts of seduction.

Not that slave ever has fantasies about anyone other than Mistress.

Any thoughts, dear readers?


  1. I feel K is trying to say things he wants to do with your Mistress by using other women.

  2. WC here

    I'm old school too Mick

    Is K nuts!

  3. Definitely a misstep by K. Maybe time for another backup?

    sissy terri

  4. I don't really know why some men do this. I never share any fantasies related to other women with my wife. Maybe Archedone is right and he's using the fantasy as a test to see if your wife shows interest.

    Maybe it is more sinister. Perhaps he thinks that he needs to "step it up" to be par with your wife, who afterall, openly explores her relationship with two accepting males, regardless of their role.

    Back on my single days, I went out with a married woman. The intention was made clear by her that she was going to cheat on her husband with me, but then she had second thoughts and asked me to drop her off at home. I did, and a few days later I got a card thanking me for being such a gentleman. In truth, I was not being gentlemanly, but I had mixed feelings about being with a married woman, so when she changed her mind, it was kind of a relief.


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