Showing posts with label collarspace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collarspace. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024

Morning Has Broken?

Or is it Morning IS Broken? Hate to dredge up an old Cat Stevens song, but I was searching for some catchy way to kick off yet another re-boot of the UCTMW blog. And for those of you concerned, yes, Mistress and slave's wake up (morning) sex is still a daily ritual here at the SW hideaway.  But, sadly, there has not been much kinky or cuckold sex going on here at the hideaway. We spent a little too much time in Europe last year with our lovely daughters. And we are still confronted with the problem finding suitable playmates here in our small high desert town.

Not for lack of trying. We still have a profile on Collarspace, and a seemingly dormant profile on Fetlife.  But not much action.

There was one couple who responded to our Fetlife post a while back.  She was about Molly's age. He was about 10 years younger and purported to be a "Dom".  Mistress seemed potentially smitten by him at first. There was a meet over drinks encounter, then a laid back dinner at our house, where the wife expressed what we took to be an expression of interest in moving forward. And while we had never gotten involved with a couple, slave was willing to "take one for the team". But the husband seemed to fade into the background as she took the initiative going forward. It seemed she wanted to get into Molly's pants. Bottom line, it never panned out. 

More recently we got an overture from a guy on Collarspace from a nearby town who seemed age and interests compatible with Mistress. But when we agreed to exchange photos via gmail, all we got were dick picks. 

Yuck! Mistress does not judge potential partners (solely) on the dimensions of their tool. Turns out he was also married and needed to keep any relationship hush hush.  That would never work for Mistress, who is too experienced to want to play "hide-and-seek".

But then came another candidate from that same nearby town who put himself forward. The profile seemed to have potential until you came to the age line.

"Slave, he's half my age.  Younger than our two kids. That would never work".  And who is the lowly cuckold to question Mistress's judgment?

But then....that last candidate persisted.  Maybe it doesn't lead to anything smutty, he proposed, let's get to know one another.  That led to a chain of emails where he shared some of his interests and experiences, and the cuck reciprocated.  This youngster also demonstrated a clever turn of phrase and healthy sense of humor, something I know Mistress always appreciates as much as skills under the sheets. (Heck, how else did she end up with me?)

He asked about our experiences and interests, and I was candid.  I was also curious about how he got into the whole cuckold thing.

"I have been involved with couples before. I was introduced to the lifestyle in college when a girl came on to me. I knew she had a boyfriend, so I asked what the deal was and she explained. I've always had dominant tendencies, particularly in the bedroom, so it came naturally to me. From there I didn't always seek out couples, but often had an eye out and have had a few dynamics (though, like you, it has been a little while). She had a wild streak, he was on the submissive side. He was basically along for the ride. It was an excellent learning experience and jumping off point for bigger and better adventures for me."

Now that was a surprise to me.  I always thought the whole cuckolding thing popped up when more mature married couples decided to spice things up.  It was hard to imagine that as a college age guy I would get off on sharing my girl friend. And yet, I have noticed some fiction out there focusing in college campus cuckolds. Who knew it really happened?

When he pressed us on more details on our own experiences, I took the easy way out and pointed him to this blog, though it had been dormant for a while.  He seemed to enjoy and had some interesting reactions. 

"It's intriguing to read a blog written by clearly educated people. I find it easier to connect with similarly educated, intelligent, and curious people.

"For some reason I am (pleasantly) surprised by the amount of power exchange in your blog. Somehow I got the sense that you were not as into that sort of thing. It is definitely up my alley. The pinned list of wants for a part-time Dom describes me to a T (except I'm short a few years, but we've established that)."

Of course, Slave is easily flattered when someone takes a shine to our collective works here at UCTMW. And I was intrigued by some of his perceptive follow up comments. Like these:

"I was additionally surprised to find a level of "forced bi" play in your blog posts. I'm not sure why you guys struck me as more buttoned up initially.

I love forced bi dynamics for the same reason you guys do, or at least professed to in the posts I enjoyed last night. I am not attracted to men in any way, but find exerting my dominance over both hotwife and cuckold extremely erotic. Sharing a tender moment with the wife while cuckie cleans our juices off my cock, laughing with her as we make "him" prepare me for her, and seeing her face twist as I have her administrate a particularly cruel torment on my behalf are all some of my favorites."

As the conversation progressed, I told him all this had gotten me interested in re-booting the blog, and would he mind us sharing some of these communications with our "massive" devoted readership. (If you are still out there!) He agreed and even proposed some terms and conditions, including some rearrangements on the masthead, indexing upgrades and "Not to push my luck too hard, but I think it's only right that Mick only be referred to as "the cuckold" or some variation thereof (e.g. cucky, cucklette, sissy, etc.) from now on."

