So, absent some hot update on
cuckolding we are fortunate to have this contribution from our now retired
Western Correspondent reporting on his glory days as a Skigolo our here in the
Well I am very happy
Mick an Molly are safely tucked away in their SW hideaway
True: That Texans are pain in the ass skiers
Better to stay away
But at least ..
I never let one of them run over me
In fact I only got hit twice
The first time it was in Bend OR
I was watching a downhill race and got clobbered by a racer going
very fast
Ruptured my spleen and left me out for several
The second time was when I was a ski instructor at club med in
copper mountain in colorado
I always told my peeps to stop below the class
Of course you had to keep your eyes open to make sure they did
One day I looked away
Can you guess why?
You are right
So this guy
A very nice guy by the way
Just plowed into me and blew me over
The funny part is both my skies stayed just were they were
And my very expensive sunglasses were right between them!
But I only learned this later
By this time I was 50 yards down the hill
So I climbed back up
And found the rest of the story......
WC, that roving eye just
can’t stop biting you in the ass, can it?