Rest assured that there has been lots of R&R time in our upgraded suite, so that slave has delivered Mistress more than a few cums these last few days. And slave has hardly been denied himself! It turns out that not preparing a meal involving turkey and stuffing may be the ultimate Thanksgiving aphrodisiac! That and some of the local oysters!
The only downside has been the local internet service provider used by our Inn. Can you imagine my shock when I pressed the button to get to our Blog page only to learn that it was blocked as PORNOGRAPHY!
Moi, a pornographer? Say it isn't so! I think we run a very R rated blog here! We never cross the line into appealing to purely prurient interests. And I always discretely cover Mistress's clean shaven folds with a delicately placed zebra tail or something equally artsy! Add in the occasional political commentary and we have at least some redeeming social value at UCTMW, don't we?
Fortunately, I was able to retrieve our mobile wifi device from the car in order to connect with our demanding audience to assure you that we have not yet been interned at Guantanamo. Apparently Verizon doesn't have such discerning standards