Showing posts with label National Masturbation Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Masturbation Month. Show all posts

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Messy Month of May

Both of our "contributors"  chimed in with some blog fodder yesterday.

First our Senior Correspondent, Donna, emailed to remind me in a timely fashion that May is "Masturbation Month". Does Congress take time from it's busy vacation schedule to make this official every year? In any event, I'm hoping that Mistress new Hitachi arrives today so that she does not have grounds to punish me for the mechanical failure that could get her NMM off to an inauspicious start. Without her favorite power tool this weekend, she will definitely have some catching up to do.

As for Slave, I somehow doubt I will have any opportunity to celebrate NMM. After all, there would be no reason to breach the "no touch" rule. Mistress likes to me to save all those natural juices for herself.

Meanwhile, our Western Correspondent took some time off from his own abusive masturbation habits to comment on the blog yesterday.  (Although I suppose he could be one of those legendary one hand typists). He noted that he and his wife are now on their 3rd Hitachi.  One burned out, he says. And the second one was BORROWED BY HIS DAUGHTER!

As I recall it, the WC's daughter is still just a teen, right?  Isn't she a little too young to require mechanical assistance? And if she does, it's hard to imagine her sharing her plans with her dad.


I'm hoping it was purely for the treatment of a sports injury, WC.

Let's hope that all our readers (except those of you under lock and key) have a (self)gratifying national masturbation month. Feel free to share in the comments section any special celebratory plans you've made.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mistress Gets Home Just in Time

There's nothing like the sight of your oh so sexy Mistress walking in the door at  7 am or so, after a sleepover with her lover. Mistress seemed amazingly refreshed, in a sexy top and well fitted pants, presumably what she had worn to work the day before.  Maybe for some an early AM reappearance in   the prior day's outfit would be described as a "walk of shame", but not at the UCTMW World HQ.

No, it's a badge of honor!

"You look hot, Mistress...."

"Really.... I'm actually pretty tired Slave....."

No doubt. But she pulled it off well.

She came upstairs with me, ready to shower.  But first things first.

"Did you write a blog, Slave?"

"I did...."

She laid back on the bed, now naked, and I handed her the computer.  s she read I set to my morning "devotions".

"How do I taste, Slave?"

"Like you've been having sex, Mistress."

She giggled as she read, and I wasn't sure if it was over my clever writing or the thought of her Slave savoring all those flavors.

After she had finished.... both the reading and the cumming, Slave was, as you might expect, a tad horny.  That was pretty evident from the state of my cock as I lay there next to Mistress.  I knew she was anxious to get in the shower.  The work day called, and she'd probably had more than her fair share of sex in the preceding hours.

While I was mindful of the fact that May is National Masturbation Month (thank you Donna for this cute announcement), I had been scrupulous in following the "no touch without permission rule", not wanting to give Mistress any excuse to deny parole from my cage on these types of occasions. (Whether it pissed off the Pope was not a major consideration).

But could I expect relief before the end of the day?

It was probably presumptious of me, but I had to ask.

"Would you mind if I fuck you, Mistress....."

"Hmmmm.... what time is it Slave?"

I looked at the clock.  It was exactly 7:29 am....

"Alright, then.... you've been a good Slave..... but it will have to be a quickie...."

"That will not be a problem, Mistress...."

I guess I am a pampered house Slave.