Last evening we spent some time with friends at a local music venue, but got home in time to watch a bit of the political spectacle in Philadelphia. We've attended that event in the past, but somehow the thought of the East Coast heat, compounded by the hot air emanating from the podium and the assembled political class makes us more than happy to be hiding out in our hideaway rather than seeing if we can catch an uber along with 8000 other foot sore political hacks and their attendant media horde to and from the Convention Hall. It's a lot of hassle just to get a decent cheese steak.
When home I noticed a short email in my blogger in box. It was word from a long lost sex blogger compadra, Sin. She slipped off the radar screen some time ago. She announced she's back. Here's her blog address Finding My Submission.
Back in the day, we had some mutual commenting going on betwixt our blog, and several others. But like a lot of our past blogger pals, some folks move on. As I recall Sin had some security issues which threatened exposure and long distance Domme, Big Bad, who enjoyed pulling her strings to rather compelling erotic effect.
Hearing from Sin made us contemplate how long we've been at this, and why we keep on going when so many other bloggers have slipped away. While we enjoy the community aspect of things, and the back and forth that ensues, I suspect we do it more to entertain ourselves. The ritual of Mistress reading the blog while I ply her clean shaven folds with my lips and tongue each morning I post a new edition. And when we are apart, blog posts allow us to keep some sort of carnal connection going.
And of course there probably is a certain narcissistic element to sharing images of Mistress's lush curves and aggrandizing our healthy sex life.
Whatever the diagnosis, we are still getting page views, now approaching 2 million over the nearly 7 years we've been at this. I suspect we will keep at it until it gets boring, or we get busted!