All that seemed reasonable to "the cuckold" and a reasonable price to pay for the inspiration to relaunch the blog, which, has always been a helpful accelerant for Mistress and her cuck's wake up sex.

We even mulled over what to call "him", on the blog seemed to agree on "Nascent Bull" (NB) reflecting both his age, his experiences  and his aspirations. 

Of course, the jury is out on whether Mistress will ultimately stick to her initial judgment that  he is "way too young". It's her call on whether to open that door, or keep it closed. But at the least, all this might lead to some interesting blog posts. 

Curious to hear from any readers still clicking on this link to know what they think about the potential "young dom" tames "cougar hot wife" scenario. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Autumnal Update: New Address for UCTMW World Headquarters

It's been a busy fall here in River city.  Mistress and slave packed up the UCTMW "home office", got rid of much detritus, and have escaped to a new venue: a river's edge apartment in our semi-bustling downtown. It's a big but unexpectedly pleasant change from our three floor rambling old house that we called our HQ (at least some of the time) over the last 15 years.

Suddenly freed of leaves to rake and quirky and unexpected  maintenance issues to resolve, it's given us more time for afternoon walks along our riverfront, and evenings re-introducing ourselves to restaurants and bars that we had avoided over the years as a little too far afield. We've also had more time for sex!  We actually accomplished the elusive "daily double" two days in a row over the weekend.  (What else are you going to do when the local NFL squad is in competition for the hallowed title for worst team in the nation? We shall under-come!)

And while the "side dish" situation has remained dormant, it has not been for lack of trying now that we have "settled in" to our new, downsized digs.  We have switched back on Mistress's OKCupid profile, and remain listed on Collarspace.  (If you do OKCupid, check her out at "Molly Collins")

But so far, only the typical losers and / or  liars have crossed Mistress's radar screen:

Example 1:  a guy who connects with us via Collarspace talks all big time Dom, claims he is single and available. Willing to meet up and see if there is chemistry, we show up at the designated bar on a sultry Monday night.  Get a table outside. And wait. And wait.  The guy "ghosts" us, and fails to even send an email explaining why he changed his mind.

Example 2:  Another would be Dom does meet us at the same location.  But .....pffft. Some lame story about how he and his wife remain married and co-habiting in the cliched "sexless marriage". While he represented he had a "free pass", he seemed very anxious to get out of there pronto, apparently worried about missing his curfew.  But the ultimate deal killer?  He told us he was a runner.  What we hadn't bargained on was his runner's bod.  Mistress does not go for scrawny dudes. And this guy was so scrawny it seemed like either one of us could bench press him.

Example 3: Guy with a seemingly appealing profile on OKCupid reaches out.  He says he's 60, a few years  older than her and a few years younger than me. In the "potential" ballpark.  Mistress plays along a bit. E mail addresses are exchanged. We trade photos. He gives her his real name. After a little googling Mistress determines that the guy is really north of 70.

"I already have someone older than me slave.  Why bother with someone even older!"

"Exactly, Mistress."

I am instructed, as her corresponding secretary , to convey the news, and I do, without calling attention to his massive age fib.  He responds with an "I get it, but am disappointed."  So we've heard the last of him, right?  Uhhh, no.

An hour or so later another email pops up in our "burner" in-box: "Are you sure?" he asks, and attaches this photo:

Yes, dude. Mistress is  even more sure.

So the hunt goes on.  If any of our readers have any thoughts on where to open a new "front", let us know.

In the meantime, enjoy those falling leaves.  I, for one,  will not be raking them!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Update from River City

Mistress and slave are back in River City, in a transition phase.

We are packing up our things (way too many things!) and getting ready to downsize to a local apartment building. We hope that a year from now we will be full timing it at our SW hideaway.  There's been some groaning from our daughters about this.... they don't like the idea that feeling there is no homestead where they can occasionally return and keep all the stuff they've had no use for in years.  But they can visit us in the West can't they?

These last two weeks, our daughter who's been "studying" in Europe has camped out with us. along with her European boyfriend.  He's a clever guy, and they seem to get along well. But their occupation of the adjoining bedroom has required Mistress and her slave to resort to stealthier sexual practices than we prefer.

That means stifling our sounds of passion, and keeping the buzzing sounds of Mistress's favorite power tool at bay.

And though we've been laying low on this blog site for some weeks now, I was surprised to discover that some of you are still reading us!  The internal tools here show that we still get several thousand page views each week, mostly from the US, but also from "the continent" and Asia as well.  Not sure what has kept people dropping by, but it makes me feel a little guilty that we've done nothing to fuel your sexual fantasies of late.

But after we make our move to our new local digs, we may be able to improve on that.  We recently had an overture from a local gentleman via the Collarspace website interested in a meet up.  We will have to see if Molly is ready to get back in the water and interview this potential cuckolder.